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File metadata and controls

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Writing Your Own Checks


Bento supports user-defined checks written as a standard grep regex. To define your own checks add .bento-grep.yml alongside your normal .bento.yml file and add r2c.bandit: to the tools section of the .bento.yml file.

When a valid .bento-grep.yml and the check is enabled, Bento will run all regex paterns recursively over all your files not in the .bentoignore file and report the findings under the r2c.grep tool where you can archive, ignore, take any action just like a normal check.

.bento-grep.yml Synatx

patterns: (required) - List[Pattern] - a list of pattern objects

Each pattern is an object with these properties:

id (required) - str - user displayed string that identifies each pattern.

regex (required) - str - valid grep regex

message (optional) - str - message to display user. If not provided, the raw line that matched the regex will be used as the message.

file_extentions - (optional) - List[str] - list of glob strings. Passed directly to --include in grep

exclude_dirs - (optional) - List[str] - list of source folders to exclude. Passed directly to --exclude-dir in grep. Prefer using .bentoignore but for a specific folder for one Pattern this useful.

Formal Definition

interface GrepConfig {
  patterns: Patten[];

interface Pattern {
  id: string;
  regex: string;
  message?: string;
  file_extentions?: string[];
  exclude_dirs?: string[];

Example .bento-grep.yml Config

- id: "no-shell"
    regex: "shell=True"
    message: "Shell=True is scary and needs extra review"
    - "*.py"
- id: "no-md5"
    regex: import md5
    - "src/web"