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63 lines (52 loc) · 3.01 KB

File metadata and controls

63 lines (52 loc) · 3.01 KB


{"gitdown": "contents", "rootId": "require-returns"}

Requires that return statements are documented.

Will also report if multiple @returns tags are present.


  • checkConstructors - A value indicating whether constructors should be checked for @returns tags. Defaults to false.
  • checkGetters - Boolean to determine whether getter methods should be checked for @returns tags. Defaults to true.
  • exemptedBy - Array of tags (e.g., ['type']) whose presence on the document block avoids the need for a @returns. Defaults to an array with inheritdoc. If you set this array, it will overwrite the default, so be sure to add back inheritdoc if you wish its presence to cause exemption of the rule.
  • forceRequireReturn - Set to true to always insist on @returns documentation regardless of implicit or explicit return's in the function. May be desired to flag that a project is aware of an undefined/void return. Defaults to false.
  • forceReturnsWithAsync - By default async functions that do not explicitly return a value pass this rule as an async function will always return a Promise, even if the Promise resolves to void. You can force all async functions (including ones with an explicit Promise but no detected non-undefined resolve value) to require @return documentation by setting forceReturnsWithAsync to true on the options object. This may be useful for flagging that there has been consideration of return type. Defaults to false.
  • contexts - Set this to an array of strings representing the AST context (or an object with context and comment properties) where you wish the rule to be applied. Overrides the default contexts (see below). Set to "any" if you want the rule to apply to any jsdoc block throughout your files (as is necessary for finding function blocks not attached to a function declaration or expression, i.e., @callback or @function (or its aliases @func or @method) (including those associated with an @interface). This rule will only apply on non-default contexts when there is such a tag present and the forceRequireReturn option is set or if the forceReturnsWithAsync option is set with a present @async tag (since we are not checking against the actual return values in these cases).

Context and settings

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression; others when contexts option enabled
Tags returns
Aliases return
Recommended true
Options checkConstructors, checkGetters, contexts, exemptedBy, forceRequireReturn, forceReturnsWithAsync
Settings ignoreReplacesDocs, overrideReplacesDocs, augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs, implementsReplacesDocs

Failing examples

Passing examples