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Release notes for the OpenQuake Engine, version 3.3

This is a major release featuring substantial improvements, especially to the event based calculators. Over 300 pull requests were merged, making this release twice as big as usual, as a result of the Global Hazard/Risk Model effort. For the complete list of changes, see the changelog:

General improvements on all calculators

  1. The command oq engine --run has now an option --reuse-hazard that can be used to run a risk calculation without having to regenerate the hazard, or to regenerate the hazard curves/hazard maps/uniform hazard spectra without having to regenerate the underlying probabilities of exceedence.

  2. The feature works because now the engine stores in the database a checksum for the hazard parameters, so it is able to retrieve a pre-existing hazard calculation with the same checksum, if available.

  3. The engine can now run multiple job.ini files at once, with the syntax oq engine --run job1.ini ... jobN.ini. The calculation ID of the first job will be used as input for the other jobs.

  4. We improved the minimum_magnitude feature that allows ruptures of magnitude below a given threshold to be discarded. The first improvement is that now the discarding is done before sampling the ruptures, whereas in the past it was done after sampling the ruptures, so it is more efficient now. The second improvement is that the feature works for all calculators, whereas previously, it worked only for the event based calculators. The third improvement is that you can now specify different minimum_magnitudes for different tectonic region types, as in this example:

minimum_magnitude = {
  "Subduction Interface": 6.5,
  "Subduction Interface LAN": 6.5,
  "Subduction IntraSlab": 6.5,
  "Subduction IntraSlab LAN": 6.5,
  "Active Shallow Crust": 5.0,
  "Active Shallow Crust LAN": 5.0,
  "Stable Shallow Crust": 5.0}
  1. We extended the equivalent epicenter distance feature to multiple tectonic region types. While before a single lookup table was supported, now you can specify a different lookup table for each tectonic region type in the job.ini file, as in this example (note that the name of the section must be [reqv]):
active shallow crust = lookup_asc.hdf5
stable shallow crust = lookup_sta.hdf5
  1. Since engine 3.1, the input files of every calculation are zipped and saved in the datastore. This is very useful in order to reproduce a given calculation. In this release, due to a bug in silx view that make it impossible to view datastores with large inputs, we moved the top level dataset input_zip into the folder input/zip. Moreover we zip the inputs only when there is no hazard_calculation_id, to avoid storing redundant information.

  2. We implemented transparent support for zipped source models and exposures. The engine now can automatically unzip source models and exposures, if any. The support is transparent in the sense that you do not need to change the job.ini file. If you have a configuration file with the line source_model_logic_tree_file = ssmLT.xml and you zip the file ssmLT.xml together with all the related source models into an archive the engine will automatically look for the .zip file if the .xml file is missing. Same for zipped exposures.

  3. We now support site models in .csv format. The old .xml format is not deprecated and will keep working for the foreseeable future, but we recommend users to switch to the .csv format anyway, since it is more convenient to use and faster to parse. You can use any number of fields: fields not used by the GMPEs will simply be ignored. Here is an example:

$ cat site_model.csv
  1. The engine has been extended to be able to read multiple site models and/or multiple exposures at once. The multiple site models/exposures are automatically merged and stored in the datastore as a single site model/asset collection. This is very useful in conjunction with the new aggregate_by parameter of the event_based_risk calculator, since it is possible to automatically compute and export results aggregate by country and other tags (occupancy, taxonomy, etc). Here is an example of use:
site_model_file =
exposure_file =
  1. We parallelized the splitting/filtering of the sources. This make the preprocessing phase of the engine a lot faster in large models (i.e. the Australia model, the EMME models and others). Also we avoided a needless deepcopy of the source models, thus increasing the preprocessing performance even more in cases were applyToSources was specified in the source model logic tree file. The temporary pickled files generated by engine 3.2 have been removed since now the pickled sources are stored in the cache_XXX.hdf5 file, which paves the way for future improvements. Finally, the source geometries are now saved in the datastore.

  2. Now the engine extracts the tectonic region types from the source model as soon as possible and uses this information to reduce the GMPE logic tree upfront. This is used to log a more reliable estimate about the number of potential logic tree paths in the model.

  3. The individual_curves flag is back. By default it is false, but if you set it to true in the job.ini file then the engine will store the individual curves for each realization: specifically, the hazard curves and maps for classical calculations and the loss curves and average losses for event based calculations. Clearly the data transfer will increase substantially in the case of thousands of realizations and the calculation may fail: this is why by default the flag is not set to true.

Event based: Ruptures generation

There was a huge amount of work on the event based calculators. For what concerns the generation of ruptures, there have been several improvements.

  1. There is a fast mode to manage the case of a large number of stochastic event sets and/or a large number of samples. To use that, you must set fast_sampling = true in the job.ini file. The rupture generation phase can be more than one order of magnitude faster than before, as seen in the South America model.

  2. We changed the calculator so that the ruptures are returned back in blocks of at most 1,000 elements: this avoids running into the 4 GB limit for Python pickled objects.

  3. We changed approach and converted the ruptures into numpy arrays (one array for the rupture parameters, one for the rupture geometries) in the workers and not in the controller node: this avoids the ruptures piling up in the controller node and running out of memory for large calculations.

  4. Now the ruptures are stored incrementally as they arrive from the workers, removing the need to keep all of them in memory at the same time, which was a showstopper for continental scale calculations.

  5. The ruptures table now contains a field srcidx that contains the association between the rupture and the source that generated it, a feature that was much desired and requested by multiple users. From the srcidx field one can extract the source information, which is stored in the source_info table in the datastore with the formula

src_record = dstore['source_info'][rup_record['srcidx']]
  1. The ruptures table is reordered by rupture ID (also called rupture serial number) at the end of the rupture generation phase. This makes it easier to compare different calculations.

  2. Since the ruptures are always saved in the datastore, the parameter save_ruptures has been removed; in practice, it is always true now.

  3. It is possible to compute the ruptures without specifying the sites, thus avoiding the limit on the number of sites if the user is interested only in generating the rupture set. Alternatively, it is now also possible to raise the limit on the maximum number of sites for a calculation by setting the parameter max_num_sites in the job.ini.

  4. We restored the phase separation between the computation of the ruptures and the computation of the ground motion fields - in engine 3.2 they were intermingled. This has the advantage that the logic tree reduction can be performed at the end of the rupture generation phase, whereas previously it had to be performed before the rupture generation phase, so a slow prefiltering of the sources was necessary in previous versions of the engine.

  5. You can disable the prefiltering of the sources by setting prefilter_sources = no in the job.ini. This is recommended for continental scale computations in which all the sources in the hazard model are contributing anyway.

  6. There was a lot of work also to improve the task distribution and to avoid slow tasks, which however can be still an issue, unless you use fast_sampling = true or prefilter_sources = no.

  7. Among the other changes, we changed also the seed algorithm, so you should not expect to get exactly the same numbers as before. Also, the fast_sampling = true and prefilter_sources = no options use a different algorithm to generate the seeds compared to the default approach, so you will get statistically equivalent, but not identical results.

Event based: Events generation

There was also a lot of work on the relation between ruptures and events.

  1. For the first time since the beginning of the OpenQuake-engine, the event ID is a unique key (finally!). In previous versions of the engine, it was a unique key only for event based calculations with sampling, whereas in the case of calculations going through a full enumeration of the logic-tree, the same event ID could occur in different realizations, so the unique key to identify a specific event on a specific branch was the pair (event ID, realization ID). This was very inconvenient for users interested in advanced post-processing of the event loss tables, and has finally been fixed. Now an event belongs to a unique realization and cannot affect more than one realization, even in the case of full enumeration.

  2. There is a now a clear relation between event IDs (which are 64-bit unsigned integers) and rupture IDs (which are 32-bit unsigned integers): rupture_ID = event_ID // 2 ** 32 where // denotes floor division (or integer division). We are committed to keep this relation valid forever in the future. This answers the requests of several users who wanted to know which rupture generated a given event.

  3. Now the events table in the datastore is generated at the end of the rupture generation phase and it is ordered by event ID.

  4. The events table in the datastore is different from previous versions of the engine and now contains the relation between events and realizations: now, looking at the events table, a user can see which event belongs to which realization.

  5. The building of the events table as well of the associations between events and realizations has been heavily optimized, so that the engine can store tens of millions of events in minutes.

  6. In order to improve the performance, we changed the association between events and stochastic event sets, which is visible in the XML exporter for the ruptures. Now, this association is dynamically computed at export time and not stored anymore in the events table.

Event based: GMFs generation

For what concerns the generation of ground motion fields:

  1. We changed the calculator to read the rupture geometries in the workers directly from the datastore, thus avoiding a lot of data transfer and improving the performance.

  2. We optimized the filtering of the ruptures during the ground motion field generation phase. It is now perfectly possible to pregenerate the ruptures for an entire continent and then run computations on small regions, having the non-interesting ruptures filtered out efficiently.

  3. There was a big memory optimization effort, so that now the engine can generate hundreds of GBs of ground motion fields without running out of memory in the workers or in the controller node. However, there are limits on the size of the gmf_data table, so it is still possible to run into errors and also memory errors. In that case you must check carefully parameters like the minimum_magnitude and the minimum_intensity, as well as the number of sites and the effective investigation time.

  4. There was a lot of work on the ucerf_event_based calculator, to make it more similar to the regular one. We fixed some bugs, changed the seed algorithm and removed the ucerf_risk calculator, which was a special case. The regular ucerf_event_based calculator is so efficient now, that in can be used in conjunction with the regular event_based_risk calculation to do the job that was done by the ucerf_risk calculator.

  5. We finally removed the GMF XML exporter, which has been deprecated for years and was too slow to be usable. You should use the CSV exporter instead. Note that the GMF XML exporter for scenario calculations is still there, unchanged, but deprecated.

Event based: Risk

There was also a lot of work on the event based risk calculator.

  1. We introduced a smart single file mode: while in the past the recommendation was to use two files, a job_hazard.ini for hazard and job_risk.ini for risk, now the engine can work with a single job.ini file containing all the required information. It will automatically start two computations, one for the hazard and one for the risk. This is the recommended way to work now, because it plays well with the --reuse-hazard feature.

  2. We return from the workers only the statistical loss_curves unless the parameter individual_curves is set to true in the job.ini file.

  3. We reduced the memory consumption by considering only one site at a time.

  4. The saving of the average losses in the datastore has been optimized.

  5. There was a bug in event based with sampling causing incorrect GMFs to be generated. This affected the South Africa model and it is now fixed.

  6. There is now a generic multi-tag aggregation facility, so it is possible to aggregate the average losses by any combination of tags. The aggregation is performed entirely at export time with the command oq export aggregate_by; here is an example of usage for the tags taxonomy and occupancy:

$ oq export aggregate_by/taxonomy,occupancy/avg_losses <calc_id>

Classical/disaggregation calculators

While most of the work in this release was on the event based calculators, various features were added to the classical hazard calculators too.

  1. We extended the GSIM logic tree XML syntax to allow for IMT-dependent weights for each GSIM, as requested by our Canadian users. Now there can be more than one <uncertaintyWeight> inside an <uncertaintyModel> node. The first <uncertaintyWeight> must not have and imt attribute; it is the default weight that applies to all IMTs. The other <uncertaintyWeights> must have an imt attribute; they apply to specific IMTs by overriding the default weight. The weights are used in the computation of means and quantiles: a nice thing is that you can run a calculation, save the calculation ID, change the logic tree file and recompute the statistics without having to recompute everything from scratch by using the --hc flag. Here is an example of the new syntax:
<logicTreeBranch branchID="b11">
  <uncertaintyModel gmpe_table="ngae_usgs_hdf5_tables/NGA-East_Model_01_AA13_sigma.vs450.hdf5">
  <uncertaintyWeight imt="SA(10.0)">0.5</uncertaintyWeight>
<logicTreeBranch branchID="b12">
  <uncertaintyModel gmpe_table="ngae_usgs_hdf5_tables/NGA-East_Model_02_AA13_sigma.vs450.hdf5">
  <uncertaintyWeight imt="SA(10.0)">0.5</uncertaintyWeight>
  1. We added the job checksum to the hazard CSV outputs: it means that an user can check if a given output was really produced with the input parameters in the current job.ini or not.

  2. We replaced the nodal_dist_collapsing_distance and hypo_dist_collapsing_distance parameters with a pointsource_distance parameter documented here. The algorithm used to collapse the ruptures been optimized.

  3. The combination uniform_hazard_spectra=true and mean_hazard_curves=false is allowed again, as requested by Laurentiu Danciu. It was made invalid a few releases ago.

  4. The name of the disaggregation output files have changed. Before they contained the lon, lat of the location, now the contain the site index (sid). For instance a file named mean-PGA--3.0--3.0_Mag_XXX.csv now can be named mean-PGA-sid-0_Mag_XXX.csv where XXX is the calculation ID.

  5. We fixed a bug in the disaggregation calculation due to a numerical error in the binning of magnitudes.

  6. The speed of the uniform hazard spectra exporter has increased by an order of magnitude.

General improvements on the risk calculators

  1. We reduce the full risk model to the taxonomies present in the exposure before saving in the datastore. Risk models are often huge - valid for an entire continent - but usually we are interested in a single country, where only a small subset of the possible building taxonomies are present. This trick reduces quite a lot the data transfer and makes the risk calculation faster.

  2. It is possible to import hazard curves in CSV format, thus the XML importer has been deprecated. Here is an example of use:

 hazard_curves_csv = hcurves_PGA.csv hcurves_SA(0.1).csv
  1. There was a lot of work on the procedure associating the assets to the hazard sites and the procedure associating the site model parameters to the hazard sites. Now the hazard sites are extracted from the site model, if any, and not from the exposure sites.

  2. In scenario calculations starting from a rupture, assets outside the maximum_distance are automatically discarded, since the hazard and risk would be zero there.

  3. In event based and classical calculations, assets are never discarded unless discard_assets = true is set in the job.ini. In that case discarding far away assets is allowed. The feature is risky but has its use cases: for instance, in the exposure for France there may be assets in French Polynesia and a user may want to discard those for a calculation focussed on Metropolitan France.

  4. There was a bug in the gridding of the exposure feature (new in engine 3.2), causing an incorrect site collection to be produced in some cases. As a consequence, sources that should have been filtered were not filtered, causing the numbers produced by the engine to be incorrect.

Scenario from ShakeMap

There was a lot of work on the "Scenario from ShakeMap" feature, introduced ine engine 3.1 and documented here.

  1. The USGS site changed the layout of the pages, thus breaking the feature. Now we extract the download URL from the official JSON feed instead of scraping the Web Page, so the problem is solved for good.

  2. We fixed a ShakeMap unzipping bug that was affecting old ShakeMaps in which the archive did not contain the expected file at top level but inside a directory hierarchy.

  3. We added a good error message when the standard deviations as extracted from the ShakeMaps are all zeros.

  4. We added a way to disable spatial correlation by setting spatial_correlation=no correlation in the job.ini. We disabled it by default, to avoid getting non-positive defined matrices - due to numeric errors - in some circumstances.

  5. ShakeMaps contain four intensity measure types: PGA, SA(0.3), SA(1.0) and SA(3.0). If your vulnerability/fragility model contains additional IMTs which are not in the ShakeMap the calculation will fail. But, if you really want, you can set discard_assets=true and the engine will discard the assets with taxonomies associated to the missing IMTs and perform the calculation anyway. This is clearly dangerous: use the feature at your own risk!

  6. The ShakeMap feature works by building a distribution of GMFs with mean and standard deviations compatible with the ones in the downloaded ShakeMap. Due to the stochasticity of the procedure, one can produce particularly large GMFs, especially if site amplification is included. Now, if the ground motion values or the standard deviations are particularly large the user will get a warning about suspicious GMFs; moreover GMFs larger than 5g will be automatically discarded. You should take the results with care in such circumstances. Actually, you should take the results with care in any circumstance, since there are many poorly understood effects in such calculations.

  7. We fixed a bug in the GMF export, that was broken; now you can inspect the GMFs that were generated by the engine.

Bug fixes

  1. There was a bug when the spectral accelations were specified in a different way between hazard and risk (i.e. SA(1) in the vulnerability functions and SA(1.0) in the job_hazard.ini file). Now they are normalized to a common format, thus avoiding rounding issues.

  2. The option --config-file of the oq engine command was ignored and has been so for many releases. Thanks to Nick Ackerley for noticing. It has been fixed now.

  3. The generation of GMFs from ruptures was broken in the case of a filtered site collection. This has been fixed.

  4. There was a long standing bug in some oq commands, like oq export and oq show that made it impossible to export or view the results of a calculation run by another user. This has been solved. The engine looks in the database first and from there it retrieves the path to the right datastore to use. This strategy also manages correctly the case when there is a custom $OQ_DATADIR.

  5. The engine automatically creates the export_dir if it has the permissions to do so. From this release the feature works recursively and allows to create also a tree of nested directories. Moreover the export_dir is relative to the directory where the job.ini file is, not to the current working directory.

  6. For historical reasons the hazard exporters were littering the export directory with hidden files like This has been fixed now.

  7. Warnings when parsing the job.ini file were displayed only on stderr, but not logged. This has been fixed. Now we begin logging on the database even before starting the calculation.

Validity checks

  1. We restored an important check in the source model logic tree parser: now if the user lists in applyToSources a source ID that does not exist in the source model an error is raised. Before it was silently ignored and the users ended up with a calculations with duplicated results in different realizations.

  2. We fixed the check on missing hazard IMTs: now if some IMTs are missing, the error is correctly raised before starting the calculation, not in the middle of it.

  3. Sometimes users forget to include an exposure, both in the job_hazard.ini and in the job_risk.ini files. Now a clear error message is displayed.

  4. Sometimes users forget to specify the IMTs in an event based calculation: now an error is raised before starting the calculation and not in the middle of it.

  5. We added a check for empty risk model files, since an user was able to elicit this situation.

  6. We fixed the uniqueness check for the vulnerability function IDs, which was working only for files in format NRML/0.4 and not NRML/0.5.

  7. We added a check on large logic trees for event based risk calculations. Now if your logic tree has more than 100 potential paths an error is raised, suggesting to switch to logic tree sampling, which is a good suggestion. It is still possible to use full enumeration by raising the parameter max_potential_paths. Notice that due to logic tree reduction the actual number of realizations can turn out to be a lot less than the number of potential paths.

  8. We added a check in the source model parser to make sure that the tectonic region type declared in the node is consistent with the tectonic region type declared in the underlying source nodes.

  9. There is now a better error message when there are too many tags in an exposure. This usually happens when the user makes a mistake and uses a unique field as a tag.

  10. We removed the PlanarSurface check when unneeded.


  1. The most important new feature in hazardlib is the introduction of a NRCan15SiteTerm GMPE class that can be used to account for local soil conditions in the estimation of ground motion. While the site term was developed for the 2015 Canada model (hence the name) it can be applied in more general situations. The usage in the gsim logic tree file is simple; for instance to apply the site term to the BooreAtkinson2008 GMPE just write
                  <uncertaintyModel gmpe_name="BooreAtkinson2008">
  1. Another important change was in the GMPE Pezeshk et al 2011. We found a bug in the implementation and fixed it, so now if your model uses this GMPE you will get slightly different numbers than in the previous release of the engine.

  2. Chris van Houtte from GNS Science contributed a new site_class site parameter, which is a single-letter used in the McVerry2006 GMPE for New Zealand.

  3. We added a modified version of the Atkinson and Macias (2009) GMPE for subduction interface earthquakes. This GMPE is modified following what proposed in Atkinson and Adams (2013).

  4. It is now possible to specify an "undefined" rake value. This is needed to support cases admitted by some GMPEs such as, for example, the Boore and Atkinson (2008). In the XML source model you can just write <rake>undefined</rake>.

  5. We added two versions of the Silva et al. (2002) GMPE as described in the report "Development of Regional Hard Rock Attenuation Relations For Central And Eastern North America", available at

  6. We optimized the splitting of complex fault ruptures and fixed a bug in the splitting of simple fault rupture with nodes <hypo_list> or <slip_list>, needed for the directivity feature.

  7. We added a line DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = {const.StdDev.TOTAL} to the ChiouYoungs2008SWISS01 class, thus making it possible to use this GMPE in event based calculations.

  8. Graeme Weatherill contributed a fix in the HMTK plotting completeness tool and a suite of GMPEs for the Germany National Seismic Hazard Model.

  9. Stéphane Drouet contributed several Drouet & Cotton (2015) GMPEs, including the 2017 erratum.

  10. We added a modified version of the Berge-Thierry et al. (2003) GMPE supporting Mw rather than Ms. The conversion equation used is the one proposed by Weatherill et al. (2016).

  11. We fixed a few bugs in the GMPEs for Canada affecting the event based calculator.

oq commands

  1. There is a new command oq prepare_site_model that allows to prepare a site_model.csv file starting from an exposure and an USGS vs30 file. It is documented here.

  2. There is a new command oq compare to compare the hazard curves and maps of different calculations. It is meant to be used for sensitivity analysis. It is undocumented, since it is still experimental, but you can use the builtin help functionality to see how it works:

$ oq compare --help
usage: oq compare [-h] [-f] [-s 100] [-r 0.1] [-a 0.0001]
                  {hmaps,hcurves} imt calc_ids [calc_ids ...]

Compare the hazard curves or maps of two or more calculations

positional arguments:
  {hmaps,hcurves}       hmaps or hcurves
  imt                   intensity measure type to compare
  calc_ids              calculation IDs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --files           write the results in multiple files
  -s 100, --samplesites 100
                        number of sites to sample
  -r 0.1, --rtol 0.1    relative tolerance
  -a 0.0001, --atol 0.0001
                        absolute tolerance
  1. The oq zip command has been substantially enhanced and it can be used also to zip exposures and source models.

  2. The command oq shell can also be used to run scripts in the Python environment of the engine.

  3. The command oq plot_assets also plots the discarded assets, if any. Moreover it plots the site model, if any.

IT changes

  1. As mentioned in the last release, the engine does not work with Python 3.5 anymore. Python >= 3.6 is required. Python 3.7 is not officially supported yet, but we know that the engine works with it.

  2. Support for the operating system Ubuntu 14.04 has ceased and we do not release packages for it anymore. You can still run the engine on Ubuntu 14.04 but you have to install from sources or with the self-installing file that we provide for generic Linux systems.

  3. In the Linux installation from packages we dropped supervisord and we use only native systemd inits.

  4. A cluster installation now officially requires to set up a shared filesystem and to configure the shared_dir parameter in the file openquake.cfg. Without that, classical calculations will fail during the calculation of statistics and event based calculations will fail during the computations of GMFs, with some kind of "File not found" error. The documentation is here.

  5. Docker support has been improved and now works properly on a multi-node, multi-host deployment. We now also have a mechanism to emulate a cluster on a single machine by using docker containers. The relevant documentation is here.

  6. We removed the tests from the Python package because users were trying to run them. The engine tests are not meant to be run from a production installation: they must be run from a development installation.

  7. Now we check if the engine is running out of memory also in the workers nodes, and if this is the case a warning is logged in the main log, a feature that we desired for years.

  8. There were several changes in the parallelization library and now all the traffic back from the workers goes through ZeroMQ, not RabbitMQ. As a consequence, it is easier to support backends different from celery and we did some experiments with dask.


We have now in place a mechanism to run the global hazard mosaic calculations nightly so to avoid regressions in the models and the code.

The was a lot of work on documentation. We have revamped the old docs, added a description of CSV exposures in the manual and added two new FAQ pages, one for hazard and one for risk. Finally, we have started a Manual for Advanced Users.

Exposures with insuranceLimit/deductible fields are deprecated and may be removed in the future, in the sense that we may change the format that is currently used.