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Support for React Router 6

This document serves as a brain dump for the architectural choices made when the plugin was upgraded from React Router 5 to React Router 6.

Deprecated Components

The old plugin used components that were no longer supported in RR6, like <Switch> and <Redirect>. These were switched to the newer versions and documented.

Removal of RouterProviderToken

The previous plugin allowed for replacing the stock with a custom one to faciliate third party packages like connected-react-router. It was removed for two reasons:

  • Since connected-react-router package does not support RR6, the main usage case is gone
  • Swapping the browser instance is not as straight forward as before, mainly because the default BrowserRouter creates a mechanism to subscribe between the history object changing locations and updating the Router. Any custom provider passed in will need to scaffold that up manually and it is an implementation detail that can easily be missed and cause the browser side to stop working.


The ability to pass a StaticContext object into the core Router component was removed. Because this context was only used in the components that we define in the plugin (Navigate, Status), we can preserve this behavior by leveraging the legacy getChildContext() API and adding what we need there.


The API interface for this module was changed to match any changes that were made in history v5. In regards to basename, there was a clear pattern between the relationship between the router and the history object:

  • On the router side, the router masks the URL prefix when conducting operations via the URL (like route matching). Thus, when the URL is being fed into the router, the basename is stripped out. When the URL is being sent out of the router, the basename is added onto the URL.
  • On the history side, it works WITH the basename. So all operations to push/replace the URL will do so with the basename.

The previous plugin and server history module didn't exactly follow this correctly so it caused the prefix to be added to areas it didn't need to be so this was cleaned up in the upgraded plugin.


Under the hood, the plugin uses the unstable_HistoryRouter component from react-router-dom since we want to maintain the programmatic API from the plugin to allow for changing the page outside of the React context. This allows us to create the history object external to the router itself which is what the BrowserRouter implementation inside the plugin does.

Routes / trackingId for Route

The previous plugin allowed for defining a trackingId property on the custom Route component that the plugin exported. In order to replicate this functionality, a custom Routes component was created that iterates through all child Route components, reads any custom trackingId values, and creates an internal map of route path to trackingId. Then when we need to fire onRoute, we can do a reverse lookup to see if we need to replace the page title with the trackingId.

The reason this indirection is needed is because internally RR6 does not actually render any Route components. It looks directly at the children of the parent Routes component and rebuilds the component tree with which it does its route matching. We cannot declare custom Route components with a trackingId property here since the code also does an equality check to make sure all child components of Routes match the real internal Route component which it wouldn't if we replaced it with a custom one.

Lastly, the code on the browser side uses a useLocation() hook call with an useEffect() so that we can fire onRoute anytime the current location changes and we can detect that we have a router match using matchRoutes. On the server side since useEffect() does not trigger we make a manual one time call.

Navigate (Redirect in RR5)

Server side redirection was removed in RR6 so in order to preserve compatibility, the custom Navigate component supports reading a status code and using the parent context object to set ctx.status as well as call into the ServerHistory module to actually make the redirect.