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🪝 zhook

Tiny hook library, with event dispatcher and filters (aka waterfall hook), mostly for creating plugin system.

This library is still experimental and its APIs may change in the future.

✨ Features

  • Small: No dependencies. Size is less than 130 bytes (minified and gzipped), controlled by Size Limit.
  • Fast: It's performant. Here is the benchmark result by comparing with other similar libraries.
  • Works on All Runtimes: It doesn't rely on any platform API, so you can use it at browsers, Node.js or Deno.
  • Simple: Simple API, and doesn't rely on this.
  • TypeScript Friendly: Source code is written in TypeScript with better types.
  • Modern: Shipped as ES Modules, and targets to ES2017.

💿 Install


Note that this library requires Node.js 12 or newer.

$ npm i zhook

Then you can import it with ES Modules:

import { /* */ } from 'zhook'

Browsers (No bundlers)

import { /* */ } from ''


import { /* */ } from ''

🎬 Usage


Dispatcher is similar to Node.js EventEmitter but it's decentralized and isolated for each event. So, each event can be easily typed.

import { createDispatcher } from 'zhook'

const dispatcher = createDispatcher<[x: number, y: number]>()

dispatcher.on((x, y) => console.log(x, y))
dispatcher.on((x, y) => Promise.resolve([x, y]))
dispatcher.emit(1, 2)


Filter is similar to waterfall hook in webpack Tapable.

All arguments will be passed in the order of registered listeners. All registered listeners must return a value and that value will be passed as the first argument to next listener, while the rest arguments won't be changed.

Note that all listeners must be synchronous, so listeners can't be async/await function or return a Promise. If your listeners need to be asynchronous, see below.

import { createSyncFilter } from 'zhook'

const filter = createSyncFilter<[value: number, context: number]>()

filter.on((value, context) => value + 1)
filter.on((value, context) => value + 2)
const result = filter.emit(/* initial value */ 1, 'some text')


AsyncFilter is similar to SyncFilter, but this allows you to create filter while its listeners can be synchronous or asynchronous.

import { createAsyncFilter } from 'zhook'

const filter = createAsyncFilter<[value: number, context: number]>()

filter.on((value, context) => value + 1)
filter.on((value, context) => Promise.resolve(value + 2))
const result = await filter.emit(/* initial value */ 1, 'some text')

📃 License

MIT License

2021-present (c) Pig Fang


Tiny hook library, with event dispatcher and filters, mostly for creating plugin system.




