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Machine Learning with Tools

Batch Use of Tools


Use DataInterpreter to model and predict the titanic dataset, and batch invoke tools during the data preprocessing and feature engineering stages (multiple tools of types data_preprocess and feature_engineering have already been created, located in the metagpt/tools/libs directory)).


python examples/di/

Execution Results

The data preprocessing code (which includes the use of 3 tools: FillMissingValue, StandardScale, and OneHotEncode) is as follows:

from import FillMissingValue, StandardScale, OneHotEncode

fill_age = FillMissingValue(features=['Age'], strategy='median')
fill_embarked = FillMissingValue(features=['Embarked'], strategy='most_frequent')

train_data = fill_age.fit_transform(train_data)
train_data = fill_embarked.fit_transform(train_data)

if 'Cabin' in train_data.columns:
    train_data.drop('Cabin', axis=1, inplace=True)

numerical_features = ['Age', 'SibSp', 'Parch', 'Fare']

scale = StandardScale(features=numerical_features)
scaled_features = scale.fit_transform(train_data)

for feature in numerical_features:
    train_data[feature] = scaled_features[feature]

categorical_features = ['Sex', 'Embarked']
one_hot = OneHotEncode(features=categorical_features)
train_data = one_hot.fit_transform(train_data)

non_informative_columns = ['PassengerId', 'Name', 'Ticket']
train_data.drop(columns=non_informative_columns, axis=1, inplace=True, errors='ignore')

The feature engineering code (which includes the use of 1 tool: PolynomialExpansion) is as follows:

from import PolynomialExpansion
numeric_features = ['Pclass', 'Age', 'SibSp', 'Parch', 'Fare']
poly_expansion = PolynomialExpansion(cols=numeric_features, label_col='Survived')
train_data = poly_expansion.fit_transform(train_data)


Tool Creation

In the directory, we have predefined two types of tools: data_preprocess and feature_engineering. Below, taking data_preprocess tasks as an example, we provide a complete guide for creating a simple tool, including how to define and register the tool.

  • First, create a file named in the directory.
  • In this file, you will define your data preprocessing tool and complete the registration of the tool using the @register_tool decorator. Additionally, you can specify the category of the tool by setting the tags parameter.

Code Example:

from typing import Literal

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

from import register_tool

TAGS = ["data preprocessing", "machine learning"]

class FillMissingValue:
    Completing missing values with simple strategies.

    def __init__(
        self, features: list, strategy: Literal["mean", "median", "most_frequent", "constant"] = "mean", fill_value=None
        Initialize self.

            features (list): Columns to be processed.
            strategy (Literal["mean", "median", "most_frequent", "constant"], optional): The imputation strategy, notice 'mean' and 'median' can only
                                      be used for numeric features. Defaults to 'mean'.
            fill_value (int, optional): Fill_value is used to replace all occurrences of missing_values.
                                        Defaults to None.
        self.features = features
        self.strategy = strategy
        self.fill_value = fill_value = None

    def fit(self, df: pd.DataFrame):
        Fit the FillMissingValue model.

            df (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame.
        if len(self.features) == 0:
            return = SimpleImputer(strategy=self.strategy, fill_value=self.fill_value)[self.features])

    def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Transform the input DataFrame with the fitted model.

            df (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame.

            pd.DataFrame: The transformed DataFrame.
        if len(self.features) == 0:
            return df
        new_df = df.copy()
        new_df[self.features] =[self.features])
        return new_df

    def fit_transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Fit and transform the input DataFrame.

            df (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame.

            pd.DataFrame: The transformed DataFrame.
        return self.transform(df)

In the example above, the FillMissingValue class implements the functionality for filling missing values and is registered as a data_preprocess tool using the @register_tool decorator.

After registering the tool, the system will automatically generate a corresponding schema file (such as FillMissingValue.yml) for each tool in based on the comments of the tool functions, detailing the structure, methods, and parameter types of the tool class, ensuring that the LLM can accurately understand and utilize the tool.

Schema File Example (FillMissingValue.yml):

type: class
description: Completing missing values with simple strategies.
    type: function
    description: 'Initialize self. '
      '(self, features: ''list'', strategy: "Literal[''mean'', ''median'',
      ''most_frequent'', ''constant'']" = ''mean'', fill_value=None)'
      'Args: features (list): Columns to be processed. strategy (Literal["mean",
      "median", "most_frequent", "constant"], optional): The imputation strategy,
      notice ''mean'' and ''median'' can only be used for numeric features. Defaults
      to ''mean''. fill_value (int, optional): Fill_value is used to replace all occurrences
      of missing_values. Defaults to None.'
    type: function
    description: 'Fit a model to be used in subsequent transform. '
    signature: "(self, df: 'pd.DataFrame')"
    parameters: 'Args: df (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame.'
    type: function
    description: 'Fit and transform the input DataFrame. '
    signature: "(self, df: 'pd.DataFrame') -> 'pd.DataFrame'"
      'Args: df (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame. Returns: pd.DataFrame:
      The transformed DataFrame.'
    type: function
    description: 'Transform the input DataFrame with the fitted model. '
    signature: "(self, df: 'pd.DataFrame') -> 'pd.DataFrame'"
      'Args: df (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame. Returns: pd.DataFrame:
      The transformed DataFrame.'

Automatic Tool Registration and Selection

By setting the tools parameter of DataInterpreter, you can manually specify which tools to use. If you want to use all tools, you can set tools=["<all>"].

When DataInterpreter starts, it will automatically register all the tools in the tools list. At the same time, during the task planning stage, DataInterpreter will recommend available tools for each task based on the requirements, and select the TOP-k for LLM to use.

Tool Combination and Invocation

During task execution, once the available TOP tools are identified, DataInterpreter will automatically combine and call these tools as needed according to the task requirements to form a code solution for a specific task.