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django-gearman is a convenience wrapper for the Gearman Python Bindings.

With django-gearman, you can code jobs as well as clients in a Django project with minimal overhead in your application. Server connections etc. all take place in django-gearman and don't unnecessarily clog your application code.


It's the same for both the client and worker instances of your django project:

pip install -e git://

Add django_gearman to the INSTALLED_APPS section of

Specify the following setting in your local file:

# One or more gearman servers


Registering jobs

Create a file in any of your django apps, and define as many jobs as functions as you like. The jobs must accept a single argument as passed by the caller and must return the result of the operation, if applicable. (Note: It must accept an argument, even if you don't use it).

Mark each of these functions as gearman jobs by decorating them with django_gearman.decorators.gearman_job.

For an example, look at the gearman_example app's file.

Job naming

The tasks are given a default name of their import path, with the phrase 'gearman_jobs' stripped out of them, for readability reasons. You can override the task name, by specifying name parameter of the decorator. Here's how:

def my_task_function(foo):

Task parameters

The gearman specifies, that the job function can accept one parameter (usually it is reffered to as data parameter). Sometimes it may not be enough. For example, gearman only allows to pass a string as data parameter. What if you would like to pass an array or a dict? You would need to serialize and deserialize them. Fortunately, django-gearman can take care of this, so that you can spend all of your time on coding the actual task.

def my_task_function(foo):

client.submit_job('my-task-name', {'foo':'becomes', 'this':'dict'})
client.submit_job('my-task-name', Decimal(1.0))

Tasks with more than one parameter

You can pass as many arguments as you want, of whatever type you like. Here's an example job definition:

def my_task_function(one, two, three):

You can execute this function in two different ways:

client.submit_job('my-task-name', one=1, two=2, three=3)
client.submit_job('my-task-name', args=[1,2,3])

Unfortunetely, executing it like that

client.submit_job('my-task-name', 1,2,3)

Would produce the error, simply because submit_job from gearman's python bindings contains a lot of arguments and it's much easier to specify them via keyword names or special args keyword than to type something like 7 None's instead:

client.submit_job('my-task-name', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, 1, 2, 3)

The only limitation that you have are gearman reserved keyword parameters. As of gearman 2.0.2 these are:

* data
* unique
* priority
* background
* wait_until_complete
* max_retries
* poll_timeout

So, when you want your job definition to have, for example, unique or background keyword parameter, you need to execute the job in a special, more verbose way. Here's an example of such job, and it's execution.

def my_task_function(background, unique):
client.submit_job('my-task-name', kwargs={"background": True, "unique": False})
client.submit_job('my-task-name', args=[True,False])

Now, for the final stride:

client.submit_job('my-task-name', background=True, unique=True, kwargs={"background": False, "unique": False})

Don't panic, your task is safe! That's because you're using kwargs directly. Therefore, gearman's bindings would recieve True for submit_job function, whether your task would recieve False.

However, executing the task like this:

client.submit_job('my-task-name', background=True, unique=True)

would lead to a disaster of unimaginable proportions! Both background and unique arguments would be swallowed by submit_job function and wouldn't made it to your task! Therefore always remember to double-check your parameter names with the reserved words list.

Starting a worker

To start a worker, run python gearman_worker. It will start serving all registered jobs.

To spawn more than one worker (if, e.g., most of your jobs are I/O bound), use the -w option:

python gearman_worker -w 5

will start five workers.

Since the process will keep running while waiting for and executing jobs, you probably want to run this in a screen session or similar.

Task queues

Queues are a virtual abstraction layer built on top of gearman tasks. An easy way to describe it is the following example: Imagine you have a task for fetching e-mails from the server, another task for sending the emails and one more task for sending SMS via an SMS gateway. A problem you may encounter is that the email fetching tasks may effectively "block" the worker (there could be so many of them, it could be so time-consuming, that no other task would be able to pass through). Of course, one solution would be to add more workers (via the -w parameter), but that would only temporarily solve the problem. This is where queues come in.

The first thing to do is to pass a queue name into the job description, like this:

def some_job(some_arg):

You may then proceed to starting the worker that is bound to the specific queue:

python gearman_worker -w 5 -q my-queue-name

Be aware of the fact that when you don't specify the queue name, the worker will take care of all tasks.


To make your workers work, you need a client app passing data to them. Create and instance of the django_gearman.GearmanClient class and execute a django_gearman.Task with it:

from django_gearman import GearmanClient, Task
client = GearmanClient()
res = client.do_task(Task("gearman_example.reverse", sentence))
print "Result: '%s'" % res

The notation for the task name is appname.jobname, no matter what pattern you have defined in GEARMAN_JOB_NAME.

Dispatching a background event without waiting for the result is easy as well:

client.dispatch_background_task('gearman_example.background_counting', None)

For a live example look at the gearman_example app, in the management/commands/ file.

Example App

For a full, working, example application, add gearman_example to your INSTALLED_APPS, then run a worker in one shell:

python gearman_worker -w 4

and execute the example app in another:

python gearman_example_client

You can see the client sending data and the worker(s) working on it.


This software is licensed under the Mozilla Tri-License:

Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1

The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the

The Original Code is django-gearman.

The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla.
Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010
the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.

  Frederic Wenzel <>

Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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