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Docker images with nvim, plugins and lsp preconfigured by fuzzah for fuzzah.
Anyway, if you use it:

  • at least use cool-retro-term for better experience;
  • you may want to customize keybindings and plugins;
  • note, that changes will come from time to time just to break everything.

What's inside

Base image

  • uses opensuse/tumbleweed
  • nvim 0.9+ with vim-plug and plugins:
    • vim-airline
    • nvim-lspconfig
    • nvim-treesitter
    • plenary.nvim
    • telescope.nvim
    • vim-crystal
    • zig.vim
  • git
  • strace
  • npm
  • ripgrep & fd utils
  • tmux with mouse mode enabled
  • non-root user to not mess access rights of your source code (can use sudo)
  • fish shell with abbreviations (aliases) defined in
    • git (gs, ga, gas, gc, gm, gk, ...)
    • find (ff, fff, fd, ffd)
    • edit configs (nvim: cfv, fish: cff, bashrc: cfb)
  • workdir is /src


(installable with --build-arg crystal=true)

  • crystal with shards package manager
  • crystalline lsp


(installable with --build-arg csharp=true)

  • dotnet-sdk-8.0
  • csharp-ls 0.11.0

C and C++

(installable with --build-arg cxx=true)

  • clang (includes clangd lsp), llvm
  • gcc, gcc-c++
  • cmake
  • ninja
  • lcov
  • gdb
  • ltrace


(installable with --build-arg go=true)

  • go1.22 from repos
  • gopls lsp


(installable with --build-arg python=true)

  • python3.12 + pip from repos
  • pyright lsp


(installable with --build-arg rust=true)

  • rustup
  • rustc & cargo 1.76.0
  • rust-analyzer lsp
  • gdb
  • ltrace


(installable with --build-arg typescript=true)

  • typescript
  • eslint
  • typescript-language-server


(installable with --build-arg zig=true)

  • zig 0.11 from repos
  • the zls language server
  • gdb
  • ltrace

Common last stage


Clone this repo

git clone
cd nvim-ide

Build image

You can use docker build arguments:
user is user name in docker
uid and gid are user id and group id for user in docker
crystal, csharp, cxx, go, python, rust, typescript: set to true if you need this language support in nvim.

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \
    --build-arg user=$USER \
    --build-arg uid=$(id -u) --build-arg gid=$(id -g) \
    --build-arg cxx=true --build-arg python=true -t fuzzah-nvim-ide .

Note: without buildkit image building may fail.
If you run docker build as root, you may want to use specific values for uid and gid:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \
    --build-arg user=dev \
    --build-arg uid=1000 --build-arg gid=1000 \
    --build-arg cxx=true --build-arg python=true -t fuzzah-nvim-ide .

Run with your sources

docker run --pull=never --rm -v /your/sources:/src -it fuzzah-nvim-ide

Note, that nvim is symlinked to vim.


How to use bash? It autostarts fish!

Start bash with --norc option to skip loading of bashrc file:

bash --norc

Why opensuse/tumbleweed? Why not alpine?

Tumbleweed provides recent versions of python, clang, gcc and most importantly neovim.
Alpine would cause problems with python wheels and also with C/C++ as it's built with musl.