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466 lines (452 loc) · 12.7 KB

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466 lines (452 loc) · 12.7 KB
; if there are two entries which belong to the same week, that conflict needs manual check.
; writing my bithdays in this document was the most spritual moment i ever had. i am crying rn. idk what is but i feel more whole than usual.
(defun get-week-no(d)
  (let* ((days (- (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(8 14 1996))
                  (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian d)))
         (days (1+ (if (> days 0) days (- days)))))
    (/ days 7)))

(defun get-formatted-date(d)
  (format-time-string "%e %b'%y" (org-time-string-to-time d))

(defun add-week(el)
  (org-set-property "WEEK" (number-to-string (get-week-no (org-date-to-gregorian (org-element-property :DATE el)))))
  (org-set-property "EXPORT_FILE_NAME" (number-to-string (get-week-no (org-date-to-gregorian (org-element-property :DATE el)))))
(defun add-custom-frontmatter(el)
   (format ":week %s :cal_date %s" (org-element-property :WEEK el) (get-formatted-date (org-element-property :DATE el)))

(defun populate-props ()
  (let ((el (org-element-at-point)))
    (add-week el) ; set week number
    ;; (add-emoji el) ; add emoji
    (add-custom-frontmatter el) ; set custom front matter, need to run twice for new properties
(org-map-entries #'populate-props "LEVEL=1")

‘96 🍼

I have no pictures from the day I was born. Does that mean I was even born?

1st Birthday

There’s a possibility that I got exchanged with some other kid

2nd Birthday

3rd Birthday

4th Birthday

5th Birthday

6th Birthday

7th Birthday

8th Birthday

9th Birthday

10th Birthday

11th Birthday

12th Birthday

13th Birthday

14th Birthday

15th Birthday

16th Birthday

17th Birthday

18th Birthday

I don’t remember what happened.

19th Birthday

20th Birthday

21st Birthday

22nd Birthday

23rd Birthday

24th Birthday

25th Birthday

26th Birthday

It was pretty bad. I stayed that night at Joyraj’s place.

27th Birthday

I was at vishal’s place in mumbai, we had good fun. good people in life important.

First love

I remember this day very clearly because of the date.

First computer

Dad bought us our first computer in the house. Baba dada helped us set it up. My mind was blown. It was a compaq.

First heartbreak

This took me precisely 9 months to recover from. One morning I woke up and I realized that I’ve finally moved on.

Started school

Started School at KVIOC

First interaction with Programming


Move to BLR

Move to GHY

Completed School

Joined College

Worst fucking era of my life.

Renovated Room

Second Heartbreak

Bestest person. We resolved it few months down the line. It’s peaceful now.

First music festival

InOut 5.0

First Goa trip

first iPhone

Second ever flight

Went to Bangalore for the first time. The last time I was out of the northeast was when I was in class 3.

deep reflections

As I write this weekly notes today, I am looking through my whole life. I am having practical realizations that I never had before.

First international flight 🇩🇪

Joined Clarisights

Dad 🌻

Quit Clarisights

Quit my job.

Choco 🐶

Adopted my first dog. Choco aka nft aka bandor.

New side project

We launched betterkeep landing page, working on few other project. This is a milestone because I left my job in march and this is the first time in a while I am doing any real ‘work’

Released Calendar

Launched the 365 Calendar to the public on shopify

One important day

Today I am re-organizing a lot of things. Thanks to my planing in the previous months, all of it was worth it. My life is truly organized now. I did not have to think much to decide what to do, everything is right there. I just have to do it. There’s some financial stress going on, which I am handling like I should at the moment. This day decides rest of the year and probably rest of my life. It’s time to get to work and work really hard. Practice and Patience.

Running late

I am feeling some pressure, I think I am running late.

Still running late

I don’t even want to write about this point in my life. but, I 100% know for sure, i’ll remember this phase even if I don’t write about it. Probably(?) the hardest mental battles and self psyop in my adult life.

Reality check

I had a 15min call with someone I greatly admire today. The man gave me a full reality check. It’ll be fair to say that he was disappointed at me and my public image and was super blunt about it and gave me solid actionable advice. Super helpful. I am going to take his advice but I am not going to do what he suggested exactly. Really thankful that I could see what someone else sees in me, my work is not very apparent. My man was the mirror of erised for me. Tank is full. Let’s fucking go.