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20th September 2020

Host enumeration


Since there is a web service running on port 80, we can try to check out the webpage at http://<IP>/. We see a picture and a comment in the html.

<!-- Have you ever heard of steganography? -->

This hints at steganography being used in the picture. We also have to keep in mind that there is an FTP service running on port 21 with anonymous login.

Web enumeration

Nothing interesting comes up with gobuster.


On logging in anonymously to the FTP service, we find a file called note_to_jake.txt.


Since it is a weak password, we can try to bruteforce the SSH login for the user (jake) using hydra as follows.

hydra -l <username> -P <wordlist> ssh://<IP>

We get the following credentials.

[22][ssh] host:   login: jake   password: 987654321

On basic searching, we can find the user flag in the directory /home/holt.

Privilege escalation

Running sudo -l to check the permisssion's for the current user (jake), we find that /usr/bin/less can be executed as root without a password.


Checking on GTFOBins, we find a way to exploit the command using the following command.

sudo less /etc/profile

We are now the root user and we can change directory to /root for the root flag.