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Finding Cycles in Bike-Share Streams

In this walk through, we'll be building a continuous data pipeline for processing Citi Bike system data using the Gazette consumer framework.

The implementation can be found in package bike-share.


We've been asked to help with an anomaly detection task: we want to find cases where a Citi Bike completes a graph cycle starting and ending at a station T, without re-visiting T in between. We assume shorter graph cycles are common but want to find longer instances (having a path length of at least 10).

Bikes will sometimes be relocated from one station to another in the Citi Bike system, which appears in our ride data as having magically moved between stations. We want to filter these cases out to retain only "true" cycles of our... cycles.

Finally, we'll offer a "history" API which serves the most recent rides of a given bike ID.

Deploy the Example to Kubernetes

Deploy the example to the bike-share namespace of a test Kubernetes cluster, such as Minikube or Docker for Desktop:

$ kubectl apply --kustomize ./kustomize/test/deploy-bike-share/
namespace/bike-share created
serviceaccount/minio created
configmap/etcd-scripts-24t872gm88 created
configmap/example-journal-specs created
configmap/gazette-zonemap created
configmap/minio-create-bucket-mm6f469cbt created
configmap/postgres-init created
configmap/shard-specs-bike-share-7b52ht4t87 created
configmap/stream-rides-bike-share-thbh946769 created
secret/gazette-aws-credentials created
secret/minio-credentials-fgdm8fkm5m created
service/consumer-bike-share created
service/etcd created
service/gazette created
service/minio created
service/postgres created
deployment.apps/consumer-bike-share created
deployment.apps/gazette created
deployment.apps/minio created
statefulset.apps/etcd created
statefulset.apps/postgres created
job.batch/apply-journal-specs created
job.batch/apply-shard-specs-bike-share created
job.batch/minio-create-bucket created
job.batch/stream-rides-bike-share created

After giving pods a moment to start:

$ kubectl -nbike-share get pod
NAME                                   READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
apply-journal-specs-xr4vw              0/1     Completed   0          112s
apply-shard-specs-bike-share-5g8cb     0/1     Completed   0          112s
consumer-bike-share-78bcdbcf8b-q9vxl   1/1     Running     0          112s
consumer-bike-share-78bcdbcf8b-t85tb   1/1     Running     0          112s
etcd-0                                 1/1     Running     0          112s
etcd-1                                 1/1     Running     0          102s
etcd-2                                 1/1     Running     0          98s
gazette-5d87c4fdb-7fm9b                1/1     Running     0          112s
gazette-5d87c4fdb-7fzcj                1/1     Running     0          112s
gazette-5d87c4fdb-djzfq                1/1     Running     0          112s
minio-7695c66fd8-p87fj                 1/1     Running     0          112s
minio-create-bucket-4bdcb              0/1     Completed   0          112s
postgres-0                             1/1     Running     0          112s
stream-rides-bike-share-p5b8k          1/1     Running     0          112s

Along with the application itself, the Kustomize manifest has deployed a few dependencies:

  • A gazette broker deployment, of course.
  • Minio is a self-contained, S3-compatible BLOB store to which fragments are persisted.
  • A StatefulSet of Etcd pods are used by the broker and consumer-bike-share application pods for process grouping, storage of specifications, and managing process work assignments.
  • One-time jobs to apply-journal-specs and apply-shard-specs.
  • A Postgres database for our application to talk to.
  • A stream-rides job, which appends Citi Bike system records at a rate of ~3k QPS.

Configure Gazctl for Cluster Access

Gazctl supports a global configuration file at ~/.config/gazette/gazctl.ini (see gazctl --help). Use it in combination with a couple of port-forwards to access cluster services. This works even for deployments scaled to many machines & pods, because brokers and consumers will proxy requests on our behalf.

$ GO111MODULE=on go install

$ mkdir -p ~/.config/gazette
$ cat > ~/.config/gazette/gazctl.ini <<EOF
Address = http://localhost:32180

Address = http://localhost:32180

Address = http://localhost:32190

Start long-lived port-forwards to a broker and consumer pod, in their own terminal tabs. Also port-forward for Postgres access:

$ kubectl -nbike-share port-forward svc/gazette             32180:8080
$ kubectl -nbike-share port-forward svc/consumer-bike-share 32190:8080
$ kubectl -nbike-share port-forward svc/postgres            32432:5432

Examining Journals

Several JournalSpecs have been applied, to which ride records and found cycles are written. These specs use Gazette's recommended label names and values, which are modeled after and extend those of Kubernetes. Like kubectl, gazctl supports familiar -l and -L flags to select over and list labels attached to resources (many other flags are also supported; check --help). Let's use them to inspect example journals in the cluster:

$ gazctl journals list -l example-name=bike-share -L -L content-type
|                       NAME                        | APP GAZETTE DEV/MESSAGE-TYPE |           CONTENT-TYPE            |
| examples/bike-share/cycles/part-000               | bike_share.Cycle             | application/x-ndjson              |
| examples/bike-share/cycles/part-001               | bike_share.Cycle             | application/x-ndjson              |
| examples/bike-share/recovery-logs/cycles-part-002 | <none>                       | application/x-gazette-recoverylog |
| examples/bike-share/recovery-logs/cycles-part-003 | <none>                       | application/x-gazette-recoverylog |
| examples/bike-share/rides/part-000                | bike_share.Ride              | text/csv                          |
| examples/bike-share/rides/part-001                | bike_share.Ride              | text/csv                          |
| examples/bike-share/rides/part-002                | bike_share.Ride              | text/csv                          |
| examples/bike-share/rides/part-003                | bike_share.Ride              | text/csv                          |

There are four partitions of -l with MIME content-type text/csv, matching our data source. These are journals to which Citi Bike system records are written. Two partitions of -l have also been created with content-type application/x-ndjson (newline-delimited JSON). They'll hold completed Cycles found by our consumer. Finally, there are two journals used for recovery logs. We'll talk about these more later.


While Gazette has no formalized notion of a "topic", the message-type label is often a good first approximation for what we mean when thinking in terms of topics.

Preparing the Dataset

The stream-rides job is running a script which pulls down, unpacks, and streams a portion of the Ciki Bike system data. In this section we'll unpack the pieces of the processing pipeline that it's running.

It begins by fetching a portion of the dataset:

$ curl -o
$ unzip

It then runs records through a gazctl attach-uuids Unix pipeline. The Gazette broker service provides an at-least-once guarantee: it's possible that an Append RPC is reported to the client as failed, requiring that the client retry, even though the append was actually applied.

To support exactly-once message semantics atop an at-least-once broker service, Gazette asks that messages take and carry a v1 UUID which it provides. The UUID composes the pieces required for exactly-once processing, such as a unique ProducerID and a monotonic Clock -- which, together, act as a Lamport timestamp.

Use the attach-uuids tool to simplify generating and attaching UUIDs. It generates a UUID for each read input line and runs a configurable Go text/template to combine into a final output. See its --help for more discussion.


When processing files in preparation for append to Gazette, it's best practice to attach UUIDs into new temporary file(s), and then append the temporary files to journals. This ensures messages are processed only once even if the preparation or append steps fail partway through and are restarted.

Avoid appending large numbers of small files in this way, as each unique ProducerID and Clock must be tracked by read-committed readers. Instead, first combine many small files into few large ones before attaching UUIDs.

For streaming data sources, attach-uuids can be composed into a Unix pipeline which processes and appends each record as it arrives.

After attaching UUIDs, the script runs records through an Awk pipeline. When appending a given CSV row, we have to choose among multiple partitioned journals. A sensible first strategy would be to select a journal at random for each record. Random routing provides a strong guarantee that our data will distribute evenly across all journal partitions, and is incredibly easy to scale. If we instead partition on a key derived from the message, consideration must always be payed to how write volume will distribute across journals: is our choice of partition key reasonably uniform? Or does it exhibit heavy skew?


Many real-world partition schemes have lots of skew, aka "hot keys". A powerful pattern to help mitigate this is to introduce a second processing stage:

  • First append high-volume messages randomly across partitions, which ensures they're well-balanced.
  • Then introduce a consumer which performs limited reduction, typically just in the context of a current consumer transaction, and which then emits lower-volume message aggregates which are partitioned on the desired key.

For this use case we partition on "Bike ID", so that all rides of a given bike are routed to the same journal partition. gazctl journals append implements several mapping functions controlled via --mapping, such as random and modulo. The latter requires that the partition key appear alone on a line preceding its value. The script uses an Awk pipeline to do so:

# Use awk to pluck the bike ID onto its own line, followed by the full record.
$ awk -F "," '{print $13}{print}' 201909-citibike-tripdata.csv.with_uuids | head

We can put these steps together and start a streaming load of bike-share data points into our journals. The script uses the pv tool to rate-limit appends, turning the dataset into a streaming source:

$ awk -F "," '{print $13}{print}' 201909-citibike-tripdata.csv.with_uuids \
    | pv --line-mode --quiet --rate-limit 10 \
    | gazctl journals append -l --framing=lines --mapping=modulo --log.level=debug

Initializing a Store

Next we need a place to keep some state. PostgreSQL is running in the cluster with some initialized tables, which we can inspect over our forwarded port:

$ psql postgres://test:test@localhost:32432 -c '\d'
              List of relations
 Schema |        Name         | Type  | Owner
 public | gazette_checkpoints | table | test
 public | rides               | table | test
(2 rows)

The rides relation models rides from our dataset, while the gazette_checkpoints table will be used to persist checkpoints.

Examining Shards

Shards are the unit-of-work for a Gazette consumer deployment. A shard can be thought of as the composition of an Application, one or more source journals to be read, and a stateful store.

ShardSpecs for this example include labels that dynamically configure the backing store for each shard: either a "remote" PostgreSQL database, or an embedded SQLite database. As with gazctl journals, the gazctl shards command can be used to inspect, select over, apply, and edit ShardSpecs.

$ gazctl shards list -p -L store
|       ID        | STATUS  |                   PRIMARY                    |  STORE   |
| cycles-part-000 | PRIMARY | consumer-bike-share-78bcdbcf8b-q9vxl:PRIMARY | postgres |
| cycles-part-001 | PRIMARY | consumer-bike-share-78bcdbcf8b-t85tb:PRIMARY | postgres |
| cycles-part-002 | PRIMARY | consumer-bike-share-78bcdbcf8b-t85tb:PRIMARY | sqlite   |
| cycles-part-003 | PRIMARY | consumer-bike-share-78bcdbcf8b-q9vxl:PRIMARY | sqlite   |

# List ShardSpecs using a PostgreSQL store, in YAML format.
$ gazctl shards list -p -l store=postgres -o yaml
  max_txn_duration: 1s
  - name: store
    value: postgres
- id: cycles-part-000
  - journal: examples/bike-share/rides/part-000
  revision: 77
- id: cycles-part-001
  - journal: examples/bike-share/rides/part-001
  revision: 77

# Inspect the processing "lag" of each shard (ie, an upper-bound estimate
# of the number of bytes behind the current journal head).
$ gazctl shards list --lag
|       ID        | STATUS  |                   LAG                    |
| cycles-part-000 | PRIMARY | examples/bike-share/rides/part-000:0     |
| cycles-part-001 | PRIMARY | examples/bike-share/rides/part-001:10930 |
| cycles-part-002 | PRIMARY | examples/bike-share/rides/part-002:7496  |
| cycles-part-003 | PRIMARY | examples/bike-share/rides/part-003:7774  |


Having multiple store types in use with a single consumer is pretty a-typical, and it's downright silly in this case. The bike-share example does so only to demonstrate the possibility, and to cover more ground.

Poking at PostgreSQL

Run a query a few times to see that ride data-points are being loaded into the database:

$ psql postgres://test:test@localhost:32432 -x -c 'SELECT uuid,bike_id, start_time, start_station_name FROM rides ORDER BY start_time DESC LIMIT 3;'
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-------------------------------------
uuid               | 032aa58b-f9b7-11e9-b400-0d04970419de
bike_id            | 29568
start_time         | 2019-09-30 17:53:32.845
start_station_name | E 2 St & Avenue A
-[ RECORD 2 ]------+-------------------------------------
uuid               | 9a619832-f9b6-11e9-ac00-0d04970419de
bike_id            | 32057
start_time         | 2019-09-27 13:55:42.457
start_station_name | Lafayette St & E 8 St
-[ RECORD 3 ]------+-------------------------------------
uuid               | bdd88fb7-f9b6-11e9-8800-0d04970419de
bike_id            | 15307
start_time         | 2019-09-28 14:09:05.298
start_station_name | Grand Army Plaza & Plaza St West

We also see that a checkpoint row is being regularly updated for shards cycles-part-000 and cycles-part-001 (but not the other two shards).

$ psql postgres://test:test@localhost:32432 -x -c 'SELECT * FROM gazette_checkpoints;'
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
shard_fqn  | /gazette/consumers/bike-share-bike-share/items/cycles-part-001
fence      | 2
checkpoint | \x0a4b0a226578616d706c65732f62696b652d73686172652f72696465732f706172742d303031122508c4e09642121e0a060d04970419de121409b5cf95c4709b9f1e10ffffffffffffffffff01
-[ RECORD 2 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
shard_fqn  | /gazette/consumers/bike-share-bike-share/items/cycles-part-000
fence      | 1
checkpoint | \x0a4b0a226578616d706c65732f62696b652d73686172652f72696465732f706172742d303030122508a6ced542121e0a060d04970419de121409b1cf95c4709b9f1e10ffffffffffffffffff01


The fence column is used to implement a transactional write fence, as required by the consumer Store interface. fence is increased with each re-assignment of the shard to a new process.

Tailing Found Cycles

The bike-share application processes records using a few SQL queries:

  • It loads the unmodified record into the rides table.
  • It windows rides rows of the record's bike ID to the N most-recent rides.
  • It uses a recursive common table expression to search for a graph cycle of length >= 10 which was just completed by the bike. If found, it's written out as a Cycle message.

We can follow along with cycles as they're found by tailing their partitions, and running through jq to pretty-print. It turns out they're not all that anomalous!

$ gazctl journals read -l --block | jq '.'
  "UUID": "0d2b9119-f9b7-11e9-8c01-6fb7f64cdd31",
  "BikeID": 18871,
  "Steps": [
      "Time": "2019-09-25T12:57:15.265Z",
      "Station": "Park Pl & Vanderbilt Ave"
      "Time": "2019-09-25T13:05:15.297Z",
      "Station": "Berkeley Pl & 7 Ave"
      "Time": "2019-09-25T13:34:49.286Z",
      "Station": "Schermerhorn St & Bond St"
      "Time": "2019-09-28T15:45:50.255Z",
      "Station": "Wyckoff St & Bond St"
    ... etc ...


In the output, you'll also see messages like {"UUID":"0d2b9119-f9b7-11e9-9002-6fb7f64cdd31","BikeID":0,"Steps":null}, which were automatically generated and written by the framework in order to provide exactly-once semantics. These messages were initialized by a call to NewAcknowledgement, and bear UUIDs which acknowledge a set of pending transaction messages that should now be considered as committed.

Embedded SQLite and Recovery Logs

Using a remote database as a shard's store can sometimes not be ideal: our bike-share application is issuing an expensive query to the database and waiting for its response with every message processed. That introduces two fundamental problems:

  • The query puts significant CPU pressure on the database. We can scale up a consumer by adding processes (up to the number of ShardSpecs), but there's only one database, and eventually it can become a bottleneck.
  • The database is accessed over a network, which means our consumer can never process a message any faster than the network round-trip time to the DB. At scale, even sub-millisecond RTTs can be a substantial throughput bottleneck.

The usage pattern and database driver implementation matter quite a bit: if the application is only loading into the database, and those loads are asynchronous, then the network RTT can often be amortized away. Or the application may be able to cache and aggregate in-memory, turning many source events into a handful of queries & table updates. And of course, at smaller scales using a RDBMS is often an easy and convenient choice.

For uses cases which can benefit, Gazette offers local store implementations. Shards cycles-part-002 and cycles-part-003 each use an embedded SQLite instance instead of the remote PostgreSQL database. The framework automatically records file states of these DBs to the recovery log journals we examined earlier. When shard assignments change, newly assigned processes will tail and recover the on-disk DB states from this log.

Other than the choice of store, the message processing flow and particular SQL statements used by these shards are identical.


The gazctl shards prune -l my-selector command prunes recovery log fragments which are no longer referenced by recovery hints of the selected shards.

Querying Bike History

The consumers framework makes it easy to offer APIs over gRPC, HTTP, and other protocols. APIs are often a great way of "activating" data that's continuously indexed and distributed across the embedded stores of a scaled consumer application deployment. They're typically blazing fast since the API processing logic is already co-resident with the data being served.

The bike-share example offers a simple HTTP API for fetching the most recent rides of a given Bike ID.

$ curl "http://localhost:32190/api/bikes?id=38536"
{"UUID":"afd344a9-f9e9-11e9-8000-573b3770b247","StartTime":"2019-09-07T00:04:31.064Z","EndTime":"2019-09-07T00:12:31.21Z","StartStation":"W 87 St \u0026 Amsterdam Ave","EndStation":"E 84 St \u0026 3 Ave"}
{"UUID":"b0d6a8e2-f9e9-11e9-b000-573b3770b247","StartTime":"2019-09-07T07:14:37.698Z","EndTime":"2019-09-07T07:20:45.978Z","StartStation":"E 84 St \u0026 3 Ave","EndStation":"E 72 St \u0026 York Ave"}
{"UUID":"b1caccfd-f9e9-11e9-b800-573b3770b247","StartTime":"2019-09-07T08:43:39.806Z","EndTime":"2019-09-07T08:51:35.018Z","StartStation":"E 72 St \u0026 York Ave","EndStation":"E 67 St \u0026 Park Ave"}
{"UUID":"b5e7a842-f9e9-11e9-ac00-573b3770b247","StartTime":"2019-09-07T11:14:52.864Z","EndTime":"2019-09-07T12:02:37.312Z","StartStation":"E 67 St \u0026 Park Ave","EndStation":"Liberty St \u0026 Broadway"}
... etc ...

Consumers run as distributed applications, and in many cases a particular API request may be served only from a specific ShardSpec (as is the case here, since shards are partitioned on bike ID). For these cases it's best practice to offer appropriate server-side proxying of API requests, by mapping requests to corresponding journal partitions, and resolving to the local or remote shard primary. See bike-share's api.go for a complete example of how this may be done.