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TK102 GPS server for Node.js

The Xexun TK102 is a GPS device that can send coordinates over TCP to a server via GPRS. This Node.js script creates a TCP server that listens for GPRMC data, parsing it and dump it to the console. The parsed data is provided in a clean easy to use object, so you can easily store it in a database or push to a websocket server, for example.

Prepare device

Assuming your simcard has enough SMS and data credits and the TK102 is configured for your provider's APN, simply send adminip123456 IP PORT where obviously IP is the server's IP and PORT is the port to listen on :) It cannot take hostnames as it has no dns features on board.

Activate sending coordinates: t030s003n123456

This tells the device to send its location AFTER each 30 seconds and no more than 3 times. 30 seconds is the minimum. Send t030s***n123456 to go on for infinity. s can also be m or h. To kill send notn123456.


Either load the module with NPM:

npm install tk102

var server = require('tk102');

or load directly:

var server = require('/path/to/tk102.js');


var server = require('tk102');

// start server
        port: 1337

// incoming data
server.on( 'track', function( gps ) {
        console.log( gps );


        ip:          '',  // default (all ips)
        port:        0,          // default 0 = random, see 'listening' event
        connections: 10,         // simultaneous connections
        timeout:     10          // idle timeout in seconds



The GPRMC push from the device.

server.on( 'track', function( gps ) {
        { raw: '1203301642,0031698765432,GPRMC,144219.000,A,5213.0327,N,00516.7759,E,0.63,179.59,300312,,,A*6D,F,imei:123456789012345,123',
          datetime: '2012-03-30 16:42',
          phone: '0031698765432',
          gps: { date: '2012-03-30', time: '14:42:19.000', signal: 'full', fix: 'active' },
          geo: { latitude: 52.130326, longitude: 5.167759, bearing: 179 },
          speed: { knots: 0.63, kmh: 1.167, mph: 0.725 },
          imei: '123456789012345' };
  • raw: the input string without trailing whitespace
  • datetime: the device 24h clock
  • phone: the admin phonenumber that initiated this tracking
  • gps:
    • date: date as received from satellites
    • time: time in 24h UTC as received from satellites
    • signal: GPS signal strength, either full or low
    • fix: GPS fix, either active or invalid
  • geo:
    • latitude: position latitude
    • longitude: position longitude
    • bearing: direction in degrees
  • speed:
    • knots: speed in knots per hour
    • kmh: speed in kilometer per hour
    • mph: speed in miles per hour
  • imei: device IMEI


The raw unprocessed inbound data.

server.on( 'data', function( raw ) {
        console.log( 'Incoming data: '+ raw );


Very useful to find out random port (0).

server.on( 'listening', function( listen ) {
        { port: 56751, family: 2, address: '' }


Emitted when a connection is established with the server, includes the socket.

server.on( 'connection', function( socket ) {
        console.log( 'Connection from '+ socket.remoteAddress );


Emitted when a connection expires.

server.on( 'timeout', function( socket ) {
        console.log( 'Time-out from '+ socket.remoteAddress );


I'm not sure how this works with TK102-2 and other similar devices, I wrote this strictly for the TK102 as I only have one of those. There is no security built in, anyone could push GPRMC data to your server.


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CC BY-SA 3.0