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DEPRECATED - Ansible Role: Phergie PHP IRC Bot

Build Status

DEPRECATED: This role has been deprecated, as geerlingguy no longer uses Phergie and will not continue maintaining the role.

Installs Phergie, a PHP IRC bot on RHEL/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu Linux systems.

To use Phergie, you can run php phergie.php from the directory in which Phergie is installed (set this with the phergie_install_path variable). You might want to run phergie in the background, and log output so you can check for any problems and store chat history with a command like:

$ nohup php /path/to/phergie.php > /path/to/log 2>&1&


  • Git (recommended role: geerlingguy.git).
  • PHP (recommended role: geerlingguy.php) - php, php-pdo, and php-sqlite are recommended.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

phergie_install_path: "/home/{{ ansible_ssh_user }}/phergie"
phergie_user: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"

The location where Phergie will be installed, and the user with which Phergie will be installed and most likely run.

phergie_timezone: America/Chicago

The timezone Phergie will use when performing date-based actions.

  - {
    host: '',
    port: '6667',
    username: 'PhergieExample',
    realname: 'Phergie Example Bot',
    nick: 'PhergieExample'

A list of connection objects; Phergie can connect to multiple IRC hosts, but typically one connection will suffice.

  - '#example'

A list of channels which Phergie will join after successfully connecting to the IRC server.

phergie_command_prefix: ''

If you would like Phergie to only respond to commands with a prefix (like !karma [keyword] instead of karma [keyword]), set a prefix here.

phergie_ui_enabled: 'true'

Whether to output Phergie bot events in the console when phergie is running (useful for debugging or checking on Bot activity in logs).

  - AltNick
  - AutoJoin
  - Beer
  - Help
  - Karma
  - Lart
  - Php
  - Ping
  - PingPong
  - Pong
  - Prioritize
  - Quit
  - Remind
  - Serve

A list of Phergie plugins to load. See the complete list here:

phergie_altnicks: []

A list of alternative nicks Phergie will use if the primary nick is taken (requires AltNick in phergie_plugins).

phergie_wunderground_api_key: ''

The Weather Underground API key to use (requires Wunderground in phergie_plugins).

phergie_karma_db_location: ''

A path to an SQLite database which Phergie will use if Karma is in phergie_plugins. It's useful to use a db outside of the phergie installation folder so the database won't be wiped out if you update phergie via git pull.


  • geerlingguy.git

Example Playbook

- hosts: ircbot
    - vars/main.yml
    - geerlingguy.phergie

Inside vars/main.yml:

  - {
    host: '',
    port: '6667',
    username: 'PhergieExample',
    realname: 'Phergie Example Bot',
    nick: 'PhergieExample'



Author Information

This role was created in 2014 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.