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0x01. Lockboxes

Algorithm Python


This Python script solves the problem of determining if all boxes can be opened from a list of locked boxes.


The script provides a function canUnlockAll(boxes: List[List]) -> bool that takes a list of lists representing locked boxes as input and returns True if all boxes can be opened or False otherwise. Each box contains keys that can open other boxes, and the script simulates unlocking the boxes to check if they can all be opened starting from the first box (boxes[0]).

Problem statement

You have n number of locked boxes in front of you. Each box is numbered sequentially from 0 to n - 1 and each box may contain keys to the other boxes.

Write a method that determines if all the boxes can be opened.

  • Prototype: def canUnlockAll(boxes)
  • boxes is a list of lists
  • A key with the same number as a box opens that box
  • You can assume all keys will be positive integers
    • There can be keys that do not have boxes
  • The first box boxes[0] is unlocked
  • Return True if all boxes can be opened, else return False

Algorithm Explanation

  1. Initialize Variables:

    • visited_boxes: A set to keep track of visited boxes.
    • stack_of_boxes: A stack (implemented as a list) to perform depth-first search (DFS).
  2. DFS Traversal:

    • Start by adding the first box (boxes[0]) to the stack_of_boxes and mark it as visited.
    • While the stack_of_boxes is not empty:
      • Pop a box (current_box) from the top of the stack_of_boxes.
      • Get the keys in the current_box.
      • For each key in the keys list:
        • If the key corresponds to an unvisited box and is a valid box number, add that box to the stack_of_boxes and mark it as visited.
  3. Check if All Boxes Can Be Opened:

    • After completing the DFS traversal, check if the number of visited boxes (len(visited_boxes)) is equal to the total number of boxes (len(boxes)).
    • if yes, return True; otherwise, return False.

Function Parameters

  • boxes : List of lists representing locked boxes. Each inner list contains keys that can open other boxes.

Assumptions and Constraints

  • A key with the same number as a box opens that box.
  • All keys are positive integers.
  • There can be keys that do not have corresponding boxes.
  • The first box (boxes[0]) is initially unlocked.


boxes = [[1], [2], [3], []]
result = canUnlockAll(boxes)
print(result)  # Output: True (all boxes can be opened)