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338 lines (236 loc) · 19.5 KB

File metadata and controls

338 lines (236 loc) · 19.5 KB



  • BREAKING CHANGE - Align permission status constants between iOS and Android platforms. Resolves #230.


  • Enable default version of Android Support Library to be overridden at plugin installation via ANDROID_SUPPORT_VERSION plugin variable. Resolves #338.
  • Bump default Android Support Library version to 28.+ to match cordova-android@8.0.0.


  • Bug fix: On Android, count number of available cameras in order to determine if camera is present (since FEATURE_CAMERA can't be relied upon). Resolves #339.


  • Bug fix: return string instead of object to success function after requesting single runtime permission on Android. Fixes #324.


  • Add minimum version restriction on Cordova CLI and platforms to prevent anomalous issues being reported due to outdated Cordova environment. Resolves #323.


  • iOS build fix: Make static the definition of the diagnostic variable which references the Diagnostic singleton instance to prevent it leaking to global scope and causing duplicate symbol build errors. Fixes #308.
  • Fix typo which references wrong namespace. See #306.

v4.0.7 Use native SharedPreferences to track request permissions (instead of HTML5 Local Storage) in order to avoid issues with Android Autobackup. Fixes #304.


  • Remove obselete windows-target-version preference which is causing Window platform build failure. Fixes #295.
  • Add missing call to getMotionAuthorizationStatus() in iOS motion module.


  • Bug fix: ensure complete camera module inclusion and default Info.plist strings on iOS. Merges #292.


  • Ensure all Android code entry points are handled in try/catch blocks to prevent app crashes by unhandled exceptions.
  • Enable the types parameter for requestRemoteNotificationsAuthorization to be omitted (rather than requiring empty object). Fixes #286.


  • Remove literal angle brackets in comment attributes as they cause XML parse issue in Visual Studio. Fixes #284.


  • Add <uses-permission> manifest entry for Bluetooth since registering broadcast receiver is now done at runtime. Fixes #282/#283.



  • Major rework of plugin code (both native and JS) into separate modules.
    • Adds mechanism for including optional modules via config preference.
    • Resolves #181.
  • Removed deprecated iOS method requestAndCheckMotionAuthorization()


  • Run iOS plugin initialisation on-load (rather than on-demand) to avoid race conditions when querying async native managers such as Bluetooth. Fixes #271.
  • Run all iOS native plugin commands on a background thread (other than those which call methods on [UIApplication sharedApplication] so must explicitly run on the main thread) to prevent THREAD WARNING messages in the console. Fixes #272.


  • Declare Objective-C constants as static. Fixes #270.


  • Add requestRemoteNotificationsAuthorization() for iOS. Resolves #269.
  • Add remoteNotificationType constants for iOS to enumerate the various notification types when checking with getRemoteNotificationsAuthorizationStatus() or requesting with requestRemoteNotificationsAuthorization().
  • Minor refactor/code cleanup of native iOS implementation.


  • Use if else instead of switch on CPU arch strings for backward-compatibility to Java 6. PR #263. Fixes #264.


  • Add enableDebug() to Android and iOS which outputs native plugin debug messages to native and JS consoles.
  • Add restart() to Android which warm/cold restarts the app.
  • Add getArchitecture() to Android and iOS to return the CPU architecture of the current device.


  • Revert "add switchToLocationSettings to iOS" (PR #223 / commit 74e1d97939a3f7d3d14424761100d4506b55afa6). Resolves #262.


  • Fix Android build errors due to stricter checks on WifiManager reference. Fixes #251.


  • Set Android Support Library version to v26.+. Fixes #240 - again!


  • Adds isADBmodeEnabled() and isDeviceRooted() for Android (thanks to wangjian2672)
  • Adds isDataRoamingEnabled() for Android (thanks to dukhanov)
  • Calls isRegisteredForRemoteNotifications on background thread for iOS 11. Fixes #238.
  • Rewrites Motion Tracking authorization for iOS to fix bugs and edge cases (see #197).
    • Splits requestAndCheckMotionAuthorization() into requestMotionAuthorization() and getMotionAuthorizationStatus().
      • getMotionAuthorizationStatus() returns the current authorization status only and does not request permission if it has not already been requested.
      • requestMotionAuthorization() should now only be called once when motionStatus is NOT_REQUESTED. Calling more than once will invoke the error callback.
    • Adds cordova.plugins.diagnostic.motionStatus constants to full describe authorization states.
    • Deprecates requestAndCheckMotionAuthorization(). Calling this will invoke requestMotionAuthorization() but also generate a console warning.


  • Adds isRemoteNotificationsEnabled() for Android (in addition to iOS).
  • Adds getRemoteNotificationsAuthorizationStatus() for iOS 10+.

v3.6.6 Adds switchToLocationSettings() for iOS.

v3.6.5 Pin Android Compat and Support library deps to v25.+ to prevent unwanted v26 alpha/beta versions from being pulled in.

v3.6.4 Fix Android bug with legacy API signatures for Camera functions, where 3rd argument (externalStorage) is false.

v3.6.3 Fix iOS bug causing location state change handlers to erroneously trigger early. Fixes #185 for iOS.

v3.6.2 Fix bug in mapping of legacy camera API function signatures for iOS and Windows.

v3.6.1 Fix bug in mapping of legacy camera API function signatures for Android.


  • Undeprecate legacy camera API and support multiple call signatures for camera API methods for the benefit of ionic-native wrapper.


  • Enable option to request/check only CAMERA permission on Android when using camera methods. Fixes #178.


  • Check Android SDK version for attempting to check for Bluetooth LE Peripheral support
  • Support isWifiEnabled on iOS


  • Add missing export. Fixes #173
  • Add missing NFC state constant and cordova reference to typings


  • Add notes for Phonegap Build regarding setting latest CLI version and PGB example project. Clarifies #168.
  • customize to add api for requestExternalStorage permission for android
  • Standardize and document Android external storage permissions convenience methods.
  • Support for Android external SD card details
  • Add NFC operations for Android to check for NFC hardware, if NFC is enabled and open NFC settings page
  • Adds NFC state change monitoring.


  • Update docs regarding Android SDK component versions


  • Wrap motion handlers in try/catch to prevent unhandled errors causing native crash.
  • Test for presence of CMPedometer.isPedometerEventTrackingAvailable() before attempting to call it, since it was only added in iOS 10 but CMPedometer was added in iOS 8.


  • Remove erroneous wrapping of iOS JS in require module (since Cordova does this dynamically)


  • Add type definitions and tests
  • Add download and version badges
  • Return current (rather than cached) Bluetooth state.
  • Add requestBluetoothAuthorization() for iOS
  • Add support for requesting and checking motion tracking authorization on iOS.
  • Add notes indicating which functions require which usage descriptions for iOS.
  • Document how to handle outcome of requesting Bluetooth authorization


  • Fix switchToSettings for iOS 9. Resolves #127.
  • Fix isRemoteNotificationsEnabled() and isRemoteNotificationsEnabled() for iOS 9. Resolves #129.


  • Conditionally include UserNotifications framework only for iOS 10+ to prevent errors in older versions.
  • Move imports to Diagnostic.h
  • Use conditional compiler comments to wrap iOS 10-specific code to prevent compiler errors on XCode 7
  • Add note on v3.2 build requirements. Resolves #124.
  • Fix erroneous early invocation of requestLocationAuthorization callback on iOS. Fixes #123.


  • Add missing usage description for reminders (required by iOS 10).
  • Add UserNotifications framework to enable diagnostics of remote (push) notifications on iOS 10.
  • Rework remote notifications diagnostics to use new UserNotifications framework in iOS 10+. Fixes #121.
  • Rework sending of plugin results to factorise out common code.
  • Add iOS-version conditionality to fix deprecation warnings in iOS 10.


  • Adds NSContactsUsageDescription (iOS10)


  • Add new iOS usage description keys, as now required by iOS 10 to prevent build rejection on submission to App Store. Fixes #116.


  • Bug fix: getMicrophoneAuthorizationStatus() returns "granted" but the Diagnostic.permissionStatus.GRANTED constant is "authorized"


  • Add missing reference to Contacts framework for iOS. Resolves #106.
  • Add missing initialisation of contacts store (introduce by pull request #98). Fixes #113.
  • Enable de-registering of existing handler functions by passing an falsey value.
  • Prevent multiple runtime permission requests on Android using a semaphore. Resolves #99.
  • Add functions to listen for completion of runtime permission requests and to indicate if a permission request is in progress.


  • Fixed iOS Warnings for deprecations


  • Unpin major version of Android support library to enable latest SDK version to be used. Resolves #105.


  • Return current (rather than cached) state of Bluetooth adapter on Android. Fixes #97.
  • Add empty locationAuthorizationMode object to Android implementation. Resolves #90.
  • Add support for checking iOS background refresh authorization status. Resolves #95


NOTE: This version contains backwardly-incompatible renaming of some functions. Either fix the version of the plugin in your config.xml to cordova.plugins.diagnostic@3.0 or update your code to use the revised names below.

  • Revised function names to logically separate those which check if device OS setting is enabled (isSomethingEnabled()) vs those which check if hardware/sensor is available for use by the app (device OS setting is enabled AND app has authorisation AND hardware is present - isSomethingAvailable()).
    • Renamed isLocationEnabled() => isLocationAvailable() (Android, iOS and Windows 10 Mobile) - if location is available to app
    • Renamed isLocationEnabledSetting() => isLocationEnabled() (iOS) - if device setting for location is enabled
    • Added isLocationEnabled() (Android) - if device setting for location is enabled
    • Renamed isCameraEnabled() => isCameraAvailable() (Android, iOS and Windows 10 Mobile) - if camera is available to app
    • Renamed isBluetoothEnabled() => isBluetoothAvailable() (Android, iOS and Windows 10 Mobile) - if Bluetooth is available to app
    • Added isBluetoothEnabled() (Android) - if the device setting for Bluetooth is enabled
    • Renamed isGpsLocationEnabled() => isGpsLocationAvailable() (Android) - if GPS location is available to app
    • Added isGpsLocationEnabled() (Android) - if device setting for GPS location is enabled
    • Renamed isNetworkLocationEnabled() => isNetworkLocationAvailable() (Android) - if network location is available to app
    • Added isNetworkLocationEnabled() (Android) - if device setting for network location is enabled


  • Fix for #80, where change in Location Mode on Android would cause exception if plugin has not been initialised by a call from JS.


  • Updated plugin and documentation to explicitly support only Windows 10 Mobile (and not Windows Phone 8.x)


  • Fixed Android issues for apps not using Bluetooth state listening


  • Added permissions management for Contacts and Calendar to Android & iOS
  • Added permissions management for Reminders to iOS
  • Enable registration of listeners to be notified of location and Bluetooth state changes on Android and iOS
  • Replace string literals returned with constants

Backward-incompatibility with v2

In order to make cross-platform use of the shared plugin functions easier, some backwardly-incompatible changes have been made to existing API functions.

To avoid breaking existing code which uses the old API syntax, you can continue to use the v2 API by specifying the plugin version when adding it: cordova.plugins.diagnostic@2

v3 contains the following backwardly-incompatible changes:


  • requestCameraAuthorization() and requestMicrophoneAuthorization(): success callback is now passed a {string} referencing the permissionStatus constants instead of a {boolean}


  • Update Android variant of camera authorization methods to request CAMERA permission in addition to READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. This is due to permission changes in cordova-plugin-camera@2.2.0.


  • Add checks for Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) and Bluetooth LE Peripheral Mode to Android
  • Fix bug causing getMicrophoneAuthorizationStatus() to always return NOT_DETERMINED


  • Add support for checking and requesting microphone access to Android and iOS
  • Document current quirks with requestCameraAuthorization() on Android.


  • Fix erroneous reference to invalidPermissions. Fixes #42.
  • Document deprecation of registerLocationAuthorizationStatusChangeHandler()


  • Simplify the handling of user response to location authorization request on iOS. Fixes #35.


  • Callback to JS in WebView-agnostic way from iOS native
  • Change so only one location permission type is needed more location to be authorized on Android
  • Robustify check for UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString. Fixes #34.
  • Update docs regarding requestLocationAuthorization on iOS vs Android. Improves #35 but doesn't entirely fix it.
  • Fixed requestCameraAuthorization returning DENIED_ALWAYS when access is granted on Android


  • Update documentation regarding Android API version and legacy API 22 branch


  • Ensure plugin methods return boolean true/false (not integer 0/1). Fixes #28.


This version updates the plugin to support Android 6 (API 23) runtime permissions.

In order to do this it must depend on libraries only present in API 23+, so you must build using Android SDK Platform v23 or above. To do this you must have Cordova Android platform@5.0.0 or above installed in your project. You can check the currently installed platform versions with the following command:

cordova platform ls

Currently the default version installed (if not specified) is cordova-android@4 which uses API 22, so you need to explicitly specify the version when adding the platform:

cordova platform add android@5.0.0

Note: Attempting to build with API 22 or below will result in a build error.

You must also make sure your build environment has the following Android libraries installed. In a local build environment, you'd install these via the Android SDK Manager:

  • Android Support Library - Rev. 23 or above
  • Android Support Repository - Rev. 23 or above


  • Added support for Windows 10 Mobile


  • Add getLocationMode() for Android


  • Note about Cordova Plugin Repo deprecation


  • Add bluetooth state change handlers
  • Add documentation for new iOS functions
  • Add functionality to request camera roll authorization on iOS.


  • Rework iOS location authorization to return authorization status
  • Add iOS camera authorization functionality


  • Add switchToSettings() method for iOS
  • Enable switching to settings screens on Android
  • Split JS component into platform-specific versions
  • Update documentation to clarify Android location state
  • Added documentation for isBluetoothEnabled()
  • Added isBluetoothEnabled() for iOS
  • Add isBluetoothEnabled() for Android