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Repo to try out ideas on how to config a CLI for a project with multiple models and tasks. Trying out tools like click, omegaconf, rich, etc.

One of the problems I've faced when runnning deep learning experiments on many tasks with many models, is that I want CLI that looks kinda like this

mycli train --task <task_name> --model <model_name> ... <extra options>

but in my cli code I always end up with things like this

if model_name == "lit-rnn":
    model = models.LitRNN(args.vocab_size, args.activation, ...)
elif model_name == "lit-transformer":
    model = models.LitTransformer(args.vocab_size, args.attention_layers, args.projection_size, ...)
elif ...:
    # etc

I don't like how the code looks and in this repo I try to explore a solution to this that leaves me sufficiently satisfied.


pip install -e .  # or -e '.[dev]' for dev dependencies included

Try it out


You might want to look at and which contain simple dummy classes with common init signatures. These classes are used to simulate instantiating real pytorch classes.

Simple options

Check the available options with

python -m simple_package train --help
$ python -m simple_package train --help
Usage: python -m simple_package train [OPTIONS]

  -t, --task [lit-complex-args|lit-simple-args]
  -m, --model [lit-conv-net|lit-lstm|lit-rnn]
  --config-file FILE              A yaml file with config values for the
                                  specific task and model chosen.  [default:
  -o, --option TEXT               Extra configuration overrides. The syntax
                                  should follow omegaconf's dotted notation.
                                  Ex: -o model.learn_rate=1e-3
  --task-compatibility            Show the task-model compatibility table and
                                  exit. ∅ means the task-model pair is not
                                  compatible, λx.y means the code has some
                                  config values hardcoded (i.e. the given
                                  config is modified in the code) and λx.x
                                  means the config is used as is.
  --print-config                  Print the configuration that is going to be
                                  used for this experiment and exit. Missing
                                  values are shown as `???`. Note that a
                                  config with missing values is invalid, but
                                  it's still shown here.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Check the available task model pairs

python -m simple_package train --task-compatibility
$ python -m simple_package train --task-compatibility
                task/model compatibility                
|                  | lit-conv-net | lit-lstm | lit-rnn |
| lit-complex-args | λx.x         | λx.y     | ∅       |
| lit-simple-args  | ∅            | λx.x     | λx.x    |

Read the help message (using the --help flag) for the legend used.

Running experiments

Use the -t/--task and -m/--model options to define the task-model pair you want to run.

First, check the current config used for a specific task-model pair by adding --print-config. This is a convinience flag to check the final config used, since values can come from different sources.

python -m simple_package train -t lit-complex-args -m lit-conv-net --print-config
$ python -m simple_package train -t lit-complex-args -m lit-conv-net --print-config
  datadir: ???
  batch_size: ???
  val_size: ???
  tokenizer_name: ???
  transforms: ???
  input_size: ???
  output_size: ???
  learn_rate: 0.1
  deterministic: ???
  max_epochs: 1000
  patience: 3
  seed: 123
  experiment: default

The ??? value means that said config value hasn't been set, and the experiment run will fail because the config is incomplete. The values already there are defaults set in the code.

You can see the error message with the same command as before but without --print-config.

python -m simple_package train -t lit-complex-args -m lit-conv-net
$ python -m simple_package train -t lit-complex-args -m lit-conv-net
Error: The following config keys are missing: ['model.input_size', 'model.output_size', 'task.batch_size', 'task.datadir', 'task.tokenizer_name', 'task.transforms', 'task.val_size', 'trainer.deterministic']

To run a succesful experiment you need to provide a complete configuration, meaning the ??? values should be filled in. To do this there are 2 options (well 3, but let's not consider modifying the source code a valid option).

First you can simply pass config values using the -o option. The syntax used is the dotted notation from omegaconf. To add determinist=True to the trainer and batch_size=32 to the task we could do

python -m simple_package train -t lit-complex-args -m lit-conv-net -o trainer.deterministic=true -o task.batch_size=32 --print-config
$ python -m simple_package train -t lit-complex-args -m lit-conv-net -o trainer.deterministic=true -o task.batch_size=32 --print-config
  datadir: ???
  batch_size: 32
  val_size: ???
  tokenizer_name: ???
  transforms: ???
  input_size: ???
  output_size: ???
  learn_rate: 0.1
  deterministic: true
  max_epochs: 1000
  patience: 3
  seed: 123
  experiment: default

See how the values we specified are now peresent in the config.

To simplify the process of configuring the app, we can pass a config file

python -m simple_package train -t lit-complex-args -m lit-conv-net --config-file conf/incomplete-example.yaml --print-config
$ python -m simple_package train -t lit-complex-args -m lit-conv-net --config-file conf/incomplete-example.yaml --print-config
  datadir: ???
  batch_size: 32
  val_size: ???
  tokenizer_name: my_cool_tokenizer
  transforms: ???
  input_size: 100
  output_size: ???
  learn_rate: 0.1
  deterministic: false
  max_epochs: 250
  patience: 3
  seed: 123
  experiment: default

Here the config file defines some missing values, but also overrides some default values ( trainer.max_epochs ) for example. The rest of missing options could be filled in from the command line.

Now lets run a complete example, where the config file contains all the necessary keys but we want to override the batch size from the command line.

python -m simple_package train -t lit-simple-args -m lit-rnn --config-file conf/complete-example.yaml -o task.batch_size=1024
$ python -m simple_package train -t lit-simple-args -m lit-rnn --config-file conf/complete-example.yaml -o task.batch_size=1024

called __init__ of LitRNN with arguments:
{'vocab_size': 30000,
 'embedding_dim': 100,
 'hidden_size': 200,
 'nonlinearity': 'relu',
 'dropout': 0.3,
 'learn_rate': 0.001}

called __init__ of LitSimpleArgs with arguments:
{'datadir': 'data', 'batch_size': 1024, 'num_workers': 4}

called __init__ of Trainer with arguments:
{'deterministic': False,
 'max_epochs': 1000,
 'patience': 3,
 'seed': 123,
 'experiment': 'default'}

called fit of Trainer with module of type LitRNN and datamodule of type LitSimpleArgs

The command simply prints how it initialized the task, model and trainer classes. Since I commonly use Pytorch Lightning, that is all that is needed to train a model with a datasource, and so it is straightforward how to apply this CLI structure to an actual LightningModule + LightningDataModule.


One of the problems I've faced when running deep learning experiments on many tasks (a LightningDataModule for example) and models in the same project is that altough there are many-to-many compatibilities between tasks and models, instatiating these classes isn't homogeneous.

The compatibility between a task and a model is given by the dataloader's return type and model's forward method, but many times instantiating models and tasks differs between the different architectures or data source. Normally I end up with code that looks like this:

if model_name == "lit-rnn":
    model = models.LitRNN(args.vocab_size, args.activation, ...)
elif model_name == "lit-transformer":
    model = models.LitTransformer(args.vocab_size, args.attention_layers, args.projection_size, ...)
elif ...:
    # etc

And pretty much the same for the data sources.

Altough a common __init__ interface could be enforced, I felt that was a hack around the intrinsic differences between the models instead of robust solution.

Also, I wanted to allow configurations to come from many sources, namely hardcoded defaults, config files and command line arguments. Defaults + config files are useful when developing models and we want to run the same code repeatedly with the same parameters, while command line options are useful when we want to quickly try out different configurations. If we want to do a more thoruogh hyper param search I would write a new command specific for that, but that is out of scope for this project (for now).

For my use cases there has been a final configuration source which is a special config requirements for some task model pairs. Sometimes some task model pair requires specific configurations, and I wanted to be able to write custom code to "register" this special interaction. I've faced this specifically when using tokenizers as a param to my data source, where the vocab size of my model should match the vocab size of the tokenizer, which isn't really a hparam to my data source, but a property of one of it's components. In my head a configuration for this would look like

def configure_task_a_model_b(...):
    # ...
    # all the previous configs
    # ...
    tokenizer = tokenizers.Tokenizer.load(task.tokenizer_name)
    # define some arbitrary relation between args
    config.model.vocab_size = tokenizer.vocab_size
    return config

Possibly this is a bad design in many other ways, but what's in this repo is the best solution I could come up with.

And so, the final precedence of config sources is (from least important to most)

  1. hard-coded defaults
  2. config files
  3. command line options
  4. custom task-model configuration

I'm still not to sold on this ordering, maybe the task-model specifics should come second and allow for overriding in config files and command line. And maybe I would like to add env vars to the list as well. Nonetheless, for now this suffices as a proof of concept and this should be easy to change and expand, since this precedence order is quite explicit in the code here.


Your are encouraged to read the source code, I left module docstrings in most so understanding the role of each is easier. Roughly, configures the CLI and, and define mock objects of what would be real objects in a deep learning projects (possibly using Pytorch Lightning). defines training utilities, which for this small project is only a task-model compatibility matrix, and allows for registering custom configuration code.

Disclaimer: I sprinkled some dynamic classes and metaclasses here and there, which is totally unnecesary, but I wanted to try out stuff. The same behaviour could've been accomplished by designing this a bit differentlly.


  • add module docstrings