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M# Tutorial - Episode 2: Modal pages

In the previous tutorial we have learned about this topics:

  • Entity types
  • Association between entity types
  • Pages and navigation
  • Action buttons
  • A list module
  • A form module
  • A menu

In this tutorial we continue our learning process with enriching previous topics and learn new topics like:

  • Pop-up (modal) pages
  • Image and file properties


In this tutorial, we are going to implement a management system that let users manage their customers and related countries. Here are the sketches for list and model.

Countries List Customers list

Implementation: Entities

As we can see in the requirements, we can identify two entities, "Country" and "Customer" that these entities has One-to-Many relationships since any country have many customers and each customer has one country. After understanding requirements and identifying its related entities and their relationships, it's time to create them. Now let's create the corresponding classes in the #Model project.

Navigate to the #Model project and create a Domain folder, right click > Add > M# and then add an Entity named Country:

Add Entity

By default M# will create a concrete class that inherits from EntityType class, let change our class and add required properties:

using MSharp;

namespace Domain
    public class Country : EntityType
        public Country()

In M# we use the default constructor to add properties to entity types. The only property of the Country class is of type string and is called Name. This property is mandatory so we need to call .Mandatory() method using M# fluent API.

In a similar way add another entity type called Customer but this time with a set of properties shown in the snippet below:

using MSharp;

namespace Domain
    public class Customer : EntityType
        public Customer()

            String("Company name").Mandatory(value: false);

            Date("Contract start date").Mandatory(value: false);

            OpenImage("Logo").Width(200).Height(80).Mandatory(value: false);

            OpenFile("Contract").Mandatory(value: false);

As you can see we have used M# fluent API to add Customer class properties, we have added One-to-Many relationship with Associate<Country>("Country"); property and continue our work to add Company name and other properties. Here you should consider these methods:

  • String() : Used for simple string property
  • Date() : Used for date and time property
  • OpenImage() : Used for image property
  • OpenFile() : Used for any document file.

As you can see, M# framework gives use excellent power to use it's fluent API continuance to add other methods like .Width() , .Height() etc.

Note: Always use singular names for entity types. M# is smart enough to automatically use their plural forms when necessary.

Now it's time to feed our two entity types to the M# code generator. You invoke it by building the #Model project. In solution explorer, right click the #Model project and select Build. After the build process, you can find the resulting files in the Domain project under the [GEN-Entities] branch as shown below:

Domain Overview

You should notice that every class in GEN-Entities , DEV-SCRIPTS are generated by M# framework and you shouldn't do any manual change. If you need some business logic you should add a partial class in Logic and write your own business. Before moving on to developing the UI, let's build the Domain project to make sure everything regarding it is fine.

Implementation: UI

In #UI project we have three main steps to do:

  1. Add Pages
  2. Config Menu
  3. Add Modules To Pages

According to the requirement, we have a country and a customer page that in these pages we should add a modal page for adding or editing each entity. Our first step is to create a root page for country and customer page.

Creating Country Pages

Go to Pages folder of #UI, right click > Add > M# then create Country rootpage:

Add Root Page

using MSharp;

public class CountryPage : RootPage
    public CountryPage()

        OnStart(x => x.Go<Country.CountriesPage>().RunServerSide());

M# framework will create this file for you and you should change it's constructor as shown above. In this class we have added Add<Modules.MainMenu>();, by adding this code we tell M# that it should add our MainMenu class that holds our site's menu. After that we tell M# framework that it should run CountriesPage class immediately after running this page.

Under Pages folder create a folder named Country and then add the following class:

using MSharp;

namespace Country
    public class CountriesPage : SubPage<CountryPage>
        public CountriesPage()
            //will be implemented soon

This class inherits from SubPage<CountryPage> class. We have added a CountriesList class that its responsibility is to list all countries in a grid like the first requirement picture. We continue our work by adding CountriesList class that inherits from ListModule.

Creating required module of Country Pages

Navigate to Modules folder of #UI project and create folder named Country. Then add a List module named CountriesList using M# context menu:

Add Modules

using MSharp;

namespace Modules
    public class CountriesList : ListModule<Domain.Country>
        public CountriesList()
            Column(x => x.Name);

                .OnClick(x => x.PopUp<Country.EnterPage>()
                    .Send("item", "item.ID"));

                .OnClick(x =>

            Button("New Country").Icon(FA.Plus)
                .OnClick(x => x.PopUp<Country.EnterPage>());

In this class we have included our needed column according to the requirement and add Edit, Delete and Add Contact buttons with their navigation instruction. You should notice that we have inherited from ListModule class, this class is a special class that tells M# framework how to generate code for showing this class.

Creating Country Form Page

After creating a Country list its time to create a country form page that is responsible for adding and editing operation. We continue our work by creating a Enter class in a Country folder under the Page folder in #UI project:

Country Enter

Add a class named EnterPage like below:

using MSharp;

namespace Country
    public class EnterPage : SubPage<CountriesPage>
        public EnterPage()


This class inherits from CountriesPage class, we have set its layout to be modal and by using Add<Modules.CountryForm>(); we instruct the M# framework that this page is responsible for showing country form module. Now it's time to create CountryForm class, Add this class under the Country folder in Modules folder like below:

using MSharp;

namespace Modules
    public class CountryForm : FormModule<Domain.Country>
        public CountryForm()
            Field(x => x.Name);

                .OnClick(x => x.CloseModal());

            Button("Save").IsDefault().Icon(FA.Save).OnClick(x =>
                x.GentleMessage("Saved successfully.");

This class inherits from FormModule class that tell the M# framework to deal with this class as a form module. This special class tells M# that it should generate a form page and a user can add or edit entity. In this class we have just one filed as requirement told us, so we just use Field() method to tell M# how to generate code for this property.

Creating Customer List Pages

We continue our work by repeating former steps. First add customer root page:

Add Root Page

using MSharp;

public class CustomerPage : RootPage
    public CustomerPage()

        OnStart(x => x.Go<Customer.CustomersPage>().RunServerSide());

Add a folder named Customer under the Pages folder of #UI project and then add CustomersPage class:

using MSharp;

namespace Customer
    public class CustomersPage : SubPage<CustomerPage>
        public CustomersPage()

Creating required module of Customer Pages

Add a folder named Customer under the Modules folder of #UI project and then add CustomersList class:

using MSharp;

namespace Modules
    public class CustomersList : ListModule<Domain.Customer>
        public CustomersList()
            Column(x => x.Country);

            Column(x => x.CompanyName);

            Column(x => x.ContractStartDate);

            Column(x => x.Logo);

            Column(x => x.Contract);

                .OnClick(x => x.PopUp<Customer.EnterPage>()
                    .Send("item", "item.ID"));

                .OnClick(x =>

            Button("New Customer").Icon(FA.Plus)
                .OnClick(x => x.PopUp<Customer.EnterPage>());

According to the requirements, this class should include more columns to be shown for users. We have added all required columns as shown above. Now we need to create a form page that let users to add or edit entities.

Creating Customer Form Page

We continue our work by creating a EnterPage class in a Customer folder under the Page folder in #UI project. Add a class named EnterPage like below:

using MSharp;

namespace Customer
    public class EnterPage : SubPage<CustomerPage>
        public EnterPage()


Our next step is to create CustomerForm class, Add this class under the Customer folder in Modules folder like below:

using MSharp;

namespace Modules
    public class CustomerForm : FormModule<Domain.Customer>
        public CustomerForm()
            Field(x => x.Country).Control(ControlType.DropdownList);

            Field(x => x.CompanyName);

            Field(x => x.Logo).Control(ControlType.FileUpload).Mandatory(value: false);

            Field(x => x.Contract).Control(ControlType.FileUpload).Mandatory(value: false);

            Field(x => x.ContractStartDate).Control(ControlType.DatePicker);

                .OnClick(x => x.CloseModal());

            Button("Save").IsDefault().Icon(FA.Save).OnClick(x =>
                x.GentleMessage("Saved successfully.");

This class generates a form with the required columns according to requirements.

Adding Pages to the Menu

After you ended up with the pages, you need to add them to the main menu, for doing this open MainMenu.cs class:

using MSharp;

namespace Modules
    public class MainMenu : MenuModule
        public MainMenu()
            AjaxRedirect().IsViewComponent().UlCssClass("nav navbar-nav dropped-submenu");

                .OnClick(x => x.Go<LoginPage>());

               .OnClick(x => x.Go<Admin.SettingsPage>());

                .OnClick(x => x.Go<Country.CountriesPage>());

                .OnClick(x => x.Go<Customer.CustomersPage>());

Final Step

Now its time to build #UI project, this project generated related files in WebSite project, after building #UI project set the WebSite project as your default StartUp project and then set your connection string in appsetting.json file and hit F5 to see M# magic. Your project is ready to use.