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44 lines (32 loc) · 2.72 KB

File metadata and controls

44 lines (32 loc) · 2.72 KB

Contributing to MaterialDayPicker

Thanks for showing interest in MaterialDayPicker. We're more than happy to accept new contributors.

Branching Structure

For this project we structure our branches following the Gitflow approach. We have two main branches in our repo: release and dev. dev is where active development happens. Whenever we want to deploy a new release we merge the latest dev branch into release. Every commit on release is built on CI and deployed to bintray on success.

Merging Pull Requests

GitHub will allow you to merge once all required CI checks and reviews are completed. You can merge your branch yourself once GitHub allows you to.

Feature Development and Low Priority Bug Fixes

  1. Create a branch off of dev following the pattern: feature/<FEATURE_NAME>
  2. Implement your feature or low priority bug fix
  3. If your code introduces any new APIs update the projects to provide usage details
  4. Open a pull request to merge your code into the dev branch. Note: GitHub will default to merging into the release so you will need to update the target branch yourself
  5. Merge when green

High Priority Bug Fixes

Note this section only applies to bugs that must urgently be fixed and can't wait for a normal release cycle to ship.

  1. Create a branch directly off of release following the pattern: hotfix/<BUG_NAME>
  2. Implement your fix
  3. Increment the minor version of the publishVersion in the project's root build.gradle
  4. Update the "What's new" section of the project's to include details about the bug fixed by the hotfix
  5. Open a pull request to merge your code straight into release
  6. Merge when green
  7. Create a new GitHub release and include the release notes you added to the "What's new" section of the
  8. Now we need to get this hotfix back into the dev branch. To do this open a PR merging release into dev
  9. Merge when green

Creating a new Library Release

  1. Create a branch off of dev following the pattern: prepare-for-<RELEASE-NUMBER>
  2. Update the publishVersion of the library in the project's root build.gradle
  3. Update the "What's new" section of the project's to include this release's features/bug fixes
  4. Verify any new APIs are documented in the readme
  5. Open up a PR to merge the branch with the above changes into dev
  6. Once merged open a new PR to merge dev into release
  7. Once approved merge the PR and a new version of the library will be deployed
  8. Create a new GitHub release on this repository and include the release notes you added to the "What's new" section of the readme