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File metadata and controls

58 lines (43 loc) · 3.16 KB


  • Add setResults to hook return values in order to have more control of manually setting the results state array. Thanks to for the suggestion Riley-Brown#12

  • Fixed bug where handleRecordingTimeout would not be cleared when repeatedly calling startSpeechToText causing recording to stop unexpectedly

  • Remove setIsRecording(false) from speechEvents.on('stopped_speaking') event logic in order to have more consistent functionality between both WebSpeechAPI and cross-browser google cloud platforms.

    • Previously setIsRecording(false) was being called here because technically the microphone stops recording when stopRecording is invoked in src/Hooks/index line 236 until the google cloud API promise gets resolved. However, this is not the case when using the Chrome WebSpeechAPI as the WebSpeechAPI continues recording microphone and setIsRecording(false) is only called on the recognition.onend event.

    • This could be a potential breaking change if previous code was expecting the isRecording boolean to change during the few hundred milliseconds it takes for the google cloud API promise to resolve

  • Update package.json peerDependencies of react and react-dom from ^16.8.0 to >=16.8.0 to potentially fix issues using latest versions of react. Thanks to for reporting Riley-Brown#13


  • Add new useLegacyResults hook arg to opt into new array of objects results
  • Add new array of objects results containing timestamp, transcript and speechBlob properties for each speech result
  • Add default timeout value of 10000
  • Add default speechRecognitionProperties value of { interimResults: true } for displaying realtime speech to text result

It is recommended to opt into new results by passing useLegacyResults: false as the legacy array of string results will be completely removed in a future version


  • Added functionality to return real-time speech result while speaking for SpeechRecognition web API

Hook now returns an interimResult variable which is a string and will be updated as you speak if opting in using the speech recognition properties config of speechRecognitionProperties: { interimResults: true }


 const {
  } = useSpeechToText({
    continuous: true,
    crossBrowser: true,
    googleApiKey: process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY,
    timeout: 10000,
    speechRecognitionProperties: { interimResults: true }

  return (
        {, index) => (
          <li key={index}>{result}</li>
        {interimResult && <li>{interimResult}</li>}
  • When SpeechRecognition result event returns isFinal, the interimResult value will be set to undefined, this allows you to conditionally display the real-time interimResult while speech is in progress, then display the final result from the results array once result is final
