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Accurate and Well-Calibrated ICD Code Assignment Through Attention Over Diverse Label Embeddings

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⚕️Accurate and Well-Calibrated ICD Code Assignment Through Attention Over Diverse Label Embeddings

Official source code repository for the EACL2024 article Accurate and Well-Calibrated ICD Code Assignment Through Attention Over Diverse Label Embeddings

  title={Accurate and Well-Calibrated {ICD} Code Assignment Through Attention Over Diverse Label Embeddings},
  author={Gomes, Gon{\c{c}}alo and Coutinho, Isabel and Martins, Bruno},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.03172},

How to reproduce results

Setup venv environment

  1. Under the directory Environment Create a venv environment: python -m venv env
  2. Activate the environment env: source env/bin/activate
  3. Install the packages : pip install -r requirements.txt

Prepare MIMIC-III splits and Labelizers

This code has been developed on MIMIC-III v1.4.

  1. Please note that you need to complete training to acces the data. The training is free, but takes a couple of hours. - link to data access
  2. Open the directory data_aux. Download the MIMIC-III data inside this directory by doing: wget -r -N -c -np --user <physionet_user> --ask-password inside the data_aux directory.
  3. MIMIC-III/1.4 is now downloaded into data_aux, and you should have the following path directories: data_aux/, with all the MIMIC-III files inside it.
  4. Now that you download the MIMIC-III data. Lets do the split described by Mullenbach et al. (MIMIC-III-50), and the split described by Edin et al.
  5. Inside the directory MIMIC-III-Preprocess, run the code python (generate the MIMIC-III-50 split), python (generate the MIMIC-III-clean split), and then python (to prepare the one hot encoding labels for both splits).
  6. Now you can see the train/val/test sets, and the one hot encodins for both splits under the directory data

Data Description

After running the previous steps, the directory data with the following files:

  • clean_MSAM4-MDP_synonyms.pkl: this file contains the selection of 4 synonyms per ICD code for the MIMIC-III-clean unique codes through solving the Maximum Diversity Problem (MDP);
  • top50_MSAM(2/4/8)-MDP_synonyms.pkl: this file contains the selection of 2/4/8 synonyms per ICD code for the MIMIC-III-50 unique codes through solving the Maximum Diversity Problem (MDP);
  • top50_MSAM(1/2/4/8)-rand_synonyms.pkl: this file contains 1/2/4/8 synonyms per ICD code for the MIMIC-III-50 unique codes through random selection;
  • icd_mimic3_random_sort.json & labels_descriptions_wikipedia.txt: Descriptions and synonyms from UMLS, wikidata and Wikipedia
  • le.npy, le50.npy, le_clean.npy: labelizers regarding the codes from MIMIC-III, MIMIC-III-50, MIMIC-III-clean;
  • mimiciii_(50/clean)_(train/val/test).pkl: (train/val/test) set for MIMIC-III-(50/clean) split
  • (train/val/test)(50/clean)_1hot.npz: One hot encodings for the labels in (train/val/test) set of MIMIC-III-(50/clean) split.

Running experiments


The directory Scripts has a Helpers directory which contains the helper function scripts to help perform the training and evaluation experiments.

Config Files

Inside the Scripts directory you can see that there are three different config files:,, and

  • this file contains the necessary variables to perform both training and test our different classification models, under the different evaluation datasets;
  • this file contains the necessary variables to perform both training and test our different quantifier models, under the different evaluation datasets;
  • this file contains dynamic variables which their values will depend on variables from the previous config files.

Models Directory

The models directory is the saving folder for both checkpoints, predictions and metric results. During training/test the results while be automatically saved under this directory.

Main Script

The file contains the main script to perform both training and evaluation of our classification models.

Quantification Script

The file contains the script to perform both training and evaluation of our quantification models.



Imagine that we want to train the model CE_MSAM (Chunk-base encoding strategy with the Multi-synonym attention mechanism.), from scratch, under the MIMIC-III-50 split with four synonyms per code selected with the maximum diversity problem criterion

  1. Open the Scripts/config.file;
  2. Change MODEL_TYPE variable to the desired model type: MODEL_TYPE = "CE_MSAM"
  3. Change DATA_TYPE variable to the desired data type: DATA_TYPE = "top50"
  4. Change M variable to the desired number of synonyms per ICD code: M = 4
  5. Change SELECTION_CRITERION variable to the desired synonym selection criterion: SELECTION_CRITERION = "MDP"
  6. Change FILE_NAME to a name of your choice that best represent your experiment: FILE_NAME = "example1"
  7. Change START_MODEL_FROM_CHECKPOINT to empty string, since you dont want to start the training from a previous checkpoint: START_MODEL_FROM_CHECKPOINT = ""
  8. Change MODE to training mode: MODE = "train"

After setting everything in the Scripts/ file, run the script: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python Automatically a folder named models/CE_MSAM/example1 will be created with the following branches:

  • models/CE_MSAM/example1/metrics: folder that will contains all the metrics regarding the training. Each epoch the files there will be updated to contain most recent metric evaluation results;
  • models/CE_MSAM/example1/model: file containing the different checkpoints generated from the training process;
  • models/CE_MSAM/example1/predictions: file containing the predictions for both validation and test set when performing the test process;


Imagine that we want to train the model LE_MSAM_CLQ (Longformer encoding strategy with the Multi-synonym attention mechanism, and trained with the joint loss.), from scratch, under the MIMIC-III-clean split with four synonyms per code selected with the maximum diversity problem criterion

  1. Open the Scripts/config.file;
  2. Change MODEL_TYPE variable to the desired model type: MODEL_TYPE = "LE_MSAM_CLQ"
  3. Change DATA_TYPE variable to the desired data type: DATA_TYPE = "clean"
  4. Change M variable to the desired number of synonyms per ICD code: M = 4
  5. Change SELECTION_CRITERION variable to the desired synonym selection criterion: SELECTION_CRITERION = "MDP"
  6. Change FILE_NAME to a name of your choice that best represent our experiment: FILE_NAME = "example2"
  7. Change START_MODEL_FROM_CHECKPOINT to empty string, since we dont want to start the training from a previous checkpoint: START_MODEL_FROM_CHECKPOINT = ""
  8. Change HUBER_DELTA to the desired value: HUBER_DELTA = 0.5
  9. Change QUANT_LAMBDA to the desired value: QUANT_LAMBDA = 100
  10. Change START_CLQ_FROM_CLASSIFIER_CHECKPOINT to the string describing the path for the desired checkpoint of the classifier "LE_MSAM", since we want to start the classifier from a previous checkpoint: START_CLQ_FROM_CLASSIFIER_CHECKPOINT = "path/to/LE_MSAM/checkpoint"
  11. Change START_CLQ_FROM_QUANTIFIER_CHECKPOINT to the string describing the path for the desired checkpoint of the MLP, since we want to start the quantifier from a previous checkpoint: START_CLQ_FROM_QUANTIFIER_CHECKPOINT = "path/to/LE_MSAM/models/separated-mlp.pth"
  12. Change MODE to training mode: MODE = "train"

After setting everything in the Scripts/ file, run the script: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python Automatically a folder named models/LE_MSAM_CLQ/example2 will be created with the following branches:

  • models/LE_MSAM_CLQ/example2/metrics: folder that will contains all the metrics regarding the training. Each epoch the files there will be updated to contain most recent metric evaluation results;
  • models/LE_MSAM_CLQ/example2/model: file containing the different checkpoints generated from the training process. At the end of the training process it will also be saved under this directory the MLP checkpoint trained under the joint loss optimization;
  • models/LE_MSAM_CLQ/example2/predictions: file containing the predictions for both validation and test set when performing the test process;


Imagine that we want to train the MLP separately from scratch based on the prevalence pcc vectors obtained from the probabilistic predictions of the classifier CE, under the MIMIC-III-50 split.

First we need to produce the predictions for both the validation and test set of the MIMIC-III-50 split, so we can easily produce the quantification train and tes splits, that will be used latter to train the MLP.

  1. Open the Scripts/config.file;
  2. Change MODEL_TYPE variable to the desired model type: MODEL_TYPE = "CE"
  3. Change DATA_TYPE variable to the desired data type: DATA_TYPE = "50"
  4. Change FILE_NAME to a name of your choice that best represent our experiment: FILE_NAME = "example3"
  5. Change START_MODEL_FROM_CHECKPOINT to the best performing checkpoint of our desired model: START_MODEL_FROM_CHECKPOINT = "path/to/CE/checkpoint"
  6. Change MODE to training mode: MODE = "test"

After setting everything in the Scripts/ file, run the script: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python Automatically a folder named models/LE_MSAM_CLQ/example3 will be created with the following branches:

  • models/LE_MSAM_CLQ/example3/predictions: file containing the predictions and metrics for both validation and test set;

Now that we have the predictions for both validation and test set under the directory models/LE_MSAM_CLQ/example3/predictions, lets train the MLP.

  1. Open the Scripts/config_quantification.file;
  2. Change MODEL_TYPE variable to the desired model type: MODEL_TYPE = "CE"
  3. Change DATA_TYPE variable to the desired data type: DATA_TYPE = "50"
  4. Change FILE_NAME to a name of your choice that best represent our experiment: FILE_NAME = "example3"
  5. Change EPOCHS variable to the maximum desired number of epochs that you want to train the MLP: EPOCHS = 300
  6. Change PATIENCE variable to the desired early stop patience: PATIENCE = 5
  7. Change LR variable to the desired learning rate: LR = 0.0002

The quantification metrics will be saved under models/LE_MSAM_CLQ/example3/metrics/quantification_metrics.txt; The final MLP checkpoint will be saved under models/LE_MSAM_CLQ/example3/model/separated-mlp.pth;


Accurate and Well-Calibrated ICD Code Assignment Through Attention Over Diverse Label Embeddings






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