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Buku Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif.pdf Tips dan Trik Menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran dengan Cooperative Learning

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A Review of Buku Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif.pdf

Buku Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif.pdf is a book that discusses the concept, elements, and types of cooperative learning models. Cooperative learning is a form of learning that uses small groups of students to work together and maximize their learning conditions in achieving learning objectives. The book is based on the research funded by DIPA Universitas Tidar in 2016 titled "Development of Active Learning-Based Learning Materials Through Cooperative Learning". The book is written according to the Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK) and active learning-based cooperative learning model.

The book consists of ten chapters that cover: Chapter I, which contains the general concept of learning and teaching, psychological review and expert opinions. Chapter II, which discusses the models of active learning in schools, including the syntax of active cooperative learning used in the learning scenarios in this book. Chapter III, which discusses the behavioral learning theory and its application in teaching. Chapter IV, which explores the cognitive learning theory and its application in teaching. Chapter V, which discusses the humanistic learning theory and its application in teaching. Chapter VI, which discusses the cybernetic learning theory and its application in teaching. Chapter VII, which discusses the principles of learning, types of learning, and characteristics of learning. Chapter VIII, which discusses the learning objectives and dynamic elements in learning. Chapter IX, which discusses the factors that affect learning achievement, and Chapter X, which discusses the models of curriculum development.


The book is intended as a reference for students, teachers, lecturers, researchers who want to deepen their understanding of various learning theories and their application in teaching activities. The book is written based on the results of research and validated by experts in psychology of learning and active and innovative learning. The book also incorporates feedback from lecturers and teachers who have used it as a source of learning.

The book is available for download at or

The book also provides examples of cooperative learning activities that can be implemented in various subjects and grade levels. Some of the cooperative learning models that are discussed in the book are Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD), Jigsaw, Think-Pair-Share, Numbered Heads Together, and Group Investigation. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the learning objectives, the characteristics of the students, and the availability of resources. The book explains how to design, implement, and evaluate cooperative learning activities using these models.

Cooperative learning has many benefits for students, teachers, and society. According to various studies and sources[^1^] [^2^] [^3^] [^4^] [^5^], some of the benefits of cooperative learning are:

  • It improves academic achievement and retention of information.
  • It develops social and emotional skills such as communication, leadership, decision-making, trust-building, conflict-management, and empathy.
  • It fosters positive attitudes toward learning, teaching, and diversity.
  • It enhances student satisfaction and self-esteem.
  • It creates a supportive and collaborative learning environment.
  • It prepares students for future work and life situations that require teamwork and cooperation.

Cooperative learning is not without challenges and drawbacks. Some of the possible difficulties that teachers and students may face when using cooperative learning are:

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  • It requires careful planning and preparation from the teacher.
  • It may cause some students to feel frustrated or overwhelmed by the group work.
  • It may lead to some students dominating or free-riding on the group work.
  • It may create conflicts or misunderstandings among group members.
  • It may be affected by external factors such as classroom management, time constraints, and assessment methods.

Therefore, cooperative learning should be used with caution and flexibility. Teachers should consider the goals, needs, and preferences of their students when choosing and applying cooperative learning models. Teachers should also monitor and facilitate the group work process and provide feedback and guidance to the students. Teachers should also evaluate the outcomes and impacts of cooperative learning on student learning and development. 8cf37b1e13