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Planar Shadow

The cascaded shadows provided by Galacean Engine have a relatively large impact on performance. For the case where the shadow acceptor is a plane, planar shadows can support shadow drawing with higher performance due to advantages such as not relying on the creation of Framebuffer.


This material will actually draw the shadow caster twice, so multi shader pass is used. The factory class PlanarShadowShaderFactory provided here will integrate the original material of the caster and the planar shadow shader into a new material.

const renderers = new Array<MeshRenderer>();
defaultSceneRoot.getComponentsIncludeChildren(MeshRenderer, renderers);

for (let i = 0, n = renderers.length; i < n; i++) {
  const material = renderers[i].getMaterial();
  PlanarShadowShaderFactory.setShadowFalloff(material, 0.2);
  PlanarShadowShaderFactory.setPlanarHeight(material, 0.01);
  PlanarShadowShaderFactory.setLightDirection(material, lightDirection);
  PlanarShadowShaderFactory.setShadowColor(material, new Color(0, 0, 0, 1.0));
OR with ShaderLab
  • Init engine with ShaderLab

    import { ShaderLab } from "@galacean/engine-shader-lab";
    // Init engine with shaderLab
    WebGLEngine.create({ canvas: "canvas", shaderLab });
  • Create shader through ShaderLab

    import { PlanarShadowShaderSource } from "@galacean/engine-toolkit";
  • Replace shader

    const planarShadowShader = Shader.find("PlanarShadow");
    material.shader = planarShadowShader;
  • Set shader uniforms

    const shaderData = material.shaderData;
     * Set planar height.
    material.shaderData.setFloat("u_planarHeight", 0);
     * Set light direction.
    shaderData.setVector3("u_lightDir", new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
     * Set shadow color
    shaderData.setColor("u_planarShadowColor", new Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
     * Set Shadow falloff coefficient
    shaderData.setFloat("u_planarShadowFalloff", 0);
