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Francy - Javascript

This Javascript module produces graphics based on the semantic model produced by Francy GAP.

Francy depends on d3.v7.


Francy supports renderers to be registered and thus producing different representations of graphs. The renderers can be switched at any time using the user interface, by selecting Settings > Renderers in the main menu.

Francy implements 3 renderers at the moment:

  1. D3 using D3 forces to get a representation of network graphs and charts.
  2. Graphviz, d3-graphviz, using one of 'circo', 'dot', 'fdp', 'neato', 'osage', 'patchwork' or 'twopi' engines to get different representations.
  3. Vis using dynamic customizable networks.


Make sure JupyterKenel is installed on Jupyter - JupyterKernel is distributed with GAP by default, since v4.10 :) Make sure Francy GAP is installed on GAP - Francy is distributed with GAP by default, since v4.10 :)

Jupyterlab integration

In order to use this module on JupyterLab:

mcmartins@local:~$ pip install -U jupyterlab-francy

Browser integration

  <meta charset="utf-8" content="text/html" property="GAP,francy,d3.v7,graphviz,vis">
  <script src=""></script>
  <div id="francy-drawing-div"></div>

    // configure francy
    let Francy = new FrancyApp({ 
      appendTo: '#francy-drawing-div', 
      callbackHandler: (json) => {`Input from callback: ${json}`);

    // register available renderers
    Francy.RenderingManager.register(new D3Renderer());
    Francy.RenderingManager.register(new GraphvizRenderer());
    Francy.RenderingManager.register(new VisRenderer());

    d3.json("json.json", function (error, json) {
      Francy.load(json).render().catch(error => Logger.error(error)).then(element =>'Do whatever with me:', element));



Bug fixing, new features or new Renderers, are welcome! This section provides basic information to start contributing to the Javascript code base.


The project is managed by yarn and follows all the standard Lerna project format. To run Francy on your development environment follow the following recipe:

mcmartins@local:~/francy/js $ sudo npm install -g n && sudo n stable
mcmartins@local:~/francy/js $ # install dependencies
mcmartins@local:~/francy/js $ yarn install
mcmartins@local:~/francy/js $ # build project
mcmartins@local:~/francy/js $ yarn run build
mcmartins@local:~/francy/js $ # run tests
mcmartins@local:~/francy/js $ yarn run test
mcmartins@local:~/francy/js $ # development installation for jupyter
mcmartins@local:~/francy/js $ cd packages/francy-extension-jupyter
mcmartins@local:~/francy/js/packages/francy-extension-jupyterlab $ # for JupyterLab
mcmartins@local:~/francy/js/packages/francy-extension-jupyterlab $ pip install .
mcmartins@local:~/francy/js/packages/francy-extension-jupyterlab $ # run jupyter locally
mcmartins@local:~/francy/js/packages/francy-extension-jupyterlab $ cd ~/francy/notebooks
mcmartins@local:~/francy/notebooks $ jupyter lab --ip= --port=8080 --no-browser


To update the JS packages version, run the following command and pick the new version:

user@local js/ $ yarn run version

To update the Python package version please update the version on:

  • js/packages/francy-extension-jupyterlab/pypproject.toml

Package Structure

Directory Description
packages contains the packages that builds up francy-js
packages/francy contains the base components of Francy
packages/francy-core contains the core components of Francy
packages/francy-extension-browser contains the browser extension classes, for browser integration
packages/francy-extension-jupyterlab contains the browser extension classes, for jupyterlab integration
packages/francy-renderer-d3 contains the classes to produce graphics with D3
packages/francy-renderer-graphviz contains the classes to produce graphics with D3-Graphviz
packages/francy-renderer-vis contains the classes to produce graphics with Vis.js


MIT License