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A collection of Promise utilities.

Utility functions


type DelayType = (ms: number) => Promise<void>;

 * Creates a promise that is scheduled to resolve after a set delay.
const delay: DelayType;


For the record, this function is just a thin-wrapper around Bluebird#map.

This method is identical to Bluebird#map except that the concurrency setting can be overridden using BLUEFEATHER_MAX_CONCURRENCY environment variable. Controlling max concurrency using environment variables enables debugging of the codebase without refactoring the code.

type MapperType<T, R> = (currentValue: T, index: number, values: $ReadOnlyArray<T>) => R;

type MapConfigurationType = {|
  +concurrency: number

type MapType<T, R> = (values: $ReadOnlyArray<T>, mapper: MapperType<T, R>, configuration?: MapConfigurationType) => Promise<$ReadOnlyArray<R>>;

const map: MapType<*, *>;


type CallbackType<T, R> = (currentValue: T, index: number, values: $ReadOnlyArray<T>) => R;

type MapSeriesType<T, R> = (values: $ReadOnlyArray<T>, mapper: CallbackType<T, R>) => Promise<$ReadOnlyArray<R>>;

 * Creates a promise that is scheduled to resolve after a set delay.
const mapSeries: MapSeriesType<*, *>;


 * @property multipleArguments Makes the resulting promise fulfill with an array of the callback's success value(s).
type PromisifyOptionsType = {|
  multipleArguments?: boolean

type PromisifyType = (nodeFunction: Function, options?: PromisifyOptionsType) => Function;

 * Creates a function that when executed returns a promise whose fait depends
 * on the callback provided as the last parameter to the wrapped function.
const promisify: PromisifyType;


type SuppressType = <T: Promise<*>>(
  ErrorConstructor: Class<Error> | (error: Error) => boolean,
  promise: T
) => T | Promise<void>;

 * Suppresses errors that are instance of ErrorConstructor.
const suppress: SuppressType;