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Example output of

Act as a calculator. You can use the following functions:

Reasoning(reasoning: str)
Use this function for your internal reasoning.
Example: Reasoning(reasoning=The next step to take is...)

Use this function to stop the program.
Example: Stop()

Sum(a: float, b: float)
Use this function to compute the sum of two numbers.
Example: Sum(a=2, b=2)

Product(a: float, b: float)
Use this function to compute the product of two numbers.
Example: Product(a=2, b=2)

Only output valid Python function calls.

How much is (2*4 + 3)*5?

Running 10 iterations
>> Reasoning("I need to reason step-by-step")
The reasoning has been recorded
>> Reasoning("First, calculate the product of 2 and 4")
The reasoning has been recorded
>> Product(a=2, b=4)
>> Reasoning("Then, add 3 to the product of 2 and 4")
The reasoning has been recorded
>> Sum(a=8, b=3)
>> Reasoning("Lastly, multiply the sum by 5")
The reasoning has been recorded
>> Product(a=11, b=5)
>> Reasoning("So, the result of (2*4 + 3)*5 is 55")
The reasoning has been recorded
>> Stop()
The program has been stopped


Example output of

Act as a tic tac toe playing AI. You can use the following functions:

Use this function to get the state of the board.
Example: State()

PlaceMark(x: int, y: int)
Use this function to place a mark on the board. x represents the row and y the column. Starts at 0.
Example: PlaceMark(x=1, y=1)

Reasoning(reasoning: str)
Use this function for your internal reasoning.
Example: Reasoning(reasoning=The next step to take is...)

Use this function to stop the program.
Example: Stop()

You are playing with X.
Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.
Always check the state of the board before placing a mark.
Only output valid python function calls.

Running 30 iterations
>> Reasoning("I need to check the state of the board")
The reasoning has been recorded
>> State()
   |   |   
   |   |   
   |   |   
>> Reasoning("The board is empty, I can place my mark anywhere.")
The reasoning has been recorded
>> PlaceMark(x=1, y=1)
Placed mark at 1 1. Your opponent placed a mark at 0 1.
>> Reasoning("My opponent has placed their mark at 0 1, I will block them from getting three in a row.")
The reasoning has been recorded
>> State()
   |   |   
 O | X |   
   |   |   
>> PlaceMark(x=1, y=0)
Placed mark at 1 0. Your opponent placed a mark at 2 1.
>> Reasoning("My opponent has placed their mark at 2 1, I will block them from getting three in a row.")
The reasoning has been recorded
>> State()
   | X |   
 O | X | O 
   |   |   
>> PlaceMark(x=0, y=0)
Placed mark at 0 0. Your opponent placed a mark at 1 2.
>> Reasoning("My opponent has placed their mark at 1 2, I will block them from getting three in a row.")
The reasoning has been recorded
>> State()
 X | X |   
 O | X | O 
   | O |   
>> PlaceMark(x=2, y=2)
Placed mark at 2 2. Your opponent placed a mark at 2 0.. You won!
>> Reasoning("My opponent has placed their mark at 2 0, but I have already won the game!")
The reasoning has been recorded
>> State()
 X | X | O 
 O | X | O 
   | O | X . You won!
>> Reasoning("I have won the game!")
The reasoning has been recorded
>> Stop()
The program has been stopped