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This is my exploration into the MovieLens data set. I use it to experiment with dimensionality reduction, embeddings, and using neural nets for collaborative filtering.

Visualizing the dataset

My approach to visualizing the data is detailed in this blog post

I begin by experimenting with different dimensionality reduction techniques, so that I can see how the movies are clustered, using PCA and then t-SNE.

Neural Networks

My approach to the Neural Networks is detailed in this blog post

I begin by creating embeddings for the movies and for the users, and the use this as input to train an RNN. I also visualize the activatins of the RNN layers, to see which movies are most activating different nodes.

Word embeddings

My use of word embeddings is detailed in this blog post

Finally, I use word embeddings to add an additional input to the neural network, in the form of word tags which users can add when they rate a movie.