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Sample projects for Imposter types

This directory contains the following samples:

These samples are preconfigured to transpile and bundle source files down to a single JS file.

Note: just update the dependency for @imposter-js/types in the package.json to the latest from

In the sample project, bundle your script:

npm run build

In the dist directory you will have two files:

$ ls

This is a valid Imposter configuration - just run imposter up

Install Imposter CLI if you don't already have it.

Start your mock:

$ imposter up
Mock server up and running on http://localhost:8080

Hit it:

$ curl http://localhost:8080
{ "name": "Ada Lovelace" }

The name is dynamically chosen from a list by the script.

Also notice the log output in Imposter:

DEBUG ... Executed script 'dist/bundle.js' for request: GET http://localhost:8080/ in 6.34ms