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Lectures 1-3_linear

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Basic concepts

  • Image classification is a fundamental task for other Computer Vision problems (such as object detection, segmentation or image captioning).
  • In computer view, an image is viewed as a 3-D array. For a three color channels (RGB) image with 20 pixels wide, 30 pixels tall, it has a total of 20 * 30 * 3 = 1800 integers. Each integer ranges between 0 (black) and 255 (white). The image can be flatten out to be one dimensional array. For example, a specific 32x32 colour image of the CIFAR-10 dataset can be flatten out to a 1x3072 numpy array of uint8s. The first 1024 entries contain the red channel values (row-major order, which means the first 32 entries are the red channel values of the first row of the image), the next 1024 the green, and the final 1024 the blue. see CIFAR-10 for more detailed information.
  • Machine learning approach is the data-driven approach. And all the available data can be split into training set, validation set and test set. Validation set (Cross validation) is used to select hyper-parameters, and test set is only used to report the accuracy at a single time in the end. Note that, when all the hyper-parameters are determined by cross validation, the final model is re-trained on (training set + validation set).
  • Softmax function maps a vector of arbitrary real-valued scores to a vector of values between zero and one that sum to one. Then, cross entropy can be applied.
  • Three approaches for image classification
    • k-Nearest Neighbor classifier, based on the pixel distance (L1 or L2).
      • k and distance measure (L1 or L2) are determined by cross validation.
      • The drawbacks of kNN are (1) storing all training set and (2) expensive predicting.
      • Since totally different images may have the same distance, the performance of kNN is not good. FLANN provides the implementaion of approximate nearest neighbor.
    • Linear classifier.
      • Score function maps raw data to class scores (the score is weighted sum of all pixels); loss function quantifies the agreement between the predicted class scores and the ground truth labels.
      • Treat it as a optimization problem and the goal is minimizing the loss.
      • f=WX+b. W is weights and b is bias (affect the final score but donot interact with the input X. Without b, the classifier line will be forced to cross the origin). Bias trick: combine W and b into one matrix and extend x with constant one.
      • Data preprocessing: zero meaning centering and unit variance.
      • Loss function
        • Multiclass SVM loss: expect the correct class score is at least larger than the incorrect class score by the margin 1.
        • Cross-entropy loss: unnormalized log probabilities -> softmax (normalized class probabilties) -> minimizing the negative log likelihood of correct class [MLE] (aka minimizing the cross entropy [KL divergence] between the predicted class score and the true label)
        • Final loss: multiclass SVM / cross-entropy + regularization loss. With regularization loss, the final loss cannot be equal to zero. With L2 regularization, the weights tends to evenly distributed.
    • Convolutional Neural Network.


Vectorized codes are perfered since they are efficient.

Python List iteration

# list iteration
a = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
for idx, ele in enumerate(a):
    print 'index:%d, value:%s' % (idx, ele)

find the most frequent numbers in an array

# see
a = np.array([1, 1, 3, 7, 7, 7])
np.bincount(a) # array([0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3], dtype=int64), 3 means 7-index occurs three times 
np.argmax(np.bincount(a)) # 7

L1 and L2 distance between two vectors

a = np.array([1,2,3,4])
b = np.array([2,3,4,5])

# two strategies for L1
np.linalg.norm(a-b, ord=1) # 4
np.sum(np.abs(a-b)) # 4

# two strategies for L2
np.linalg.norm(a-b) # 2.0
np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(a-b))) # 2.0

Euclidean distance between two matrix

train = np.random.random((5,3))
test = np.random.random((8,3))

# stratege 1
train_square = np.sum(np.square(train), axis=1) # shape: (5L,)
test_square = np.sum(np.square(test), axis=1, keepdims=True) # shape(8L, 1L)
train_test =, train.T) # (8L, 5L)
res = np.sqrt(-2*train_test + train_square + test_square) # (8L, 5L)

# strategy 2
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
res_scipy = cdist(test, train, metric='euclidean')

Image preprocessing and bias trick

# first: compute the image mean based on the training data
mean_image = np.mean(X_train, axis=0) # X_train shape is N (Number of samples) * D (Dimension)
# subtract the mean
X_train -= mean_image
# third: append the bias dimension of ones (i.e. bias trick)
X_train = np.hstack([X_train, np.ones((X_train.shape[0], 1))])

Multi-class SVM loss for one training example (x, y)

def L_i_vectorized(x, y, W):
  delta = 1.0
  scores =
  margins = np.maximum(0, scores - scores[y] + delta)
  margins[y] = 0 # the loss exclude y-th true class itself
  loss_i = np.sum(margins)
  return loss_i

Numerical stability for softmax function

f = np.array([123, 456, 789])
p = np.exp(f) / np.sum(np.exp(f)) # Numeric potential blowup

# logC = -max(f)
f -= np.max(f) # f becomes [-666, -333, 0]
p = np.exp(f) / np.sum(np.exp(f))

Part solution of Assignment 1


kNN classifier includes two steps: First, compute the distances between test images and all train examples. Then, find the k nearest examples and vote for the predicted label.

# In
# compute_distances_two_loops computes the distance matrix one element at a time
for i in xrange(num_test):
    for j in xrange(num_train):        
        dists[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(X[i,:] - self.X_train[j,:])\
        # or
        # dists[i,j] = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(X[i,:] - self.X_train[j,:])))

# predict_labels
for i in xrange(num_test):
    closest_y = self.y_train[np.argsort(dists[i,])[0:k]]
    y_pred[i] = np.argmax(np.bincount(closest_y))
