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File metadata and controls

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The core swarm client (swarm.client.model.IClient) provides an abstract base for clients which perform asynchronous communication with a service distributed across a set of one or more "nodes" (each node being an individual process).

The client can operate using multiple connections to each node. This, combined with the distribution of the server across multiple nodes, leads to the possibility of many requests being executed in parallel (asynchronously -- the asynchronous performance of requests is handled by epoll).

Some types of node contain multiple 'channels' -- completely separate, named sets of data which can be accessed independently. For this type of node, a channel name must be specified for almost all client requests.

Channels are named with a string, which can only contain alphanumeric (ASCII 0x41..0x5A, 0x61..0x7A and 0x30..0x39), underscore (ASCII 0x5F) and dash (ASCII 0x2D) characters.

In addition to the restrictions on valid channel names, it is important to note that all requests which require a channel name store a slice to the channel name internally -- they are not copied. This is deliberate, as channel names are almost always constant. In the rare situation where this is not the case, then the application must deal with making sure the channel names are maintained safely so that they can be safely sliced.

The IClient maintains a "registry" of the nodes which make up the service. These can be added individually via the addNode() method, or read from a text file provided to the addNodes() method. It is not possible to use a client without adding at least one node.

A variety of information can be queried from the node registry via the nodes property of IClient (see The Node Registry Information Interface).

For each node in the client's registry, a pool of socket connections is maintained. The pool is initially empty, but connections will be added to it when requests are assigned to the client (see Basic Client Usage). Each connection performs a single request before becoming idle again. Idle connections are reused to perform further requests in the future.

Each node connection pool has a maximum size, denoting the maximum number of requests which can be performed in parallel to the node. When the pool reaches its maximum size and all connections in the pool are busy, no more connections will be established and any incoming requests will be queued for future execution when a connection becomes idle (see Basic Client Usage).

A variety of information can be queried from the node connection pools via the opApply iterator of the nodes property of IClient (see The Node Connection Pool Information Interface).

Non-abstract client classes which are derived from IClient will provide a set of request methods, each of which returns a struct which can be passed to the client's assign() method. When a request is assigned, the following process takes place:

  1. The client determines which node the request should be sent to. This logic varies depending on the type of the client. Some requests may also be sent to multiple nodes in parallel.
  2. The client checks to see whether an idle connection exists to the selected node(s), and sends the request to it immediately, if found.
  3. If an idle connection is not found, but the maximum number of connections per node has not been reached, then a new connection to the selected node is opened and the request is sent.
  4. If no idle connection exists and the pool of connections to the selected node is at its maximum size, the request is placed in the request queue for the selected node, and will be executed when a connection becomes idle.

When a request is executed, it initiates communication with the socket connection to the node. This typically will not complete immediately (although it is possible), and the client will register the request/connection with epoll, to receive a notification when the socket is ready for communication. Thus the application using the client must activate the epoll event loop to perform the assigned requests.

In general, as many requests as possible (depending on the number of nodes & connections per node) are active simultaneously, enabling a large number of requests to be executed in parallel (asynchronously) -- the available bandwidth can thus be used very effectively.

All exceptions which occur in the client or inside the epoll event loop are caught and handled internally, so as not to interrupt the asynchronous handling of multiple requests. All request methods thus require a notification delegate to be provided, in order to inform the application of errors which occurred while handling a request.

The notification delegate is also used to notify the application of various other state changes while handling a request.

The following situations invoke the notification delegate:

  1. When a request is scheduled for future handling (see Scheduler).
  2. When a request is pushed to an internal request queue for future handling.
  3. When handling of a request begins.
  4. When handling of a request finishes (including due to an error).

The notifier callback receives an object of the type RequestNotification, which has the following members of interest:

  • type = indicates the type of the notification (the 4 cases above).
  • status = the status code received from the node. In the case of a successfully completed request, this will always be Ok (200). In the case of an error occurring in the node while handling the request, the status will be non-ok. In the case where an error occurred in the client while handling the request, before the request was sent to the node, the status code will be Undefined (0).
  • exception = a reference to an Exception instance indicating an error which occurred in the client.
  • succeeded = a boolean value telling whether the request succeeded (only valid if type == Finished).

Note: in the rare case of an application which really doesn't care about any errors which may occur when handling requests (this is usually only true for quickly hacked, one-off programs), it is quite alright to pass a null notification delegate. In this case no notification of any kind will occur for the request.

All requests send or receive any required data via a user-provided delegate, which is called at the point when the request is executed. For requests which receive data from the server, the delegate is called when the data has been received, passing the received data to the client application. For requests which send data to the server, the delegate is called when the client is ready to send, requesting the data to be sent from the client application. This means that the data to be sent must be stored by the application until the finished notification for the request is received.

The core IClient class provides a property called nodes, an interface of type INodeRegistryInfo, with methods to get information about the set of nodes which are registered with the client (i.e. the set of nodes which the client knows about and can communicate with). For example:

  • The length() method of INodeRegistryInfo returns the number of nodes in the registry.
  • The queued_requests() method returns the number of requests which are queued and waiting for execution (summed across all nodes in the registry -- which each has its own request queue).
  • The opApply method provides foreach iteration over the information interfaces of the individual nodes in the registry (see The Node Connection Pool Information Interface).
class INodeRegistryInfo
    size_t length ( ); // number of nodes
    size_t max_connections_per_node ( );
    size_t queue_limit ( ); // bytes
    size_t queued_requests ( );
    size_t overflowed_requests ( );
    int opApply ( int delegate ( ref INodeConnectionPoolInfo ) dg );

Information about the individual nodes and the associated pool of connections in a client's registry can be obtained by performing a foreach iteration over the INodeRegistryInfo interface returned by the nodes property of IClient. For each node in the registry, the user foreach delegate receives an interface of type INodeConnectionPoolInfo. This interface provides a set of methods to query information about the node and the pool of connections which are communicating with it. For example:

  • The address() and port() methods of INodeConnectionPoolInfo return the ip address and port of the node.
  • The queued_requests() method returns the number of requests which are queued and waiting for execution to the node.
  • The error_count(), io_timeout_count() and conn_timeout_count() methods return the cumulative number of errors, I/O timeouts and connection timeouts which have occurred for requests to this node since counting begun or was reset. The error/timeout counters can be reset with the resetCounters() method.
class INodeConnectionPoolInfo
    char[] address ( );
    ushort port ( );
    uint length ( ); // connections
    uint num_idle ( );
    uint num_busy ( );
    size_t queued_requests ( );
    size_t queued_bytes ( );
    size_t overflowed_requests ( );
    ulong error_count ( );
    ulong io_timeout_count ( );
    ulong conn_timeout_count ( );
    void resetCounters ( );

A number of plugins exist for the clients (concrete clients may also have additional plugins specific to their functioning), which expand their basic functionality. Plugins may modify the internal behaviour of the client, and may add one or more public methods to the client class, callable by the user. See `Client Plugins`_.

The objects which are returned by the request commands are to be passed to the assign() method for execution (or other execution methods provided by plugins). The request objects also provide a number of methods which may optionally be called before the request is assigned, allowing additional (non-mandatory) parameters of the request to be specified. Each request method lists these optional methods. The optional methods can all be called in a chain, see example below.

// Get request assigned with only required settings.
client.assign(client.get(channel, key, &getCallback, &notify));

// Get request assigned with some additional optional settings.
client.assign(client.get(channel, key, &getCallback, &notify).context(23)

Via the timeout() method of the request object, all requests may be assigned with a timeout value set (in milliseconds). The timeout value is per-I/O operation (i.e. per read or write to the socket), not per-request, but this seldom makes any difference in practice. If an I/O operation for the request exceeds the specified timeout value, the request is cancelled and the notification callback is invoked (with type = finished and exception set to an instance of TimedOutException).

Note that the node which was handling the request may actually have completed the request by the time it times out on the client's side.

When an I/O callback delegate is called, the client application needs to be able to tell which request resulted in this call. Imagine the case where you are executing multiple requests over different channels, which are in turn being performed in parallel over multiple nodes -- the records read by these requests could quite conceivably all be being passed to a single callback delegate! So how does the delegate know how to interpret the data?

This is the situation where 'request contexts' are essential. Every request object which has an I/O delegate has an optional parameter which can be used to specify the context of the request. The context is an instance of the RequestContext struct (see swarm.client.request.context.RequestContext), which can contain the following forms of context:

  1. a hash_t
  2. an Object reference
  3. a pointer (void*)

This plugin adds a public method, schedule(), to the client, which, as an alternative to the simple assignment of requests for immediate execution (via the assign() method), allows requests to be scheduled for future execution. The delay before execution is specified by the user, in milliseconds.

Scheduling of requets is especially useful in situations where you wish to retry a failed request. In this case, the failed request can usually be re-scheduled directly in the notification callback which reported its failure.

  • debug=SwarmAuth: console output of information on client/node authentication.
  • debug=SwarmClient: console output of information on request handling.