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278 lines (259 loc) · 36.9 KB

Updated on 2024.06.06

Table of Contents
  1. Code Summarization/Understanding
  2. Code Generation/Completion
  3. Program Repair
  4. Automated Debugging/Bug Localization
  5. Bug/Vulnerability Detection
  6. Fuzzing/Testing
  7. Clone Detection
  8. Clone Search
  9. Code Review

Code Summarization/Understanding

Title ArXiv Link GitHub Link Last Update
GPTScan: Detecting Logic Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts by Combining GPT with Program Analysis 2308.03314 2024-05-06
On Training a Neural Network to Explain Binaries 2404.19631 None 2024-04-30
A Critical Review of Large Language Model on Software Engineering: An Example from ChatGPT and Automated Program Repair 2310.08879 None 2024-04-17
How Far Have We Gone in Stripped Binary Code Understanding Using Large Language Models 2404.09836 None 2024-04-16
Analyzing the Performance of Large Language Models on Code Summarization 2404.08018 2024-04-10
Open-Source AI-based SE Tools: Opportunities and Challenges of Collaborative Software Learning 2404.06201 None 2024-04-09
Testing the Effect of Code Documentation on Large Language Model Code Understanding 2404.03114 None 2024-04-03
A Survey of using Large Language Models for Generating Infrastructure as Code 2404.00227 None 2024-03-30
HiRoPE: Length Extrapolation for Code Models 2403.19115 None 2024-03-28
Evaluating Large Language Models with Runtime Behavior of Program Execution 2403.16437 None 2024-03-25
Read between the lines -- Functionality Extraction From READMEs 2403.10205 None 2024-03-15
RepoAgent: An LLM-Powered Open-Source Framework for Repository-level Code Documentation Generation 2402.16667 2024-02-26
Automated Smart Contract Summarization via LLMs 2402.04863 None 2024-02-21
Scaling Laws Behind Code Understanding Model 2402.12813 None 2024-02-20
CodeScope: An Execution-based Multilingual Multitask Multidimensional Benchmark for Evaluating LLMs on Code Understanding and Generation 2311.08588 2024-02-06
DocChecker: Bootstrapping Code Large Language Model for Detecting and Resolving Code-Comment Inconsistencies 2306.06347 2024-02-03
Investigating the Efficacy of Large Language Models for Code Clone Detection 2401.13802 2024-01-30
Using an LLM to Help With Code Understanding 2307.08177 None 2024-01-16
Automatic Semantic Augmentation of Language Model Prompts (for Code Summarization) 2304.06815 None 2024-01-11
Mutation-based Consistency Testing for Evaluating the Code Understanding Capability of LLMs 2401.05940 None 2024-01-11
Breaking the Silence: the Threats of Using LLMs in Software Engineering 2312.08055 2024-01-08
A Prompt Learning Framework for Source Code Summarization 2312.16066 2023-12-26
Binary Code Summarization: Benchmarking ChatGPT/GPT-4 and Other Large Language Models 2312.09601 2023-12-15
Exploring Distributional Shifts in Large Language Models for Code Analysis 2303.09128 None 2023-12-05
Transfer Attacks and Defenses for Large Language Models on Coding Tasks 2311.13445 None 2023-11-22
xCodeEval: A Large Scale Multilingual Multitask Benchmark for Code Understanding, Generation, Translation and Retrieval 2303.03004 2023-11-06
REAL: Resilience and Adaptation using Large Language Models on Autonomous Aerial Robots 2311.01403 None 2023-11-02
The Vault: A Comprehensive Multilingual Dataset for Advancing Code Understanding and Generation 2305.06156 2023-10-30
Exploring Large Language Models for Code Explanation 2310.16673 None 2023-10-25
Beyond Testers' Biases: Guiding Model Testing with Knowledge Bases using LLMs 2310.09668 None 2023-10-14
An Assessment of ChatGPT on Log Data 2309.07938 None 2023-09-14

Code Generation/Completion

Title ArXiv Link GitHub Link Last Update
PlanAgent: A Multi-modal Large Language Agent for Closed-loop Vehicle Motion Planning 2406.01587 None 2024-06-04
LDB: A Large Language Model Debugger via Verifying Runtime Execution Step-by-step 2402.16906 2024-06-04
R2C2-Coder: Enhancing and Benchmarking Real-world Repository-level Code Completion Abilities of Code Large Language Models 2406.01359 None 2024-06-04
Clover: Closed-Loop Verifiable Code Generation 2310.17807 2024-06-03
Generate and Pray: Using SALLMS to Evaluate the Security of LLM Generated Code 2311.00889 None 2024-06-03
Rewriting the Code: A Simple Method for Large Language Model Augmented Code Search 2401.04514 2024-06-03
SemCoder: Training Code Language Models with Comprehensive Semantics 2406.01006 None 2024-06-03
LLM-SR: Scientific Equation Discovery via Programming with Large Language Models 2404.18400 2024-06-02
A Survey on Large Language Models for Code Generation 2406.00515 None 2024-06-01
Benchmarking the Communication Competence of Code Generation for LLMs and LLM Agent 2406.00215 None 2024-05-31
Towards LLM-Powered Verilog RTL Assistant: Self-Verification and Self-Correction 2406.00115 None 2024-05-31
Grammar-Aligned Decoding 2405.21047 None 2024-05-31
Self-planning Code Generation with Large Language Models 2303.06689 None 2024-05-31
From Symbolic Tasks to Code Generation: Diversification Yields Better Task Performers 2405.19787 None 2024-05-31
Students' Perspective on AI Code Completion: Benefits and Challenges 2311.00177 None 2024-05-31
AnalogCoder: Analog Circuit Design via Training-Free Code Generation 2405.14918 2024-05-30
Divide-and-Conquer Meets Consensus: Unleashing the Power of Functions in Code Generation 2405.20092 None 2024-05-30
KNOW: A Real-World Ontology for Knowledge Capture with Large Language Models 2405.19877 None 2024-05-30
DevEval: A Manually-Annotated Code Generation Benchmark Aligned with Real-World Code Repositories 2405.19856 None 2024-05-30
Code Repair with LLMs gives an Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoff 2405.17503 None 2024-05-30
AlchemistCoder: Harmonizing and Eliciting Code Capability by Hindsight Tuning on Multi-source Data 2405.19265 2024-05-29
Large Language Models for Code Summarization 2405.19032 None 2024-05-29
Entropy-Regularized Token-Level Policy Optimization for Language Agent Reinforcement 2402.06700 2024-05-29
Sketch-Plan-Generalize: Continual Few-Shot Learning of Inductively Generalizable Spatial Concepts 2404.07774 None 2024-05-29
Evolutionary Computation in the Era of Large Language Model: Survey and Roadmap 2401.10034 2024-05-29
Efficient Model-agnostic Alignment via Bayesian Persuasion 2405.18718 None 2024-05-29
Assessing Economic Viability: A Comparative Analysis of Total Cost of Ownership for Domain-Adapted Large Language Models versus State-of-the-art Counterparts in Chip Design Coding Assistance 2404.08850 None 2024-05-28
Exploiting LLM Quantization 2405.18137 None 2024-05-28
DS-Agent: Automated Data Science by Empowering Large Language Models with Case-Based Reasoning 2402.17453 2024-05-28
RTL-Repo: A Benchmark for Evaluating LLMs on Large-Scale RTL Design Projects 2405.17378 2024-05-27
LLM-Assisted Static Analysis for Detecting Security Vulnerabilities 2405.17238 None 2024-05-27

Program Repair

Title ArXiv Link GitHub Link Last Update
Code Comparison Tuning for Code Large Language Models 2403.19121 None 2024-06-05
SemCoder: Training Code Language Models with Comprehensive Semantics 2406.01006 None 2024-06-03
Mining Action Rules for Defect Reduction Planning 2405.13740 None 2024-05-22
Test Oracle Automation in the era of LLMs 2405.12766 None 2024-05-21
Fight Fire with Fire: How Much Can We Trust ChatGPT on Source Code-Related Tasks? 2405.12641 None 2024-05-21
Automatic Programming: Large Language Models and Beyond 2405.02213 None 2024-05-15
A Systematic Literature Review on Large Language Models for Automated Program Repair 2405.01466 2024-05-12
Large Language Models for Blockchain Security: A Systematic Literature Review 2403.14280 None 2024-05-11
A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair 2404.11595 None 2024-05-10
Automated Program Repair: Emerging trends pose and expose problems for benchmarks 2405.05455 None 2024-05-08
Benchmarking Educational Program Repair 2405.05347 2024-05-08
NAVRepair: Node-type Aware C/C++ Code Vulnerability Repair 2405.04994 None 2024-05-08
Exploring the Problems, their Causes and Solutions of AI Pair Programming: A Study with Practitioners of GitHub Copilot 2311.01020 None 2024-04-28
Revisiting Unnaturalness for Automated Program Repair in the Era of Large Language Models 2404.15236 None 2024-04-23
NExT: Teaching Large Language Models to Reason about Code Execution 2404.14662 None 2024-04-23
Multi-Objective Fine-Tuning for Enhanced Program Repair with LLMs 2404.12636 None 2024-04-22
How Far Can We Go with Practical Function-Level Program Repair? 2404.12833 2024-04-19
CigaR: Cost-efficient Program Repair with LLMs 2402.06598 2024-04-18
A Critical Review of Large Language Model on Software Engineering: An Example from ChatGPT and Automated Program Repair 2310.08879 None 2024-04-17
An Empirical Evaluation of Pre-trained Large Language Models for Repairing Declarative Formal Specifications 2404.11050 2024-04-17
AutoCodeRover: Autonomous Program Improvement 2404.05427 2024-04-15
Aligning LLMs for FL-free Program Repair 2404.08877 None 2024-04-13
LLMs Cannot Reliably Identify and Reason About Security Vulnerabilities (Yet?): A Comprehensive Evaluation, Framework, and Benchmarks 2312.12575 None 2024-04-13
The Fact Selection Problem in LLM-Based Program Repair 2404.05520 2024-04-09
Large Language Model for Vulnerability Detection and Repair: Literature Review and the Road Ahead 2404.02525 None 2024-04-06
CodeEditorBench: Evaluating Code Editing Capability of Large Language Models 2404.03543 None 2024-04-06
Peer-aided Repairer: Empowering Large Language Models to Repair Advanced Student Assignments 2404.01754 None 2024-04-02
RAPGen: An Approach for Fixing Code Inefficiencies in Zero-Shot 2306.17077 None 2024-03-28
Untangling Knots: Leveraging LLM for Error Resolution in Computational Notebooks 2405.01559 None 2024-03-26
RepairAgent: An Autonomous, LLM-Based Agent for Program Repair 2403.17134 None 2024-03-25
ChatDBG: An AI-Powered Debugging Assistant 2403.16354 2024-03-25

Automated Debugging/Bug Localization

Title ArXiv Link GitHub Link Last Update
A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair 2404.11595 None 2024-05-10
A Unified Debugging Approach via LLM-Based Multi-Agent Synergy 2404.17153 None 2024-04-26
Revisiting Unnaturalness for Automated Program Repair in the Era of Large Language Models 2404.15236 None 2024-04-23
How Far Can We Go with Practical Function-Level Program Repair? 2404.12833 2024-04-19
A Critical Review of Large Language Model on Software Engineering: An Example from ChatGPT and Automated Program Repair 2310.08879 None 2024-04-17
Can Large Language Models Transform Natural Language Intent into Formal Method Postconditions? 2310.01831 None 2024-04-15
AutoCodeRover: Autonomous Program Improvement 2404.05427 2024-04-15
Aligning LLMs for FL-free Program Repair 2404.08877 None 2024-04-13
AgentFL: Scaling LLM-based Fault Localization to Project-Level Context 2403.16362 None 2024-03-25
Demystifying Faulty Code with LLM: Step-by-Step Reasoning for Explainable Fault Localization 2403.10507 None 2024-03-15
Feedback-Generation for Programming Exercises With GPT-4 2403.04449 None 2024-03-07
Exploring Interaction Patterns for Debugging: Enhancing Conversational Capabilities of AI-assistants 2402.06229 None 2024-02-09
Generalized Planning in PDDL Domains with Pretrained Large Language Models 2305.11014 2023-12-18
ConDefects: A New Dataset to Address the Data Leakage Concern for LLM-based Fault Localization and Program Repair 2310.16253 None 2023-10-25
AI-enhanced Auto-correction of Programming Exercises: How Effective is GPT-3.5? 2311.10737 None 2023-10-24
Automatic Generation of Test Cases based on Bug Reports: a Feasibility Study with Large Language Models 2310.06320 None 2023-10-10
Large Language Models for Test-Free Fault Localization 2310.01726 2023-10-03
Large Language Models in Fault Localisation 2308.15276 2023-10-02
A Preliminary Evaluation of LLM-Based Fault Localization 2308.05487 None 2023-08-26
Explainable Automated Debugging via Large Language Model-driven Scientific Debugging 2304.02195 None 2023-04-05
Automated Repair of Programs from Large Language Models 2205.10583 None 2023-01-02

Bug/Vulnerability Detection

Title ArXiv Link GitHub Link Last Update
Harnessing Large Language Models for Software Vulnerability Detection: A Comprehensive Benchmarking Study 2405.15614 None 2024-05-24
Multi-role Consensus through LLMs Discussions for Vulnerability Detection 2403.14274 2024-05-18
Transfer Learning in Pre-Trained Large Language Models for Malware Detection Based on System Calls 2405.09318 None 2024-05-15
METAREFLECTION: Learning Instructions for Language Agents using Past Reflections 2405.13009 None 2024-05-13
A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair 2404.11595 None 2024-05-10
Large Language Models for Cyber Security: A Systematic Literature Review 2405.04760 None 2024-05-09
GPTScan: Detecting Logic Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts by Combining GPT with Program Analysis 2308.03314 2024-05-06
DLAP: A Deep Learning Augmented Large Language Model Prompting Framework for Software Vulnerability Detection 2405.01202 2024-05-02
Do Neutral Prompts Produce Insecure Code? FormAI-v2 Dataset: Labelling Vulnerabilities in Code Generated by Large Language Models 2404.18353 None 2024-04-29
Evolutionary Large Language Models for Hardware Security: A Comparative Survey 2404.16651 None 2024-04-25
When Fuzzing Meets LLMs: Challenges and Opportunities 2404.16297 None 2024-04-25
Tasks People Prompt: A Taxonomy of LLM Downstream Tasks in Software Verification and Falsification Approaches 2404.09384 None 2024-04-14
Prompt-Enhanced Software Vulnerability Detection Using ChatGPT 2308.12697 2024-04-12
Red Teaming Game: A Game-Theoretic Framework for Red Teaming Language Models 2310.00322 None 2024-04-06
Large Language Model for Vulnerability Detection and Repair: Literature Review and the Road Ahead 2404.02525 None 2024-04-06
The FormAI Dataset: Generative AI in Software Security Through the Lens of Formal Verification 2307.02192 None 2024-03-28
SCALE: Constructing Structured Natural Language Comment Trees for Software Vulnerability Detection 2403.19096 2024-03-28
FoC: Figure out the Cryptographic Functions in Stripped Binaries with LLMs 2403.18403 2024-03-27
A Comprehensive Study of the Capabilities of Large Language Models for Vulnerability Detection 2403.17218 None 2024-03-25
A Survey on Large Language Model (LLM) Security and Privacy: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 2312.02003 None 2024-03-20
Fuzzing BusyBox: Leveraging LLM and Crash Reuse for Embedded Bug Unearthing 2403.03897 2024-03-06
Finetuning Large Language Models for Vulnerability Detection 2401.17010 2024-03-01
LuaTaint: A Static Taint Analysis System for Web Interface Framework Vulnerability of IoT Devices 2402.16043 None 2024-02-25
CovRL: Fuzzing JavaScript Engines with Coverage-Guided Reinforcement Learning for LLM-based Mutation 2402.12222 None 2024-02-19
LLbezpeky: Leveraging Large Language Models for Vulnerability Detection 2401.01269 None 2024-02-13
ReposVul: A Repository-Level High-Quality Vulnerability Dataset 2401.13169 2024-02-08
Effective Bug Detection in Graph Database Engines: An LLM-based Approach 2402.00292 None 2024-02-01
LLM4Vuln: A Unified Evaluation Framework for Decoupling and Enhancing LLMs' Vulnerability Reasoning 2401.16185 None 2024-01-29
Language Models are Better Bug Detector Through Code-Pair Classification 2311.07957 2024-01-28
LLM4Fuzz: Guided Fuzzing of Smart Contracts with Large Language Models 2401.11108 None 2024-01-20
How Far Have We Gone in Vulnerability Detection Using Large Language Models 2311.12420 2023-12-22


Title ArXiv Link GitHub Link Last Update
Learning to grok: Emergence of in-context learning and skill composition in modular arithmetic tasks 2406.02550 2024-06-04
Unlocking Efficiency in Large Language Model Inference: A Comprehensive Survey of Speculative Decoding 2401.07851 2024-06-04
Multiple Choice Questions and Large Languages Models: A Case Study with Fictional Medical Data 2406.02394 2024-06-04
NewsBench: A Systematic Evaluation Framework for Assessing Editorial Capabilities of Large Language Models in Chinese Journalism 2403.00862 2024-06-04
CIF-Bench: A Chinese Instruction-Following Benchmark for Evaluating the Generalizability of Large Language Models 2402.13109 None 2024-06-04
In-Context Unlearning: Language Models as Few Shot Unlearners 2310.07579 2024-06-04
A Framework for Neurosymbolic Robot Action Planning using Large Language Models 2303.00438 2024-06-04
Distortions in Judged Spatial Relations in Large Language Models 2401.04218 None 2024-06-04
Exploring Mathematical Extrapolation of Large Language Models with Synthetic Data 2406.02100 None 2024-06-04
I've got the "Answer"! Interpretation of LLMs Hidden States in Question Answering 2406.02060 None 2024-06-04
QROA: A Black-Box Query-Response Optimization Attack on LLMs 2406.02044 2024-06-04
Efficient Detection of LLM-generated Texts with a Bayesian Surrogate Model 2305.16617 None 2024-06-04
LDB: A Large Language Model Debugger via Verifying Runtime Execution Step-by-step 2402.16906 2024-06-04
Iterative Forward Tuning Boosts In-Context Learning in Language Models 2305.13016 None 2024-06-04
C-RAG: Certified Generation Risks for Retrieval-Augmented Language Models 2402.03181 2024-06-04
Enhancing Trust in LLMs: Algorithms for Comparing and Interpreting LLMs 2406.01943 None 2024-06-04
R2C2-Coder: Enhancing and Benchmarking Real-world Repository-level Code Completion Abilities of Code Large Language Models 2406.01359 None 2024-06-04
REBUS: A Robust Evaluation Benchmark of Understanding Symbols 2401.05604 2024-06-03
Beyond prompt brittleness: Evaluating the reliability and consistency of political worldviews in LLMs 2402.17649 None 2024-06-03
What Are Large Language Models Mapping to in the Brain? A Case Against Over-Reliance on Brain Scores 2406.01538 2024-06-03
Towards Faithful and Robust LLM Specialists for Evidence-Based Question-Answering 2402.08277 2024-06-03
Understanding Preference Fine-Tuning Through the Lens of Coverage 2406.01462 None 2024-06-03
LexMatcher: Dictionary-centric Data Collection for LLM-based Machine Translation 2406.01441 None 2024-06-03
Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Next Location Predictors 2405.20962 2024-06-03
Human vs. Machine: Behavioral Differences Between Expert Humans and Language Models in Wargame Simulations 2403.03407 2024-06-03
Aligner: Efficient Alignment by Learning to Correct 2402.02416 None 2024-06-03
BELLS: A Framework Towards Future Proof Benchmarks for the Evaluation of LLM Safeguards 2406.01364 None 2024-06-03
The Dawn of Natural Language to SQL: Are We Fully Ready? 2406.01265 None 2024-06-03
Using EEG to investigate the effectiveness of applying ChatGPT 2403.16687 None 2024-06-03
CyberMetric: A Benchmark Dataset based on Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Evaluating LLMs in Cybersecurity Knowledge 2402.07688 None 2024-06-03
Generating Exceptional Behavior Tests with Reasoning Augmented Large Language Models 2405.14619 None 2024-05-24

Clone Detection

Title ArXiv Link GitHub Link Last Update
Trained Without My Consent: Detecting Code Inclusion In Language Models Trained on Code 2402.09299 2024-02-14
Investigating the Efficacy of Large Language Models for Code Clone Detection 2401.13802 2024-01-30
Greening Large Language Models of Code 2309.04076 2024-01-12
Towards Understanding the Capability of Large Language Models on Code Clone Detection: A Survey 2308.01191 None 2023-08-06
Natural Language Generation and Understanding of Big Code for AI-Assisted Programming: A Review 2307.02503 None 2023-07-04
Understanding Programs by Exploiting (Fuzzing) Test Cases 2305.13592 2023-06-12
Title ArXiv Link GitHub Link Last Update
Rewriting the Code: A Simple Method for Large Language Model Augmented Code Search 2401.04514 2024-06-03
ACES: Generating Diverse Programming Puzzles with with Autotelic Generative Models 2310.10692 None 2024-05-29
Natural Is The Best: Model-Agnostic Code Simplification for Pre-trained Large Language Models 2405.11196 2024-05-18
REINFOREST: Reinforcing Semantic Code Similarity for Cross-Lingual Code Search Models 2305.03843 2024-04-15
AutoCodeRover: Autonomous Program Improvement 2404.05427 2024-04-15
GenCodeSearchNet: A Benchmark Test Suite for Evaluating Generalization in Programming Language Understanding 2311.09707 None 2023-11-16
The Vault: A Comprehensive Multilingual Dataset for Advancing Code Understanding and Generation 2305.06156 2023-10-30
Language Models are Universal Embedders 2310.08232 2023-10-12
Code Representation Pre-training with Complements from Program Executions 2309.09980 None 2023-09-04
Explainable AI for Pre-Trained Code Models: What Do They Learn? When They Do Not Work? 2211.12821 None 2023-08-28

Code Review

Title ArXiv Link GitHub Link Last Update
ChatDev: Communicative Agents for Software Development 2307.07924 2024-06-05
AlchemistCoder: Harmonizing and Eliciting Code Capability by Hindsight Tuning on Multi-source Data 2405.19265 2024-05-29
AI-Assisted Assessment of Coding Practices in Modern Code Review 2405.13565 None 2024-05-22
Multi-role Consensus through LLMs Discussions for Vulnerability Detection 2403.14274 2024-05-18
PrAIoritize: Automated Early Prediction and Prioritization of Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts 2308.11082 None 2024-05-15
An Empirical Study on Code Review Activity Prediction and Its Impact in Practice 2404.10703 None 2024-05-13
Fine-Tuning and Prompt Engineering for Large Language Models-based Code Review Automation 2402.00905 None 2024-05-02
AI-powered Code Review with LLMs: Early Results 2404.18496 None 2024-04-29
When LLM-based Code Generation Meets the Software Development Process 2403.15852 None 2024-03-23
Software Vulnerability and Functionality Assessment using LLMs 2403.08429 None 2024-03-13
CodeAgent: Collaborative Agents for Software Engineering 2402.02172 None 2024-02-15
How to Refactor this Code? An Exploratory Study on Developer-ChatGPT Refactoring Conversations 2402.06013 None 2024-02-08
Assured LLM-Based Software Engineering 2402.04380 None 2024-02-06
Improving Automated Code Reviews: Learning from Experience 2402.03777 None 2024-02-06
CodePori: Large Scale Model for Autonomous Software Development by Using Multi-Agents 2402.01411 None 2024-02-02
The role of library versions in Developer-ChatGPT conversations 2401.16340 None 2024-01-29
Security Code Review by LLMs: A Deep Dive into Responses 2401.16310 None 2024-01-29
Code Review Automation: Strengths and Weaknesses of the State of the Art 2401.05136 2024-01-10
The Right Prompts for the Job: Repair Code-Review Defects with Large Language Model 2312.17485 None 2023-12-29
Explaining Explanation: An Empirical Study on Explanation in Code Reviews 2311.09020 None 2023-11-15
ChatGPT for Vulnerability Detection, Classification, and Repair: How Far Are We? 2310.09810 2023-10-15
LLaMA-Reviewer: Advancing Code Review Automation with Large Language Models through Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning 2308.11148 None 2023-09-05
Enhancing Automated Program Repair through Fine-tuning and Prompt Engineering 2304.07840 None 2023-07-21
ChatGPT: A Study on its Utility for Ubiquitous Software Engineering Tasks 2305.16837 None 2023-05-26
CoditT5: Pretraining for Source Code and Natural Language Editing 2208.05446 2022-09-14