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yahoo-finance2 validates all results returned from Yahoo before returning them. This document explains why this is important, but also how you can side-step this if you understand the risks.

  1. Why Validate
  2. Using Unvalidated Data
  3. Skip Validation Completely
  4. Don't Log Validation Failures
  5. A Note on Additional Properties
  6. Help Fix Validation Errors

Why Validate

Validation ensures that your code receives expected input and will not crash unexpectedly in the future with unexpected results.

Say I have some typical code like:

function calculateStockHoldingValue(symbol) {
  const { qty } = await{ symbol });
  const { price } = await yahooFinance.quoteSummary(symbol, { modules: "price" });

  return qty * price.regularMarketPrice;

Say qty = 50 and unexpectedly, price.regularMarketPrice is undefined.

const result = 50 * undefined; // NaN

In the best case scenario, this will crash my app somewhere else. In the worst case scenario, the NaN will be used with other calculations, which will also be NaNs, which could then crash all other unrelated parts of my app.

Or with dates:

const { price: { regularMarketTime }} = await yahooFinance.quoteSummary('AAPL');

// Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getTime' of undefined
regularMarketTime.getTime();  //  "But it worked fine in development!!"

// Even worse is it IS defined, but is not a Date.  That *won't* throw an error in my code,
// instead, I'll be making a comparison that will be true when it should be false, etc.
const goodTimeToTrade = regularMarketTime > anotherDateObject;

By catching errors you can keep your code safe from unexpected input:

let result;
try {
  result = await'gold');
} catch(e) {
  // i.e. do nothing with invalid result
// Everything below here will be safe and won't throw unexpected errors

Using Unvalidated Data

You can decide to catch the error and continue regardless.

let result;
try {
  result = await'gold');
} catch(error) {
  // i'll take responsibility for this
  result = error.result;
// and will do my own validation
if (result
    && isArray(result.Result)
    && result.Result[0]
    && typeof result.Result[0].name === 'string')

You also have access to error.errors which is an array of schema validation errors. You could decide that some errors are ok to ignore but others not.

TypeScript note: By default you get an interface back, but if validation fails, obviously we can't guarantee the shape anymore. Consequently, the return result will be of type any so TypeScript will still ensure that your code is safe safe, e.g.

let result;
try {
  result = await'gold');  // result is a SearchResult
} catch (error) {
  result = error.result;                       // result is an any

Skip Validation Completely

Following on from the above, if you really don't care for validation, you can use the { validateResult: false } module option to prevent throwing errors altogether on results that don't pass validation.

const result = await'gold', {}, { validateResult: false });

if (result
    && isArray(result.Result)
    && result.Result[0]
    && typeof result.Result[0].name === 'string')

TypeScript note: Following on from the the previous section, with { validateResult: false } we can no longer guarantee the shape of the return result, so it will be of type any:

validation typescript example

Don't Log Validation Failures

To turn off the helpful but verbose error logging on validation fails, simply set:

yahooFinance.setGlobalConfig({ validation: { logErrors: false} });

A Note on "Additional Properties"

Since v2.2 (March 2022)

We now allow "additional properties" on results received from Yahoo.

This means that while we can still guarantee the type of all known fields we receive back, we'll no longer throw a new error on new unknown keys.

This is important because Yahoo constantly add new fields, and this would break all existing deployments.

You can revert to the old behaviour with:


which is the default when NODE_ENV==="test". This means that during our development of the library itself, we make sure that we're testing against all types.

Help Fix Validation Errors

  1. Fork the repo, clone locally and setup dev environment. See CONTRIBUTING.

  2. Add the problematic symbol, depending on whether it affects just one or multiple modules, either do the appropriate .spec.ts file for that module, or to tests/testSymbols.ts.

  3. Run yarn test or yarn test <moduleName>, as relevant. The API call will be made and cached locally. The test will fail as expected.

  4. Inspect the error and update the typescript interface in the relevant module(s).

For example, say we had this error:

The following result did not validate with schema: #/definitions/QuoteSummaryResult

    instancePath: '/topHoldings',
    schemaPath: '#/required',
    keyword: 'required',
    params: { missingProperty: 'stockPosition' },
    message: "must have required property 'stockPosition'",
    data: {
      maxAge: 1,
      holdings: [],
      equityHoldings: {
        priceToEarnings: 0,
        priceToBook: 0,
        priceToSales: 0,
        priceToCashflow: 0
      bondHoldings: {},
      bondRatings: [],
      sectorWeightings: []

We can see that:

a) The module is quoteSummary (from #/definitions/QuoteSummaryResult)

b) The error occured in topHoldings

c) The issue is that it "must have required property 'stockPosition'" but didn't (you can see the exact response in data)

So, we can fix this by making stockPosition optional by adding a ? to its interface entry. Modify src/modules/quoteSummary-iface.ts:

export interface TopHoldings {
  [key: string]: any;
  maxAge: number;
-  stockPosition: number;
+  stockPosition?: number;
  holdings: TopHoldingsHolding[];
  equityHoldings: TopHoldingsEquityHoldings;
  bondHoldings: object;

Now let's test our fix.

  1. Run yarn schema to rebuild the schema.

  2. Re-run yarn test and make sure the test now passes.

  3. (If noticed the issue for multiple symbols, you can test the rest of the symbols via the CLI. yarn build and then yahoo-finance <module> <symbol>.)

  4. (If you previously ran yarn test <moduleName>, run yarn test to make sure everything is still working).

  5. Commit changes, e.g.

    git commit -am "fix(moduleName): make stockPosition optional (fixes #656)

  6. git push

  7. Go back to GitHub and GitHub will suggest to open a pull request.