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check the notebook with name normal solution before visiting others it is commented

features engineering

This is where i created features that can be added to the model from the fsdt folders.

solutions i did not comment

i actually have more than a 20 notebooks which i tried a lot of stuff for this competitions and did a lot of testing my major approch was features engineering.

normal solution

one of my solutions in which i added comments

Final Word Before You Go

How To Get Started You do not need to do everything. You just need one good idea to get a lift in performance. Here's how to handle the overwhelm:

Pick one group (a) Data. (b) Algorithms. © Tuning. (d) Ensembles. Pick one method from the group. Pick one thing to try of the chosen method. Compare the results, keep if there was an improvement. Repeat.

We’re entering a new world in which data may be more important than software.” – Tim O’Reilly, founder, O’Reilly Media.