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Saves are now sent in chunks
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Fixes big saves being corrupt.

This needs to be done to Duplicator too, but there's another problem
with dupes.
  • Loading branch information
robotboy655 committed May 8, 2015
1 parent 5d4700d commit 9a8d4cd
Showing 1 changed file with 50 additions and 35 deletions.
85 changes: 50 additions & 35 deletions garrysmod/gamemodes/sandbox/gamemode/save_load.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@

if ( SERVER ) then

Expand All @@ -13,44 +12,52 @@ if ( SERVER ) then
concommand.Add( "gm_save", function( ply, cmd, args )

if ( !IsValid( ply ) ) then return end
if ( !game.SinglePlayer() && !ply:IsAdmin() ) then return end -- gmsave.SaveMap is very expensive for big maps/lots of entities. Do not allow random ppl to save the map in multiplayer!
if ( ply.m_NextSave && ply.m_NextSave > CurTime() && !game.SinglePlayer() ) then

ServerLog( "Player is saving too quickly! " .. tostring( ply ) .. "\n" )

return end

ply.m_NextSave = CurTime() + 10;
ply.m_NextSave = CurTime() + 10

ServerLog( "Sending save to player " .. tostring( ply ) .. "\n" )

local save = gmsave.SaveMap( ply )
if ( !save ) then return end

local compressed_save = util.Compress( save )
if ( !compressed_save ) then compressed_save = save end

local len = string.len(compressed_save)
local len = string.len( compressed_save )
local send_size = 60000
local parts = math.ceil( len / send_size )

local ShowSave = 0
if ( args[ 1 ] == "spawnmenu" ) then ShowSave = 1 end

local start = 0
for i = 1, parts do

local ShowSave = 0;
if ( args[1] == 'spawnmenu' ) then ShowSave = 1 end
local endbyte = math.min( start + send_size, len )
local size = endbyte - start

net.Start( "GModSave" )
net.WriteUInt( len, 32 )
net.WriteData( compressed_save, len )
net.WriteUInt( ShowSave, 1 )
net.Send( ply )
net.Start( "GModSave" )
net.WriteBool( i == parts )
net.WriteBool( ShowSave )

net.WriteUInt( size, 16 )
net.WriteData( compressed_save:sub( start + 1, endbyte + 1 ), size )
net.Send( ply )

start = endbyte

end, nil, "", { FCVAR_DONTRECORD } )

hook.Add( "LoadGModSave", "LoadGModSave", function( savedata, mapname, maptime )

//MsgN( "SaveData: [", savedata, "]" );
//MsgN( "mapname: [", mapname, "]" );
//MsgN( "maptime: [", maptime, "]" );

savedata = util.Decompress( savedata );
savedata = util.Decompress( savedata )

if ( !isstring( savedata ) ) then
MsgN( "gm_load: Couldn't load save!" )
Expand All @@ -59,31 +66,39 @@ if ( SERVER ) then

gmsave.LoadMap( savedata, nil )

end );
end )


local buffer = ""
net.Receive( "GModSave", function( len, client )

local len = net.ReadUInt( 32 )
local data = net.ReadData( len )
local showsave = net.ReadUInt( 1 )
local done = net.ReadBool()
local showsave = net.ReadBool()

local len = net.ReadUInt( 16 )
local data = net.ReadData( len )

buffer = buffer .. data

if ( !done ) then return end

--MsgN( "Received Data ", len )
--MsgN( data )
MsgN( "Received save. Size: " .. buffer:len() )

local uncompressed = util.Decompress( data )
if ( !uncompressed ) then
Msg( "Received save - but couldn't decompress!?\n" );
local uncompressed = util.Decompress( buffer )

engine.WriteSave( data, game.GetMap() .." ".. util.DateStamp(), CurTime(), game.GetMap() );
if ( !uncompressed ) then
MsgN( "Received save - but couldn't decompress!?" )
buffer = ""

if ( showsave ) then
hook.Run( "PostGameSaved" );
engine.WriteSave( buffer, game.GetMap() .. " " .. util.DateStamp(), CurTime(), game.GetMap() )
buffer = ""

if ( showsave ) then
hook.Run( "PostGameSaved" )

end )


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