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File metadata and controls

141 lines (101 loc) · 6.32 KB
Device Emulation


Using device-tests, fwupd can prevent regressions by updating and downgrading firmware on real hardware. However, much past a few dozen devices this does not scale, either by time, or because real devices need plugging in and out. We can unit test the plugin internals, but this does not actually test devices being attached, removed, and being updated.

By recording the backend devices we can build a "history" in GUsb of what control, interrupt and bulk transfers were sent to, and received from the device. By dumping these we can "replay" the update without the physical hardware connected.

There are some problems that make this emulation slightly harder than the naive implementation:

  • Devices are sometimes detached into a different "bootloader" device with a new VID:PID
  • Devices might be "composite" and actually be multiple logical devices in one physical device
  • Devices might not be 100% deterimistic, e.g. queries might be processed out-of-order

For people to generate and consume emulated devices, we do need to make the process easy to understand, and also easy to use. Some key points that we think are important, is the ability to:

  • Dump the device of an unmodified running daemon.
  • Filter to multiple or single devices, to avoid storing data for unrelated parts of the system.
  • Load an emulated device into an unmodified running daemon.

Because we do not want to modify the daemon, we think it makes sense to load and save emulation state over D-Bus. Each phase can be controlled, which makes it easy to view, and edit, the recorded emulation data.

For instance, calling fwupdmgr emulation-tag would ask the end user to choose a device to start recording so that subsequent re-plugs are available to save. As the device state may not be persistent we save the device-should-be-recorded metadata in the pending database like we would do for a successful firmware update.

To demo this, something like this could be done:

# connect ColorHug2
fwupdmgr modify-config AllowEmulation true
fwupdmgr emulation-tag b0a78eb71f4eeea7df8fb114522556ba8ce22074
# or, using the GUID
# fwupdmgr emulation-tag 2082b5e0-7a64-478a-b1b2-e3404fab6dad
# remove and re-insert ColorHug2
fwupdmgr get-devices --filter emulation-tag
fwupdmgr download
fwupdmgr install e5* --allow-reinstall
fwupdmgr emulation-save
# remove ColorHug2
fwupdmgr emulation-load
fwupdmgr get-devices --filter emulated
fwupdmgr install e5* --allow-reinstall
fwupdmgr modify-config AllowEmulation false

Device Tests

The emulation-url string parameter can be specified in the steps section of a specific device test. This causes the front end to load the emulation data before running the specific step.

Device tests without emulation data will be skipped.

For example:

fwupdmgr device-emulate ../data/device-tests/hughski-colorhug2.json
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
Waiting…                 [***************************************]
Hughski ColorHug2: OK!
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
Waiting…                 [***************************************]
Hughski ColorHug2: OK!

Pcap file conversion

Emulation can also be used during the development phase of the plugin if the hardware is not available or to reduce the number of write cycles on the device and the testing time. But this requires a way to create the emulation file while fwupd does not yet support the hardware.

This can be done by converting a pcap file generated using WireShark, on Windows or Linux, while performing the device firmware update process using the official update program. The saved pcap file should contain all the events of the device plugin before the update starts until it ends.

Since the pcap file contains the firmware uploaded to the device, it is closely related to the firmware file and both the pcap and firmware files must be provided to the plugin developer.

Record USB events to pcap file

Linux setup

Check if you belong to the wireshark group with:

groups $USER

To add yourself to the wireshark group, run the below command, then logout and login:

sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER

Depending on the distribution used, you may have to load the USBmon kernel module using:

sudo modprobe usbmon

You may also need to adjust the permissions with which usbmon instances are created:

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usbmon", GROUP="wireshark", MODE="640"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/50-accessible-usbmon.rules
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger

If USBmon is builtin, you may need to reboot.

WireShark record of USB events

Start WireShark and open Capture→Options… menu (or Ctrl+K). This brings up the Capture Interfaces window then select the USB interface to record packets:

  • USBPcap[x] on Windows,
  • usbmon[x] on Linux, usbmon0 interface can be used to capture packets on all buses.

When recording firmware update that uses big packets, it may be relevant to increase the packet snaplen by double clicking on the value in the Snaplen column of the selected interface and changing the value.

Click on the Start button then plugin the device to record and start the firmware update process. Once done, save the USB packets from WireShark to a pcap file.

Convert pcap file to emulation file

To convert this file, the contrib/ tool is used to generate a json file for each series of USB events between the "GET DESCRIPTOR DEVICE" events, limited to a set of VendorIDs (and if necessary ProductIDs). Depending on the device there should be 2 (setup.json and reload.json) or 3 (setup.json, install.json and reload.json) phase files, which are zipped in the emulation file.

For example:

# convert the pcap file for the CalDigit dock with VendorID and ProductID 0451:ace1
contrib/ CalDigit.pcapng /tmp/caldigit 0451:ace1
# this will generate /tmp/
# the new emulation file can be used for emulation
fwupdmgr modify-config AllowEmulation true
fwupdmgr emulation-load /tmp/
fwupdmgr get-devices --filter emulated
fwupdmgr modify-config AllowEmulation false