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The Fusion Programming Language

Welcome to the description of yet another programming language! Unlike most languages that you may have learned before, Fusion does not claim to be the best universal programming language. Instead, it solves one specific problem: how to create code that can be simultaneously used with C, C++, C#, D, Java, JavaScript, Python, Swift, TypeScript and OpenCL. For example, if you invented a new compression format, you could implement it in Fusion and have the automatic translator fut generate the source code in the aforementioned languages, allowing programmers of those languages to use your code.

Fusion is a language for programmers with vast experience in several other languages. The syntax is akin to C#. In fact, C# syntax highlighting works quite well for Fusion. However, Fusion is not a C# clone or a subset of it. The differences stem from the need to have completely automated translation to efficient C and JavaScript code in particular.

Fusion is object-oriented because most of the target languages are object-oriented, and you are probably familiar with this paradigm. This can be seen as an improvement over C. Nevertheless, C programmers will find using the object-oriented C output fairly straightforward.

Runtime library dependencies are minimal. The C output is often a self-contained pair of .c/.h files containing portable, human-readable C99 code. Similarly, the outputs in other languages do not rely on anything except the standard language. There are two exceptions:

  1. If the Fusion code uses regular expressions, List, Queue, Stack, HashSet, SortedSet, Dictionary or SortedDictionary, the C output relies on GLib implementations of these.
  2. Math.FusedMultiplyAdd is implemented in Python with pyfma.

Memory management is native to the target language. A garbage collector will be used if available in the target language. Otherwise (in C and C++), objects and arrays are allocated on the stack for maximum performance or on the heap for extra flexibility. Heap allocations use C++ smart pointers.

Source files

Fusion source files have the .fu filename extension.

Source file contents must be UTF-8 encoded with an optional BOM.

Most of the time, whitespace is insignificant in Fusion source code. Let's continue indentation style flame wars!

There are single-line comments from // till the end of line and /* multiline comments */. Documentation comments are described below.

Data types

Boolean type

The boolean type is called bool and its literals are true and false.

The boolean operators are ! (not), && (and), || (or) and the ternary operator x ? y : z (if x then y else z).


Most of the time, you will use the 32-bit integer type int. For larger numbers, use the 64-bit long.

int and long are often sufficient for scalar variables. For arrays, you want to conserve storage space and use smaller types where possible. Not only reduces it memory footprint, but it's also cache-friendly, which is essential for good performance. Small integers are implemented in Fusion in terms of ranges specifying the lower and upper bounds, both of which are inclusive. For example:

0 .. 100 [1000] arrayOfSmallIntegers;

is a definition of an array of a thousand integers between zero and one hundred. fut figures out the best data type in the target language to represent a range. It is the programmer's responsibility to assign only the values that are in the given range. This is not verified during compilation or runtime. Also, you should avoid overflows because it is not guaranteed that values will be wrapped to the specified range.

There are aliases for commonly used ranges:

  • byte is 0 .. 255
  • short is -32768 .. 32767
  • ushort is 0 .. 65535
  • uint is 0 .. 2147483647.

Note that a uint is not a 32-bit unsigned integer, but a 31-bit one. As such, it doesn't provide extended range over an int. It serves as documentation that a negative number is not allowed. byte corresponds to byte in Java, even though the Java type is signed. To accomplish this, fut injects & 0xff in every retrieval of a byte value.

Integer literals may be written as:

  • decimal (1234)
  • hexadecimal (0x12ab)
  • binary (0b101)
  • octal (0o777)

Character literals (such as 'c') represent the Unicode codepoint of the character as an int (not char because there's no such type in Fusion). You may also use the following escape sequences:

  • '\'' - apostrophe
  • '\"' - double quote
  • '\t' - horizontal tab
  • '\r' - CR
  • '\n' - LF
  • '\\' - backslash

Operations on integers are conducted with the usual binary operators + - * / % & | ^ << >>, compound assignments (such as *=), incrementations and decrementations (x++ ++x x-- --x), negation (-), bitwise complement (~) and comparisons (== != < <= > >=).

Incrementations and decrementations cannot be conditional in an expression. That is, they cannot be used on the right side of &&, || or the ternary operator. This is because such expressions wouldn't easily translate to Python or Swift, where incrementations and decrementations are implemented as += and -= statements.

MinValue and MaxValue constants are defined for all integer types, for example int.MaxValue.

Floating-point numbers

There are two floating-point types: float and double. Use the aforementioned operators, except for bitwise operations.

There's a built-in Math class with the following constants:

  • Math.PI
  • Math.E
  • Math.PositiveInfinity
  • Math.NegativeInfinity
  • Math.NaN

and static methods:

  • Math.Abs(int a)
  • Math.Abs(long a)
  • Math.Abs(double a)
  • Math.Acos(double a)
  • Math.Asin(double a)
  • Math.Atan(double a)
  • Math.Atan2(double y, double x)
  • Math.Cbrt(double a)
  • Math.Ceiling(double a)
  • Math.Clamp(int value, int min, int max)
  • Math.Clamp(long value, long min, long max)
  • Math.Clamp(double value, double min, double max)
  • Math.Cos(double a)
  • Math.Cosh(double a)
  • Math.Exp(double a)
  • Math.Floor(double a)
  • Math.FusedMultiplyAdd(double x, double y, double z)
  • Math.IsFinite(double a)
  • Math.IsInfinity(double a)
  • Math.IsNaN(double a)
  • Math.Log(double a)
  • Math.Log10(double a)
  • Math.Log2(double a)
  • Math.Max(int a, int b)
  • Math.Max(long a, long b)
  • Math.Max(double a, double b)
  • Math.Min(int a, int b)
  • Math.Min(long a, long b)
  • Math.Min(double a, double b)
  • Math.Pow(double x, double y)
  • Math.Round(double a)
  • Math.Sin(double a)
  • Math.Sinh(double a)
  • Math.Sqrt(double a)
  • Math.Tan(double a)
  • Math.Tanh(double a)
  • Math.Truncate(double a)

Conversion from floating-point type to integer must be explicit, by using one of the above methods that return an integer:

double d = 10.5;
int i = Math.Trunc(d); // translated to: (int) d
int j = Math.Ceiling(d);
int k = Math.Floor(d);
int n = Math.Round(d);


Enumerations have user-defined values. Example:

enum DayOfWeek

enum may be preceded with the keyword public to extend the visibility of the type outside Fusion, that is, make the enumerated type part of the public interface of the library implemented in Fusion.

When referencing a value of an enumerated type, you need to include the type name, for example DayOfWeek.Friday. Note to Java programmers: this includes the case clauses.

For values which are not mutually exclusive, use enum* and assign integer values:

enum* Seasons
    Spring = 1 << 0,
    Summer = 1 << 1,
    Fall = 1 << 2,
    Winter = 1 << 3,
    Autumn = Fall,
    Warm = Spring | Summer,
    Cold = Fall | Winter

enum* values can be combined with the | & ^ ~ operators. The HasFlag method can be used to check if the enum* has all the specified flags:

Seasons s = Seasons.Warm;
bool ok = s.HasFlag(Seasons.Summer);

Convert an integer to an enumeration with the FromInt method:

enum Magic
    One = 1,
    Answer = 42

assert Magic.FromInt(42) == Magic.Answer;


In Fusion there are three string data types:

  • String storage, written as string().
  • String reference, written simply as string.
  • Nullable string reference, written as string?.

This distinction enables straightforward translation to C and C++, which have no garbage collector. In C++, string storage is represented by std::string, while string reference is C++17 std::string_view. In C, string storage is a char * pointing to a malloc'ed string, and string reference is const char *. In the other languages, String is used for both string storage and reference.

A string reference can do the following:

  • Reference a string storage. The reference becomes invalid once the string storage is modified or destroyed.
  • Reference a string literal (e.g. "foo"). Such references are always valid.
  • Nullable references may have the value null.

String literals are written in double quotes: "Hello world". You may use \n and the other escape sequences allowed in character literals.

Possible string operations include the following:

  • Assignment with =. For string storage in C and C++, a copy is made.
  • Concatenation with + and +=.
  • Comparison with == and !=. fut translates this to strcmp in C and str1.equals(str2) in Java. The two comparison operators can also be used to check nullable references for the null value - use str == null or str != null. It is not legal to compare two string references if any of them is null.
  • Length retrieval with str.Length.
  • Code unit retrieval with str[index].
  • str1.StartsWith(str2), str1.EndsWith(str2) and str1.Contains(str2) return a boolean value.
  • str1.IndexOf(str2), str1.LastIndexOf(str2) return an index to the beginning of str2 within str1, or -1 if not found.
  • str.Substring(offset, length) evaluates to the selected part of the string.
  • str.Substring(offset) returns the part of the string from the specified position until the end of the string.
  • str.Replace(old, new) returns the contents of str with all occurrences of old substituted with new.
  • str.ToLower() and str.ToUpper() return a copy of the string with characters changed to respectively lowercase and uppercase
  • Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray, offset, length) encodes the specified array part as a Base64 string.
  • Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str) calculates the number of bytes needed for UTF-8 encoding of the string.
  • Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str, byteArray, byteArrayIndex) writes UTF-8 to the specified byte array, starting from the given index.
  • Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray, offset, length) creates a string from the specified part of a byte array.

Different target languages have different character encodings. str.Length and index/offset are defined in terms of code units, which might be 8-bit or 16-bit. An ASCII character is always encoded as a single code unit, but Unicode code points can be stored in several code units, typically encoded as UTF-8 or UTF-16. However, Fusion doesn't enforce any encoding.

Interpolated strings

An interpolated string starts with $" and contains expressions in braces. The expressions are replaced with their textual representations. Example:

string name = "John";
int born = 1979;
int now = 2019;
string() s = $"{name} is {now - born} years old";

The expressions might be formatted by specifying field width (after a comma) and/or format string (after a colon).

string name = "John";
int i = 15;
double d = 1.5;
string() s = $"{name, 5} {i:X2} {d,5:F2}"; // " John 0F  1.50"

If field width is specified, the formatted expression is padded with spaces. The expression is right-aligned if the width is positive and left-aligned if the width is negative.

The following format strings are supported:

  • D<n> or d<n> formats an integer in decimal, padding with leading zeros to n digits.
  • X or x formats an integer in hexadecimal. X uses uppercase digits, x uses lowercase digits. The optional number specifies padding with leading zeros.
  • F<n> or f<n> formats a float or a double with n digits after the decimal point.
  • E<n> or e<n> formats a float or a double in exponential notation with n digits after the decimal point. The exponent symbol E or e matches the format string.

Regular expressions

Strings can be tested against regular expressions:

string s = "456";
bool isInteger = Regex.IsMatch(s, "^\\d+$");

Regex.IsMatch accepts an additional argument of type RegexOptions:

  • RegexOptions.IgnoreCase matches both uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • RegexOptions.Multiline changes the behavior of ^ and $ to match at the beginning and the end of a line instead of just the beginning and the end of the string. Lines are separated by the newline ('\n') characters.
  • RegexOptions.Singleline changes the behavior of the dot (.) so that it matches every character. Normally it doesn't match the newline ('\n').
  • The above options can be combined with the "or" operator (|).

To retrieve the location and contents of the match, create a Match() object and call its Find method:

Match() match;
if (match.Find(s, "^.{81,}$", RegexOptions.Multiline)) {
    Console.WriteLine($"Found long line of {match.Length} characters, "
        + $"starting at {match.Start}, ending at {match.End}:\n{match.Value}");

The properties Start, End, Length and Value can be accessed only if Find returns true. The same restriction applies to the GetCapture(int group) method that retrieves the part of the match corresponding to the parentheses in the pattern.

Match() match;
if (match.Find(url, "^(\\w+)://") && match.GetCapture(1) == "https") {
    Console.WriteLine("Secure connection");

Use Regex.Escape to escape a string so that its characters won't be interpreted as wildcards:

string youtube = Regex.Escape(""); // dots matched literally
bool isYoutubeMovie = Regex.IsMatch(url, youtube + "/watch\\?v=\\w+");

For better performance of repeated matches of the same regular expression, create a Regex object and use it:

Regex# re = Regex.Compile("\\d+"); // specify RegexOptions if needed
bool containsInteger = re.IsMatch(s);
Match() match;
if (match.Find(s, re)) {
   Console.WriteLine($"Found integer: {match.Value}");


Arrays are fixed-size collections, where every element has the same type and can be accessed in O(1) time. Fusion array types are:

  • Array storage, written as T[n] where T is the element type and n is the compile-time constant length.
  • Dynamic array reference, written as T[]#.
  • Read-only array reference, written as T[].
  • Read-write array reference, written as T[]!.
  • Nullable dynamic array reference, written as T[]#?.
  • Nullable read-only array reference, written as T[]?.
  • Nullable read-write array reference, written as T[]!?.

Dynamic array references are allocated on the heap using new:

int[]# dynamicArray = new int[1000];

Dynamic array references can be assigned to other dynamic array references. The dynamic array is alive as long as there's at least one dynamic array reference to it. In C++, dynamic array references are implemented as std::shared_ptr. In C, a custom equivalent of std::shared_ptr is generated.

Read-only and read-write array references can point to either array storage or dynamic arrays. Read-only and read-write references must be used with care because if the storage or dynamic array gets destroyed, the read-only/read-write reference becomes a dangling reference and must not be dereferenced.

It is not possible to modify the array via a read-only reference:

int[10] arrayStorage;
int[] readOnlyArrayRef = arrayStorage;
readOnlyArrayRef[0] = 42; // fut error

Array size is only available for array storage, via arrayStorage.Length.

The initial content of arrays (either storage or dynamic) is undefined unless explicitly specified:

int[100] oneHundredZeros = 0;

You can fill a part of an array with a single value:

array.Fill(value, startIndex, count);

or the whole array storage:


Check if the array storage contains an element:

bool found = arrayStorage.Contains(42);

Array slices can be copied to other arrays and within the same array with sourceArray.CopyTo(sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, count).

Arrays and lists of numbers can be sorted:

arrayRef.Sort(startIndex, count);

To retrieve the index of a number in a sorted array, use BinarySearch:

int index = sortedArray.BinarySearch(value, startIndex, count);
if (index >= startIndex && index < startIndex + count && sortedArray[index] == value)
    Console.WriteLine("not found");

References might be compared - this compares the identity of the arrays, not their contents:

int[4] x = 0;
int[] rx = x;
int[4] y = 0;
int[] ry = y;
bool referencesEqual = rx == ry; // false, referencing different arrays

Multi-dimensional arrays are supported:

byte[2][3] multiDimArray;
multiDimArray[1][2] = 1;

You may declare constant byte arrays, initialized with the contents of a file provided to fut. For example, resource<byte[]>("") is an array consisting of bytes of the file read while running fut.


Classes are user-defined compound types.

class Animal
    // class contents (members) go here

Note to C++ programmers: do not place a semicolon after the closing brace.

Fusion supports single inheritance. Put base class name after a colon:

class Cat : Animal

As with enum, placing public before class makes it part of the library interface.

Classes can be:

  • static, meaning they only contain static methods and constants.
  • abstract, meaning they cannot be instantiated and only serve as base classes.
  • sealed, meaning they cannot be derived from. This is the C# term for Java's final.

Class members can be:

  • fields - the data contained in every object
  • methods - class-specific code
  • constructor - code to be executed on object creation
  • constants - named compile-time values

Every member has a visibility:

  • private is the default visibility, meaning the member is only visible to other members of the class. There is no private keyword.
  • protected means the member is visible to this class and its subclasses.
  • internal means the member is visible to the Fusion code compiled with it.
  • public means the visibility is unrestricted.


Fields are defined by specifying the visibility, type, name, and optionally, the initial value:

class Car
    internal string() Model;
    int Year;
    int Seats = 5;

Languages such as Java and C# initialize every field, even if you don't provide the initial value. In Fusion fields are uninitialized unless initialized explicitly:

class Point
    int X = 0;
    int Y = 0;

Fields cannot be public. Instead, define getter/setter methods:

public class Image
    int Width;
    public int GetWidth() { return Width; }
    public int SetWidth!(int value) { Width = value; }

    int Height;
    public int GetHeight() => Height; // syntax sugar

Fields cannot be static. Shared state poses problems with lifetime and multithreading.

You can initialize selected fields when creating object storage or a dynamic object:

Rectangle() storage = { Width = 4, Height = 3 };
Shape# dynamic = new Rectangle { Width = 16, Height = 9 };


Constants must be assigned a compile-time value, but it can reference other constants. Constants are implicitly static.

public class RECOIL
    public const int VersionMajor = 6;
    public const int VersionMinor = 3;
    public const int VersionMicro = 4;
    public const string Version = $"{VersionMajor}.{VersionMinor}.{VersionMicro}";

Constant arrays are also allowed:

public class Foo
    public const string[] Metasyntactic = { "foo", "bar", "baz", "quux" }; // implicit length
    public const byte[4] SmallPrimes = { 2, 3, 5, 7 }; // explicit length must match


Fields can usually be initialized by specifying initial values. If initialization must be performed by code, define a constructor using the class name followed by an empty pair of parentheses:

public class Foo
    public Foo()
        // initialization here

A public constructor is also required to enable object creation outside Fusion.

Constructors in Fusion never take arguments. This promotes reuse of existing objects instead of allocating a lot of single-use objects. If you need to initialize the object with some outside data, create a method such as Init.


Methods are defined by specifying the following in order:

  • visibility (public, internal, protected or the default private)
  • call type (static, abstract, virtual, override, sealed or the default normal)
  • return type (or void for no return value)
  • method name
  • an exclamation mark (!) if the method is a mutator (see below)
  • a comma-separated parameter list in parentheses
  • method body, unless the method is abstract

Non-static methods have an implicit reference to the object they are working on, called this.

Abstract methods have no body. They must be overridden in a derived class. The override specifier is mandatory (unlike in C++ and Java). A sealed method (final in Java terms) is implicitly override. To call a virtual or override method from a class that overrides this method, use base.MethodName(arguments).

The method name identifies the method within the class. Fusion does not support overloading. It does support default argument values, though:

int ParseInt(string s, int radix = 10) {

A method body is usually a block (sequence of instructions in curly braces). If the method body consists entirely of the return statement, there's an alternative syntax:

public int GetWidth() => Width;

A method is called pure if its only effect is the return value (that is, no state is modified). fut can evaluate such methods at compile time:

static int Square(int x) => x * x;
int[Square(10)] arrayStorage; // OK, 100 elements

static int FourCC(string s) => s[0] | s[1] << 8 | s[2] << 16 | s[3] << 24;
switch (signature) {
case FourCC("WAVE"): // OK, compile-time constant


Once a class is defined, you can instantiate it, that is, create objects using the class as a template.

Similarly to arrays, there are seven types associated with every class C:

  • C() is object storage.
  • C# is a dynamic object reference.
  • C is a read-only object reference.
  • C! is a read-write object reference.
  • C#? is a nullable dynamic object reference.
  • C? is a nullable read-only object reference.
  • C!? is a nullable read-write object reference.

The simplest way to instantiate objects is with object storage:

Cat() alik;

This translates as follows:

Cat alik = new Cat(); // C#
final Cat alik = new Cat(); // Java
const alik = new Cat(); // JavaScript
const alik : Cat = new Cat(); // TypeScript
alik = Cat() # Python
let alik = Cat() // Swift
Cat alik; // C++
Cat alik; // C, potentially followed by construction code

Note that in C and C++, object storage variables are placed on the stack for maximum performance.

Array storage of object storage:

Wheel()[4] wheels;

creates an array of 4 objects of class Wheel.

A more powerful (but costly) way is to allocate an object dynamically:

Animal# animal;
if (nerd)
    animal = new Cat();
    animal = new Dog();

This translates to the following C++:

std::shared_ptr<Animal> animal;
if (nerd)
    animal = std::make_shared<Cat>();
    animal = std::make_shared<Dog>();

Read-only and read-write references translate to raw pointers in C and C++ and therefore become dangling once the object pointed to is destroyed.

Read-only references cannot be used to modify the object, that is, modify its fields or call a mutator method.

Circle() circle;
Shape readOnlyReference = circle;
readOnlyReference.Color = 0x00ff00; // fut error
readOnlyReference.Move(100, 100); // fut error

A mutator method of class C is a method where this is of type C!. In a non-mutator method, this is of type C (a read-only reference). Static methods do not have this, so the mutator/non-mutator classification doesn't apply.

To test the runtime type of an object reference, use the is operator. It corresponds to instanceof in Java and JavaScript and dynamic_cast in C++. The following forms are supported:

// 1.
bool isDerivedClass = baseReference is Derived;

// 2.
if (baseReference is Derived derivedReadOnlyRef) {
    // use derivedReadOnlyRef here

// 3.
if (baseReadWriteOrDynamicReference is Derived! derivedReadWriteRef) {
    // use derivedReadWriteRef here

// 4.
if (baseDynamicReference is Derived# derivedDynamicRef) {
    // use derivedDynamicRef here

The is operator can be used in any boolean expressions, but the introduced derived reference variable can only be used when the is operator returns true. That is, the following code is invalid:

if (animal is Cat cat) {
else {
    cat.Miaow(); // ERROR, "cat" undefined

For downcasting that always succeeds, use assert:

assert animal is Cat! cat;

This translates to:

Cat cat = (Cat) animal; // C#, Java
let cat = animal as! Cat; // Swift
Cat *cat = (Cat *) animal; // C
Cat *cat = static_cast<Cat *>(animal); // C++
const cat = animal; // JavaScript
const cat = animal as Cat; // TypeScript
cat = animal; // Python

The is operator cannot be used for:

  • same type on both sides of the operator (would always return true)
  • checking if a derived reference is of base type (would always return true)
  • unrelated types (would always return false)
  • checking the type of object storage (pointless, C() is always an instance of class C, never a subclass of it)


In addition to arrays, Fusion has eight built-in collection types:

  • List<T> is a resizable array (std::vector in C++, ArrayList in Java)
  • Queue<T> is a FIFO (first in, first out) collection
  • Stack<T> is a LIFO (last in, first out) collection
  • HashSet<T> is a collection of unique values
  • SortedSet<T> is a collection of unique sorted values
  • Dictionary<TKey, TValue> is a dictionary (std::unordered_map in C++, HashMap in Java)
  • SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue> is a dictionary sorted by key (std::map in C++, TreeMap in Java)
  • OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue> is a dictionary that can be iterated in insertion order (LinkedHashMap in Java)


A list must specify element type. This can be any Fusion type.

List<int>() listOfInts;
List<string()>() listOfStringStorage;
List<string>() listOfStringReferences;
List<Circle()>() listOfCircles; // user-defined class
List<Shape#>() listOfShapes; // dynamic references
List<int[2]>() listOfIntPairs; // array storage

Add appends a new element at the end of the list. Insert inserts an element at any position. AddRange appends all elements of the passed list.

listOfInts.Insert(0, 1337); // insert at the beginning

Object or array storage must be added/inserted to the list without specifying the value.

listOfIntPairs.Insert(0); // insert at the beginning

Use indexing to retrieve or overwrite list elements.

Circle! firstCircle = listOfCircles[0];
listOfInts[1] = 5;

Count returns the number of elements in the list. Last() returns the last element.

You can remove:

  • All elements with Clear().
  • One element with RemoveAt(index).
  • A continuous sequence of elements with RemoveRange(index, count).

list.Contains(value) returns true if the list contains the specified item. list.IndexOf(value) returns the position of the specified element or -1 if not found.

list.CopyTo(sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, count) copies elements from a list to an array.

list.All(it => predicate) returns true if all the elements satisfy the predicate. list.Any(it => predicate) returns true if at least one element satisfies the predicate.

List<string()>() names;
bool isB = names.Any(name => name.StartsWith("B"));


A queue is similar to a list. In fact, many target languages don't have a dedicated queue type and instead employ the same type that's used for a list. Queue provides four access methods:

  • Enqueue(item) adds an element at the end of the queue.
  • Dequeue() removes an element from the beginning of the queue and returns it. This operation is only valid if the queue is not empty.
  • Peek() returns the first element, but doesn't modify the queue. Also valid only if the queue is not empty.
  • Clear() discards all the queue contents.

The Count property returns the number of elements in the queue.


Stack provides four access methods:

  • Push(item) adds an element on top of the stack.
  • Pop() removes an element on top of the stack and returns it. This operation is only valid if the stack is not empty.
  • Peek() returns the top element, but doesn't modify the stack. Also valid only if the stack is not empty.
  • Clear() discards all the stack contents.

The Count property returns the number of elements on the stack.


A HashSet is a collection of unique values: numbers, strings, or enumerations.

  • Add(item) adds item to the collection. It has no effect if the collection already contained the item.
  • Remove(item) removes item from the collection.
  • Contains(item) returns true if the collection contains the specified element.
  • Clear() empties the HashSet.

The Count property returns the number of elements in a HashSet. You can iterate over elements of a HashSet with foreach, but the iteration order is not specified.


SortedSet is the same as HashSet, except that foreach iterates in the value order.


Dictionary provides fast access to a given value associated with a key. The key must be a number, a string or an enumeration. Value can be of any type.

Dictionary<string(), int>() dict;

Index the dictionary with a key to insert/overwrite and retrieve elements:

dict["foo"] = 42;
dict["foo"] = 1337;

Retrieving an element that does not exist is an invalid operation. Use ContainsKey to check for existence - it returns a bool.

If the value is object or array storage, create it in the dictionary with Add(key).

Count returns the number of key-value pairs. Remove(key) removes one mapping. Clear() removes all.


SortedDictionary is the same as Dictionary, except that foreach iterates in the key order.


OrderedDictionary is the same as Dictionary, except that foreach iterates in the insertion order.


Statements are used in methods and constructors. Their syntax in Fusion is nearly identical to the languages you already know.

In Fusion there's no empty statement consisting of the sole semicolon. You may use an empty block instead: { }.


A block is a sequence of statements wrapped in curly braces.

Variable definitions

Variables must be defined separately:

int x;
int y;
int a, b, c; // syntax error

A variable definition may include an initial value:

int x = 5;
int[4] array = 0; // initialized with zeros

Variable without an initial value is considered uninitialized and must be assigned before it is read. This also applies to string storage. For array storage, the array is created, but its elements are not default-initialized. For object storage, the fields with initializers are assigned, and the constructor is called if provided.

Variables have the scope of the enclosing block. It is an error to use a reference pointing at an array or object outside of its scope.

Local constants

Constants can be declared not only at the level of classes (as described above) but also at the level of statements. Such a definition has a scope of the containing block. For this reason, local constants do not specify visibility.


Use = for assigning variables and fields. Use op= for compound assignments.

x = 4;
x += 5; // increment by 5

Assignments are statements, but not expressions:

int c;
while ((c = ReadChar()) != -1) { // syntax error

The above code should be refactored to:

for (;;) {
    int c = ReadChar();
    if (c == -1)

Chained assignments are supported:

x = y = 42;


Expressions with a side effect can be used as statements:

DoFoo(4, 2); // method call
i + 2; // ERROR: useless computation

There is no comma operator in Fusion.

Returning method result

A method can end its execution with a return statement. return must be followed with the returned value, except for void methods, of course.

Conditional statement

To execute code conditionally, use if with an optional else clause:

if (x == 7)


There are four kinds of loops:

  • while - checking the condition at the beginning of each run.
  • do/while - checking the condition after the first run.
  • for - which contains an initial statement, the condition and a statement executed after each run.
  • foreach - to iterate over array storage, List, HashSet, SortedSet, Dictionary, SortedDictionary, OrderedDictionary or a string.
int[3] array;
array[0] = 5;
array[1] = 10;
array[2] = 15;
foreach (int i in array)

SortedDictionary<string(), int> dict;
dict["foo"] = 1;
dict["bar"] = 2;
foreach ((string k, int v) in dict)
    Console.WriteLine($"{k} => {v}");

string() s = "42x";
bool allDigits = true;
foreach (int c in s) {
    if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
        allDigits = false;

Inside loops you may use the following:

  • break to leave the loop (the inner one, as there are no loop labels).
  • continue to skip to the next run.

Switch statement

The switch statement accepts an expression and transfers control to the corresponding case label. It supports integers, enumerations, strings and object references.

case clauses must be correctly terminated.

switch (x) {
case 1:
    // ERROR: something's missing here
case 2:

Correct termination means a statement that doesn't fall to the next statement: break, continue, return or throw.

The default clause, if present, must be specified last.

Object references are matched by their runtime type:

static double CalculateArea(Shape? s)
    switch (s) {
    case null:
        return 0;
    case Square sqr:
        return sqr.Size * sqr.Size;
    case Rectangle rect:
        return rect.Width * rect.Height;
    case Circle c:
        return Math.PI * c.Radius * c.Radius;
        assert false;

C, C++ and OpenCL do not support switch on strings, so if/else if with string comparisons are generated. Object reference matching is not implemented for C and OpenCL.

Assert statement

The assert statement checks if a condition is met at run time. If it is not, a fatal error occurs. The optional second argument is a string message.

assert count >= 0;
switch (foo) {
case 1:
case 2:
    assert false, "foo must be 1 or 2";


Fusion can throw exceptions, but cannot handle them at the moment. The intention is that exceptions will be handled by the code using the library written in Fusion.

An exception can be thrown with the throw statement, passing an exception class and an optional string argument. Use Exception as a generic class or derive your own classes from it. It is recommended to do the latter.

Methods potentially throwing exceptions (possibly indirectly via calling other methods) must specify the exception classes in the throws clause, similar to Java.

public class MyException : Exception
    // constructor is auto-generated, do not specify it

public class MyObject
    public void DoWork() throws MyException
        throw MyException("Fire"); // no "new"

The translation of exceptions to C needs an explanation. The exception class and the string argument are lost in the translation. The throw statement is replaced with return with a magic value representing an error:

  • An out-of-range value in a method returning an integer range (most often, -1 for unsigned ranges).
  • NAN in a method returning a floating-point number.
  • NULL in a method returning a non-nullable reference.
  • false in a void method. The method will be translated to bool, and true will be returned if the method succeeds.
  • Other method types cannot throw exceptions when translating to C.

Standard output

To print on the standard output, use Console.Write and Console.WriteLine with a string or number. To print several elements, use interpolated strings.

Console.Write("The answer is ");
Console.WriteLine($"Yes, {40 + 2}");

Use Console.Error.Write and Console.Error.WriteLine to target the standard error stream.

Environment variables

Environment variables can be retrieved with Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable. null is returned if the variable is not defined.

string? homeDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME");
if (homeDir == null)
    Console.WriteLine("Homeless user");

For JavaScript, this is only available in Node.js, not the web browsers.

Main method

Fusion is a language designed specifically for implementing libraries. It was never meant for building whole programs. However, occassionally you might want to experiment with console applications. For that, you need an entry point in the form of a Main method in any of your public classes. This method should have one of the four possible signatures:

public static void Main()
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static int Main()
public static int Main(string[] args)

The args array contains the command-line arguments, but not the program name. This array is different from regular array references in that you can:

  • Read args.Length.
  • Run a foreach (string arg in args) loop.

The int returned from Main is a process exit code, which is traditionally zero for a successful execution and non-zero for an error.


Currently there is very limited support for multi-threading. It consists of the lock statement (translated to synchronized in Java). Unlike in C# and Java, not every object can be used for mutual exclusion. Instead, locks must be explicitly defined as storage of class Lock.

Lock() mutex; // typically a class field
lock (mutex) {
    // code executed by only one thread per this instance of mutex at a time

Locks are re-entrant, meaning nested lock statements (normally hidden in called methods) do not cause deadlocks.

Native blocks

Code which cannot be expressed in Fusion can be written in the target language using the following syntax:

native {
    printf("Hello, world!\n");

Generally, native blocks should be used inside #if (see below).

Native blocks are allowed as statements in method bodies and at the top level (for import / using declarations).

Conditional compilation

Conditional compilation in Fusion is modeled after C#. Conditional compilation symbols can only be given on the fut command line. Conditional compilation symbols have no assigned value; they are either present or not.



A more complicated one:

    native { DeleteFile(filename); }
#elif LINUX || UNIX
    native { unlink(filename); }

The operators allowed in #if and #elif are !, &&, ||, == and !=. You may reference true, which is a symbol that is always defined. false is never defined.

Documentation comments

Documentation comments can describe classes, enumerated types, constants, methods and their parameters. They start with three slashes followed by a space and always immediately precede the documented thing, including a method parameter:

/// Returns the extension of the original module format.
/// For native modules it simply returns their extension.
/// For the SAP format it attempts to detect the original module format.
public string GetOriginalModuleExt(
    /// Contents of the file.
    byte[] module,
    /// Length of the file.
    int moduleLen)

Documentation comments should be full sentences. The first sentence, terminated with a period at the end of line, becomes the summary. Subsequent sentences (if any) give more details.

There are limited formatting options: fixed-width font, paragraphs and bullets.

A fixed-width font text (typically code) is delimited with backquotes:

/// Returns `true` for an NTSC song and `false` for a PAL song.

In long comments, paragraphs are introduced with blank documentation comment lines:

/// First paragraph.
/// Second paragraph.

Bullets are introduced with an asterisk followed by space:

/// Sets music creation date.
/// Some of the possible formats are:
/// * YYYY
/// * MM/YYYY
/// * DD/MM/YYYY
/// An empty string means the date is unknown.
public void SetDate(string value)
    Date = value;

Naming conventions

It is advised to use the following naming conventions in Fusion code:

  • Local variables, parameters and local constants start with a lowercase letter, capitalize the first letter of the following words - that is, camelCase.
  • All other identifiers should start with an uppercase letter - that is, PascalCase.

Generators will translate the above convention to that which is native to the output language, for instance, constants as UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES.