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Geany for Mac OS

Geany for Mac OS is a project that contains all the necessary configuration files, themes, scripts and instructions to create the Geany app bundle and a dmg installer image for Mac OS.


The Mac OS binaries can be downloaded from the Geany Releases page:

Files and Directories

A brief description of the contents of the project directory:


  • Faience: Faience icon theme combined with Faenza-Cupertino icon theme (for better folder icons) and with lots of unneeded icons removed to save space.
  • iconbuilder.iconset: contains source icons for the Geany.icns file. Not needed for normal build, present just in case the icns file needs to be recreated for some reason.
  • patches: patches fixing VTE under Mac OS and enabling VTE bundling.

Configuration files

  • geany.modules: JHBuild modules file with Geany dependencies.
  • geany.bundle: configuration file describing the contents of the app bundle.
  • Info.plist: Mac OS application configuration file containing some basic information such as application name, version, etc. but also additional configuration including file types the application can open.
  • gtkrc.theme, close.png: GTK theme based on the Greybird theme and modified to match the Mac OS theme better.
  • gtkrc: GTK configuration file including the theme file and changing some Geany gtkrc settings.
  • Geany.icns: Mac OS Geany icon file.


  • launcher script from the gtk-mac-bundler project setting all the necessary environment variables.
  • script replacing the color icons distributed together with Geany with grey icons from the Faience theme.
  • script generating the file type portion of the Info.plist file from Geany's filetype_extensions.conf configuration file.
  • script calling create-dmg to create the dmg installer image.

General Instructions

For more general instructions about building and bundling Mac OS applications please visit

The HOWTO below contains just the portions necessary/relevant for building and bundling Geany.


  • OS X
  • Xcode and command-line tools

JHBuild Installation

To create the bundle, you need to first install JHBuild and GTK as described below.

  1. Create a new account for jhbuild (not necessary but this makes sure jhbuild will not interfere with some other command-line tools installed on your system).

  2. Get from

    and run it.

  3. Run

    export PATH=$PATH:"$HOME/.local/bin"

    to set path to jhbuild installed in the previous step.

  4. Update the setup_sdk() call in ~/.jhbuildrc-custom to something like

    setup_sdk(target="10.7", sdk_version="native", architectures=["x86_64"])

    so the build creates a 64-bit binary that works on OS X 10.7 and later. OS X 10.7 is the first version which ships libc++ which is now required because the Scintilla component needs C++11 support.

  5. By default, jhbuild compiles without optimization flags. To enable optimization, add setup_release() at the end of ~/.jhbuildrc-custom.

  6. Install GTK 2 and all its dependencies using the following commands:

    jhbuild bootstrap && jhbuild build python && jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap && jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core 

    Instead of meta-gtk-osx-core (GTK 2) you can also use meta-gtk-osx-gtk3 to install GTK 3. Note that both GTK 2 and GTK 3 cannot be installed at the same time. Also note that there seem to be various problems with the Mac OS support in GTK 3; for this reason I have not spent more time with the GTK 3 backend so there is no GTK3-specific theme or bundling support at this moment.

Geany Installation

  1. Docutils will fail if you do not set the following environment variables:

    export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
    export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  2. Inside the geany-osx directory run either

    jhbuild -m geany.modules build geany-bundle-release


    jhbuild -m geany.modules build geany-bundle

    to build Geany either from release tarballs or git master.

    There are other useful module installation options - check the geany.modules file for more options.


  1. Run

    jhbuild shell

    to start jhbuild shell.

    The rest of this section assumes you are running from within the jhbuild shell.

  2. To bundle all available Geany themes, get them from

    and copy the colorschemes directory under $PREFIX/share/geany.

  3. Go to the geany-osx directory and copy the Faience icon theme to the gtk icons directory:

    cp -r Faience $PREFIX/share/icons
  4. Replace Geany color icons by grey icons from the Faience theme by calling


    from within the geany-osx directory.

  5. Create the app bundle by calling

    gtk-mac-bundler geany.bundle

    from within the geany-osx directory.

  6. Optionally if you have a development account at Apple and want to sign the resulting bundle so it can be started without warning dialogs, use

    export SIGN_CERTIFICATE="your certificate name"

    The certificate should be installed in your login keychain. You can get the certificate name by running security find-identity -p codesigning and checking for "Developer ID Application" - the whole name in apostrophes is the certificate name.

    Then run

    codesign -s "$SIGN_CERTIFICATE" --deep --force ./


  1. Get the create-dmg script from

    and put it to your $PATH.

  2. Create the dmg installation image by calling


    from within the geany-osx directory. If the SIGN_CERTIFICATE variable is defined, the image gets signed by the specified certificate.


This section describes some maintenance-related activities which do not have to be performed during normal bundle/installer creation:

  • To get the Info.plist file associations in sync with filetype_extensions.conf, copy the filetype extension portion from filetype_extensions.conf to the marked place in and run the script. Copy the output of the script to the marked place in Info.plist.

  • The Geany.icns icon file can be regenerated from the iconbuilder.iconset directory using

    iconutil -c icns ./iconbuilder.iconset
  • Before the release update the Geany version and copyright years inside Info.plist and Also update the -release targets in geany.modules file to point to the new release. Dependencies inside geany.modules can also be updated to newer versions.

Jiri Techet, 2017