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Here are informations about how the tests are executed and how you can extend this behaviour.



An Executor is a class that runs the tests and it must implement the ITestExecutor interface.

The default executor

The default test executor runs test in sequential order in a single thread. You don't have to do anything to use this executor.

Parallel executor

The parallel executor run the tests in parallel. In order to use this executor, you have to set in your trial.json the runInParallel flag to true. The maxThreads will set determine how many threads will be used in the same time. Any value that's equal or les than 0 will set the number of threads equal to the number of the threads that your CPU supports.

This executor is experimental and it does not work with all reporters.


In order to write your executor, your class must implement the ITestExecutor method.

If you want to use your custom test executor, you can replace the default one by adding it to the LifeCycleListeners:

static this() {
    LifeCycleListeners.instance.add(new MyCustomExecutor);

Be aware that by adding a test executor, you will replace the previous one, since it does not make sense to have more than one executor at a time.