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Python interface to Gambit library

Gambit provides a Python interface for programmatic manipulation of games. This section documents this interface, which is under active development. Refer to the instructions for building the Python interface <build-python> to compile and install the Python extension.


Prior to 16.0.1, the Python extension was named gambit. It is now known as pygambit to avoid a name clash with an unrelated (and abandoned) project on PyPI.

A tutorial introduction

Building an extensive game

The function :pyGame.new_tree creates a new, trivial extensive game, with no players, and only a root node:

In [1]: import pygambit

In [2]: g = pygambit.Game.new_tree()

In [3]: len(g.players)
Out[3]: 0

The game also has no title. The :py~Game.title attribute provides access to a game's title:

In [4]: str(g)
Out[4]: "<Game ''>"

In [5]: g.title = "A simple poker example"

In [6]: g.title
Out[6]: 'A simple poker example'

In [7]: str(g)
Out[7]: "<Game 'A simple poker example'>"

The :py~Game.players attribute of a game is a collection of the players. As seen above, calling :pylen on the set of players gives the number of players in the game. Adding a :pyPlayer to the game is done with the :pyadd member of :py~Game.players:

In [8]: p = g.players.add("Alice")

In [9]: p
Out[9]: <Player [0] 'Alice' in game 'A simple poker example'>

Each :pyPlayer has a text string stored in the :py~Player.label attribute, which is useful for human identification of players:

In [10]: p.label
Out[10]: 'Alice'

:pyGame.players can be accessed like a Python list:

In [11]: len(g.players)
Out[11]: 1

In [12]: g.players[0]
Out[12]: <Player [0] 'Alice' in game 'A simple poker example'>

In [13]: g.players
Out[13]: [<Player [0] 'Alice' in game 'A simple poker example'>]

Building a strategic game

Games in strategic form are created using :pyGame.new_table, which takes a list of integers specifying the number of strategies for each player:

In [1]: g = pygambit.Game.new_table([2,2])

In [2]: g.title = "A prisoner's dilemma game"

In [3]: g.players[0].label = "Alphonse"

In [4]: g.players[1].label = "Gaston"

In [5]: g
NFG 1 R "A prisoner's dilemma game" { "Alphonse" "Gaston" }

{ { "1" "2" }
{ "1" "2" }

0 0 0 0 

The :py~Player.strategies collection for a :pyPlayer lists all the strategies available for that player:

In [6]: g.players[0].strategies
Out[6]: [<Strategy [0] '1' for player 'Alphonse' in game 'A
prisoner's dilemma game'>, 
         <Strategy [1] '2' for player 'Alphonse' in game 'A prisoner's dilemma game'>]

In [7]: len(g.players[0].strategies)
Out[7]: 2

In [8]: g.players[0].strategies[0].label = "Cooperate"

In [9]: g.players[0].strategies[1].label = "Defect"

In [10]: g.players[0].strategies
Out[10]: [<Strategy [0] 'Cooperate' for player 'Alphonse' in game 'A
prisoner's dilemma game'>,
          <Strategy [1] 'Defect' for player 'Alphonse' in game 'A prisoner's dilemma game'>]

The outcome associated with a particular combination of strategies is accessed by treating the game like an array. For a game g, g[i,j] is the outcome where the first player plays his i th strategy, and the second player plays his j th strategy. Payoffs associated with an outcome are set or obtained by indexing the outcome by the player number. For a prisoner's dilemma game where the cooperative payoff is 8, the betrayal payoff is 10, the sucker payoff is 2, and the noncooperative (equilibrium) payoff is 5:

In [11]: g[0,0][0] = 8

In [12]: g[0,0][1] = 8

In [13]: g[0,1][0] = 2

In [14]: g[0,1][1] = 10

In [15]: g[1,0][0] = 10

In [16]: g[1,1][1] = 2

In [17]: g[1,0][1] = 2

In [18]: g[1,1][0] = 5

In [19]: g[1,1][1] = 5

Alternatively, one can use :pyGame.from_arrays in conjunction with numpy arrays to construct a game with desired payoff matrices more directly, as in:

In [20]: m = numpy.array([ [ 8, 2 ], [ 10, 5 ] ], dtype=pygambit.Rational)

In [21]: g = pygambit.Game.from_arrays(m, numpy.transpose(m))

Reading a game from a file

Games stored in existing Gambit savefiles in either the .efg or .nfg formats can be loaded using :pyGame.read_game:

In [1]: g = pygambit.Game.read_game("e02.nfg")

In [2]: g
NFG 1 R "Selten (IJGT, 75), Figure 2, normal form" { "Player 1" "Player 2" }

{ { "1" "2" "3" }
{ "1" "2" }

{ "" 1, 1 }
{ "" 0, 2 }
{ "" 0, 2 }
{ "" 1, 1 }
{ "" 0, 3 }
{ "" 2, 0 }
1 2 3 4 5 6

Iterating the pure strategy profiles in a game

Each entry in a strategic game corresponds to the outcome arising from a particular combination fo pure strategies played by the players. The property :pyGame.contingencies is the collection of all such combinations. Iterating over the contingencies collection visits each pure strategy profile possible in the game:

In [1]: g = pygambit.Game.read_game("e02.nfg")

In [2]: list(g.contingencies)
Out[2]: [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [2, 0], [2, 1]]

Each pure strategy profile can then be used to access individual outcomes and payoffs in the game:

In [3]: for profile in g.contingencies:
   ...:     print profile, g[profile][0], g[profile][1]
[0, 0] 1 1
[0, 1] 1 1
[1, 0] 0 2
[1, 1] 0 3
[2, 0] 0 2
[2, 1] 2 0

Mixed strategy and behavior profiles

A :pyMixedStrategyProfile object, which represents a probability distribution over the pure strategies of each player, is constructed using :pyGame.mixed_strategy_profile. Mixed strategy profiles are initialized to uniform randomization over all strategies for all players.

Mixed strategy profiles can be indexed in three ways.

  1. Specifying a strategy returns the probability of that strategy being played in the profile.
  2. Specifying a player returns a list of probabilities, one for each strategy available to the player.
  3. Profiles can be treated as a list indexed from 0 up to the number of total strategies in the game minus one.

This sample illustrates the three methods:

In [1]: g = pygambit.Game.read_game("e02.nfg")

In [2]: p = g.mixed_strategy_profile()

In [3]: list(p)
Out[3]: [0.33333333333333331, 0.33333333333333331, 0.33333333333333331, 0.5, 0.5]

In [4]: p[g.players[0]]
Out[4]: [0.33333333333333331, 0.33333333333333331, 0.33333333333333331]

In [5]: p[g.players[1].strategies[0]]
Out[5]: 0.5

The expected payoff to a player is obtained using :pyMixedStrategyProfile.payoff:

In [6]: p.payoff(g.players[0])
Out[6]: 0.66666666666666663

The standalone expected payoff to playing a given strategy, assuming all other players play according to the profile, is obtained using :pyMixedStrategyProfile.strategy_value:

In [7]: p.strategy_value(g.players[0].strategies[2])
Out[7]: 1.0

A :pyMixedBehaviorProfile object, which represents a probability distribution over the actions at each information set, is constructed using :pyGame.mixed_behavior_profile. Behavior profiles are initialized to uniform randomization over all actions at each information set.

Mixed behavior profiles are indexed similarly to mixed strategy profiles, except that indexing by a player returns a list of lists of probabilities, containing one list for each information set controlled by that player:

In [1]: g = pygambit.Game.read_game("e02.efg")

In [2]: p = g.mixed_behavior_profile()

In [3]: list(p)
Out[3]: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]

In [5]: p[g.players[0]]
Out[5]: [[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]]

In [6]: p[g.players[0].infosets[0]]
Out[6]: [0.5, 0.5]

In [7]: p[g.players[0].infosets[0].actions[0]]
Out[7]: 0.5

For games with a tree representation, a :pyMixedStrategyProfile can be converted to its equivalent :pyMixedBehaviorProfile by calling :pyMixedStrategyProfile.as_behavior. Equally, a :pyMixedBehaviorProfile can be converted to an equivalent :pyMixedStrategyProfile using :pyMixedBehaviorProfile.as_strategy.

Computing Nash equilibria

Interfaces to algorithms for computing Nash equilibria are collected in the module :pypygambit.nash. There are two choices for calling these algorithms: directly within Python, or via the corresponding Gambit command-line tool <command-line>.

Calling an algorithm directly within Python has less overhead, which makes this approach well-suited to the analysis of smaller games, where the expected running time is small. In addition, these interfaces may offer more fine-grained control of the behavior of some algorithms.

Calling the Gambit command-line tool launches the algorithm as a separate process. This makes it easier to abort during the run of the algorithm (preserving where possible the equilibria which have already been found), and also makes the program more robust to any internal errors which may arise in the calculation.

Calling command-line tools

The interface to each command-line tool is encapsulated in a class with the word "External" in the name. These operate by creating a subprocess, which calls the corresponding Gambit command-line tool <command-line>. Therefore, a working Gambit installation needs to be in place, with the command-line tools located in the executable search path.

Method Python class
gambit-enumpure ExternalEnumPureSolver
gambit-enummixed ExternalEnumMixedSolver
gambit-lp ExternalLPSolver
gambit-lcp ExternalLCPSolver
gambit-simpdiv ExternalSimpdivSolver
gambit-gnm ExternalGlobalNewtonSolver
gambit-enumpoly ExternalEnumPolySolver
gambit-liap ExternalLyapunovSolver
gambit-ipa ExternalIteratedPolymatrixSolver
gambit-logit ExternalLogitSolver

For example, consider the game e02.nfg from the set of standard Gambit examples. This game has a continuum of equilibria, in which the first player plays his first strategty with probability one, and the second player plays a mixed strategy, placing at least probability one-half on her first strategy:

In [1]: g = pygambit.Game.read_game("e02.nfg")

In [2]: solver = pygambit.nash.ExternalEnumPureSolver()

In [3]: solver.solve(g)
Out[3]: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]

In [4]: solver = pygambit.nash.ExternalEnumMixedSolver()

In [5]: solver.solve(g)
Out[5]: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5]]

In [6]: solver = pygambit.nash.ExternalLogitSolver()

In [7]: solver.solve(g)
Out[7]: [[0.99999999997881173, 0.0, 2.1188267679986399e-11, 0.50001141005647654, 0.49998858994352352]]

In this example, the pure strategy solver returns the unique equilibrium in pure strategies. Solving using gambit-enummixed gives two equilibria, which are the extreme points of the set of equilibria. Solving by tracing the quantal response equilibrium correspondence produces a close numerical approximation to one equilibrium; in fact, the equilibrium which is the limit of the principal branch is the one in which the second player randomizes with equal probability on both strategies.

When a game's representation is in extensive form, these solvers default to using the version of the algorithm which operates on the extensive game, where available, and returns a list of :pypygambit.MixedBehaviorProfile objects. This can be overridden when calling :pysolve via the use_strategic parameter:

In [1]: g = pygambit.Game.read_game("e02.efg")

In [2]: solver = pygambit.nash.ExternalLCPSolver()

In [3]: solver.solve(g)
Out[3]: [<NashProfile for 'Selten (IJGT, 75), Figure 2': [1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]>]

In [4]: solver.solve(g, use_strategic=True)
Out[4]: [<NashProfile for 'Selten (IJGT, 75), Figure 2': [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]>]

As this game is in extensive form, in the first call, the returned profile is a :pyMixedBehaviorProfile, while in the second, it is a :pyMixedStrategyProfile. While the set of equilibria is not affected by whether behavior or mixed strategies are used, the equilibria returned by specific solution methods may differ, when using a call which does not necessarily return all equilibria.

Calling internally-linked libraries

Where available, versions of algorithms which have been linked internally into the Python library are generally called via convenience functions. The following table lists the algorithms available via this approach.

Method Python function
gambit-enumpure <gambit-enumpure> :pygambit.nash.enumpure_solve
gambit-lp <gambit-lp> :pygambit.nash.lp_solve
gambit-lcp <gambit-lcp> :pygambit.nash.lcp_solve

Parameters are available to modify the operation of the algorithm. The most common ones are use_strategic, to indicate the use of a strategic form version of an algorithm where both extensive and strategic versions are available, and rational, to indicate computation using rational arithmetic, where this is an option to the algorithm.

For example, taking again the game e02.efg as an example:

In [1]: g = pygambit.Game.read_game("e02.efg")

In [2]: pygambit.nash.lcp_solve(g)
Out[2]: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]

In [3]: pygambit.nash.lcp_solve(g, rational=True)
Out[3]: [[Fraction(1, 1), Fraction(0, 1), Fraction(1, 2), Fraction(1, 2), Fraction(1, 2), Fraction(1, 2)]]

In [4]: pygambit.nash.lcp_solve(g, use_strategic=True)
Out[4]: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]

In [5]: pygambit.nash.lcp_solve(g, use_strategic=True, rational=True)
Out[5]: [[Fraction(1, 1), Fraction(0, 1), Fraction(0, 1), Fraction(1, 1), Fraction(0, 1)]]

API documentation

Game representations

Representations of play of games

The main responsibility of these classes is to capture information about a plan of play of a game, by one or more players.

Elements of games

These classes represent elements which exist inside of the definition of game.

Representation of errors and exceptions

Computation of Nash equilibria