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BUG: NFT transfer from Stargaze to IRISnet pended and didn't returned #329

heejin-github opened this issue Mar 8, 2023 · 16 comments
relayer Something wrong with the realyer


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Summary of Bug

  • NFT transfer from Stargaze to IRISnet pended, and didn't received in IRISnet, didn't returned to Stargaze also.


  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
  • Software version:
    • starsd: v8.1.0

Steps to Reproduce

This issue happened during the Task A19 (s --(1)-->i).

  1. Tried to transfer NFTs from Stargaze to Irisnet. The settings were as follows.
  • Msg
# Json
  "receiver": "iaa1gtk6c7ft3mpp7cmsd39mw0ysqa6mf579gq67d5",
  "channel_id": "channel-207",
  "timeout": {
    "block": {
      "revision": 1,
      "height": 346000

# Encoded

  • Executed command
starsd tx wasm execute \
	stars1r9whurc74jqgdf7ftlfdxacngxv4z2u2ea6c9ph85rvp5qjsek4szdk7gy \
	'{"send_nft": {"contract": "stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh", "token_id": "dsrvNFTtokenA19", "msg": "ewogICJyZWNlaXZlciI6ICJpYWExZ3RrNmM3ZnQzbXBwN2Ntc2QzOW13MHlzcWE2bWY1NzlncTY3ZDUiLAogICJjaGFubmVsX2lkIjogImNoYW5uZWwtMjA3IiwKICAidGltZW91dCI6IHsKICAgICJibG9jayI6IHsKICAgICAgInJldmlzaW9uIjogMSwKICAgICAgImhlaWdodCI6IDM0NjAwMAogICAgfQogIH0KfQ=="}}' \
	--from=dsrvlabs \
	--gas-prices 1ustars \
    	--gas auto \
    	--gas-adjustment 1.3 
  1. The IBC Transfer Tx was successfully performed on Stargaze.

Success Tx:

  1. Relayer tried to relay NFT transfer packets to IRISnet.

  2. During the relay sequence, the timeout_height was reached and the corresponding Tx failed.

Failed Tx:

Expected and Actual Behavior

  • Expected Behavior : NFT owned by owner address. even if transfer Tx was failed.
$ starsd query wasm contract-state smart \
        stars1r9whurc74jqgdf7ftlfdxacngxv4z2u2ea6c9ph85rvp5qjsek4szdk7gy \
    approvals: []
    owner: stars1gtk6c7ft3mpp7cmsd39mw0ysqa6mf579f7djy5
    extension: {}

  • Actual Behavior : NFT owned by contract.
$ starsd query wasm contract-state smart \
        stars1r9whurc74jqgdf7ftlfdxacngxv4z2u2ea6c9ph85rvp5qjsek4szdk7gy \
    approvals: []
    owner: stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh
    extension: {}

Error Stack

failed to execute message; message index: 1: receive packet verification failed: block height >= packet timeout height (1-346000 >= 1-346000): packet timeout

Additional Context

From the NFT user's perspective, if the NFT transfer fails as a result whether it's because the Tx failed or the timeout height was reached, they will expect it to returned back.
if it locked on contract, user will think that they've lost of the NFT.

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I just want to confirm this problem. I am not sure if this happens because the cw721 contract is not handling the timeouts properly or where the exact problem lies (although I didn't find any actual tests of this in the cw721 repo, so unable to confirm). @shanev or @0xekez, would you be able to weigh in on this?

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0xekez commented Mar 9, 2023

hi, thanks for reporting this! the NFT won't get refunded unless the relayer commits the timeout message to Stargaze. do you perhaps have a link to that TX, or an error message if it failed?

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0xekez commented Mar 9, 2023

here is a test that checks that NFTs are refunded on timeout that may be a good reference.

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Yes, I have the transaction on Stargaze (elgefar-1): 9A569DBF71A38CE3927E5EA05A24C585E39716AE31BAF21121960661C63D016D

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0xekez commented Mar 9, 2023

@gjermundgaraba - thanks for sending that over. it looks like that is the transaction that initiated the transfer (notice that this is the Send on the stargaze chain -

i'm curious if you have the timeout packet? you can see here in the test how getting the refund requires that a relayer sends a message on Stargaze informing the bridge that a timeout occured.

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Hmm, I am not able to find one, so perhaps it was never submitted.
So the question then becomes, why have no relayers commited a timeout message to stargaze? I have confirmed that relayers are running on these channels, but they are not picking up this.

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Aha! I was using the go relayer myself, and thinking perhaps it was a relayer software issue, I started up a hermes relayer as well, and it found the missing packets right away! My NFT is back!

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0xekez commented Mar 9, 2023

go hermes!

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Hi, @gjermundgaraba and @0xekez
It seems that we've got similar issue on iris.
Tx was failed to relay from stargaze to iris because timeout reached.

and I found the missing packets by hermes. but, it couldn't returned to stargaze because relayer couldn't find the NFT Class ID.
May I ask any idea for this?

failed to execute message; message index: 1: timeout packet callback failed: ibc/57316878F682A6541C5587C0A07BC345492C9FB0738A1619D1FF1649DE814F59: nft class does not exist 
  • pending packets found.
# hermes query packet pending --chain gon-irishub-1 --port nft-transfer --channel channel-22
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.25s
     Running `/root/git/hermes/target/release/hermes query packet pending --chain gon-irishub-1 --port nft-transfer --channel channel-22`
2023-03-08T01:50:33.074950Z  INFO ThreadId(01) using default configuration from '/root/.hermes/config.toml'
SUCCESS Summary {
    src: PendingPackets {
        unreceived_packets: [
            Collated {
                start: Sequence(
                end: Sequence(
        unreceived_acks: [],
    dst: PendingPackets {
        unreceived_packets: [
            Collated {
                start: Sequence(
                end: Sequence(
        unreceived_acks: [],
  • trying to clear pending packets. but failed.
# hermes clear packets --chain gon-irishub-1 --channel channel-22 --port nft-transfer
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.24s
     Running `/root/git/hermes/target/release/hermes clear packets --chain gon-irishub-1 --channel channel-22 --port nft-transfer`
2023-03-08T02:48:29.811051Z  INFO ThreadId(01) using default configuration from '/root/.hermes/config.toml'
2023-03-08T02:48:33.420845Z  INFO ThreadId(01) relay_recv_packet_and_timeout_messages{src_chain=gon-irishub-1 src_port=nft-transfer src_channel=channel-22 dst_chain=elgafar-1}: 1 unreceived packets found: [ 74 ]
2023-03-08T02:48:33.918906Z  INFO ThreadId(01) relay_recv_packet_and_timeout_messages{src_chain=gon-irishub-1 src_port=nft-transfer src_channel=channel-22 dst_chain=elgafar-1}: pulled packet data for 1 events out of 1 sequences: 74..=74; events.left=0
2023-03-08T02:48:41.980326Z  INFO ThreadId(01) relay_recv_packet_and_timeout_messages{src_chain=gon-irishub-1 src_port=nft-transfer src_channel=channel-22 dst_chain=elgafar-1}:relay{odata=packet-recv ->Source @1-3756673; len=1}: assembled batch of 2 message(s)
2023-03-08T02:48:43.217676Z ERROR ThreadId(10) relay_recv_packet_and_timeout_messages{src_chain=gon-irishub-1 src_port=nft-transfer src_channel=channel-22 dst_chain=elgafar-1}:relay{odata=packet-recv ->Source @1-3756673; len=1}:send_messages_and_wait_commit{chain=gon-irishub-1 tracking_id=packet-recv}:send_tx_with_account_sequence_retry{chain=gon-irishub-1 account.sequence=0}:estimate_gas: failed to simulate tx. propagating error to caller: gRPC call failed with status: status: Unknown, message: "failed to execute message; message index: 1: timeout packet callback failed: ibc/57316878F682A6541C5587C0A07BC345492C9FB0738A1619D1FF1649DE814F59: nft class does not exist [cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.5/x/nft/keeper/nft.go:79] With gas wanted: '18446744073709551615' and gas used: '186328' ", details: [], metadata: MetadataMap { headers: {"content-type": "application/grpc", "x-cosmos-block-height": "356939"} }
2023-03-08T02:48:43.217739Z ERROR ThreadId(10) relay_recv_packet_and_timeout_messages{src_chain=gon-irishub-1 src_port=nft-transfer src_channel=channel-22 dst_chain=elgafar-1}:relay{odata=packet-recv ->Source @1-3756673; len=1}:send_messages_and_wait_commit{chain=gon-irishub-1 tracking_id=packet-recv}:send_tx_with_account_sequence_retry{chain=gon-irishub-1 account.sequence=0}: gas estimation failed or encountered another unrecoverable error error=gRPC call failed with status: status: Unknown, message: "failed to execute message; message index: 1: timeout packet callback failed: ibc/57316878F682A6541C5587C0A07BC345492C9FB0738A1619D1FF1649DE814F59: nft class does not exist [cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.5/x/nft/keeper/nft.go:79] With gas wanted: '18446744073709551615' and gas used: '186328' ", details: [], metadata: MetadataMap { headers: {"content-type": "application/grpc", "x-cosmos-block-height": "356939"} }
ERROR link error: link failed with underlying error: gRPC call failed with status: status: Unknown, message: "failed to execute message; message index: 1: timeout packet callback failed: ibc/57316878F682A6541C5587C0A07BC345492C9FB0738A1619D1FF1649DE814F59: nft class does not exist [cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.5/x/nft/keeper/nft.go:79] With gas wanted: '18446744073709551615' and gas used: '186328' ", details: [], metadata: MetadataMap { headers: {"content-type": "application/grpc", "x-cosmos-block-height": "356939"} }

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gjermundgaraba commented Mar 10, 2023

This is very interesting! I am looking into it! :D

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I figured it out 🙏

This is the transaction in question:

It's because the class-id has a slash in it, and the nft-transfer module incorrectly assumes it's an ibc class-id.

Proof: if you make a hash from the class-id in the tx above: ark/xxfs you get: 57316878F682A6541C5587C0A07BC345492C9FB0738A1619D1FF1649DE814F59, which is the class-id that the nft-transfer module does not recognize: timeout packet callback failed: ibc/57316878F682A6541C5587C0A07BC345492C9FB0738A1619D1FF1649DE814F59: nft class does not exist

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I think I'm not that case.

This is the transaction from IRIS to Stargaze I've sent.
but, there's no slash in class-id. class-id is dsrvFirstAwesomeCollection01

which class-id incorrectly assumed by nft-transfer module did you point out?

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It looks like yours has arrived succesfully?
I found the corresponding tx on stargaze:

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heejin-github commented Mar 13, 2023

No, it doesn't arrived. Tx was failed.

and it remained as a pending packets.
I'm trying to return it back to stargaze with hermes. but, it couldn't cleared these pending packets.

How did you get the NFT back with hermes?

# hermes query packet pending --chain gon-irishub-1 --port nft-transfer --channel channel-22
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.25s
     Running `/root/git/hermes/target/release/hermes query packet pending --chain gon-irishub-1 --port nft-transfer --channel channel-22`
2023-03-08T01:50:33.074950Z  INFO ThreadId(01) using default configuration from '/root/.hermes/config.toml'
SUCCESS Summary {
    src: PendingPackets {
        unreceived_packets: [
            Collated {
                start: Sequence(
                end: Sequence(
        unreceived_acks: [],
    dst: PendingPackets {
        unreceived_packets: [
            Collated {
                start: Sequence(
                end: Sequence(
        unreceived_acks: [],
  • error on hermes when trying to clear packets.
ERROR link error: link failed with underlying error: gRPC call failed with status: status: Unknown, message: "failed to execute message; message index: 1: timeout packet callback failed: ibc/57316878F682A6541C5587C0A07BC345492C9FB0738A1619D1FF1649DE814F59: nft class does not exist

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gjermundgaraba commented Mar 13, 2023

That failure you have at the bottom with ibc/57316878F682A6541C5587C0A07BC345492C9FB0738A1619D1FF1649DE814F59 is unrelated to yours. That is the one with slash that I talked about earlier.

And the transaction you are linking,, is not related to yours either. If you look at the data sent it's, by chance, actually one of my NFTs:


Back to your NFT.

I checked the NFT, and it is there, on Stargaze, owned by you:

$ starsd q wasm contract-state smart stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh '{"nft_contract": {"class_id": "wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/dsrvFirstAwesomeCollection01"}}' $STARGAZE_Q_DEFAULT
data: stars1r9whurc74jqgdf7ftlfdxacngxv4z2u2ea6c9ph85rvp5qjsek4szdk7gy
$ starsd q wasm contract-state smart stars1r9whurc74jqgdf7ftlfdxacngxv4z2u2ea6c9ph85rvp5qjsek4szdk7gy '{"tokens": {"owner": "stars1gtk6c7ft3mpp7cmsd39mw0ysqa6mf579f7djy5"}}' $STARGAZE_Q_DEFAULT
  - dsrvNFTtokenA19

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Got it! maybe someone cleared my pended packets in iris. then returned my NFT back.
Thanks for your kindly help.

@towerkyoto towerkyoto added the relayer Something wrong with the realyer label Mar 27, 2023
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