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Testplane Config Reference



Testplane is tuned using a configuration file. By default, it uses .testplane.conf.js, but you can use the --config option to specify a path to the configuration file.

There is only one required field – browsers.

module.exports = {
    browsers: {
        chrome: {
            desiredCapabilities: {
                browserName: 'chrome'


You can use sets to bind some set of tests to certain browsers.

Format of the sets section:

sets: {
    common: {                 // run tests associated with this path in all browsers
        files: 'tests/common' // which are configured in the `browsers` option
    desktop: {
        files: [
        ignoreFiles: ['tests/desktop/fixtures/**'], // exclude directories from reading while test finding
        browsers: ['browser'] // run tests which match the specified masks in the browser with the `browser` id
  • files – A list of test files or directories with test files. This can be a string if you want to specify just one file or directory. Also, you can use masks for this property.

  • ignoreFiles - A list of paths or masks to ignore from reading while test finding. When you write !**/some-dir/** it means that the directory will be read, but all the entries will not be included in the results. So using ignoreFiles you can speed up test reading for your project.

  • browsers – A list of browser IDs to run the tests specified in files. All browsers by default.

You can specify sets to run using the CLI option --set.

If sets are not specified in the config and paths were not passed from CLI, all files from the testplane directory are launched in all browsers specified in the config.

Running tests using sets:

testplane --set desktop


Required. The list of browsers to use for running tests.

The browser section has the following format

browsers: {
    <browser_id>: {

<browser-id> value is used for browser identification.

Available browser options:

Option name Description
desiredCapabilities Required. Used WebDriver DesiredCapabilities
gridUrl Selenium grid URL. Default value is http://localhost:4444/wd/hub.
baseUrl Base service-under-test URL. Default value is http://localhost.
browserWSEndpoint Websocket endpoint to connect to the browser in order to be able to use CDP protocol. Default value is null.
automationProtocol Browser automation protocol. Default value is webdriver.
sessionEnvFlags Environment flags that determine which protocol will be used in created browser session. Default value is {}.
waitTimeout Timeout for web page event. Default value is 1000 ms.
waitInterval Interval for web page event. Default value is 250 ms.
httpTimeout Timeout for any requests to Selenium server. Default value is 30000 ms.
urlHttpTimeout Timeout for /url request to Selenium server. Default value is httpTimeout.
pageLoadTimeout Timeout for the page loading to complete. Default value is 20000 ms.
sessionRequestTimeout Timeout for getting a browser session. Default value is httpTimeout.
sessionQuitTimeout Timeout for quitting a session. Default value is 5000.
testTimeout Timeout for test execution (in milliseconds). Default value is null, in this case will be used common timeout for all browsers from system.mochaOpts.timeout.
sessionsPerBrowser Number of sessions which are run simultaneously. Default value is 1.
takeScreenshotOnFails Options for setting up taking a screenshot of a test fail. Default value is {testFail: true, assertViewFail: false}.
takeScreenshotOnFailsMode Mode for taking a screenshot on test fail. Available options are fullpage and viewport. Default value is fullpage.
takeScreenshotOnFailsTimeout Timeout for taking screenshot on test fail. Default value is 5000.
testsPerSession Maximum amount of tests (its) to run in each web driver session.
retry How many times a test should be rerun. Default value is 0.
shouldRetry Function that determines whether to make a retry. By default returns true if retry attempts are available otherwise returns false.
calibrate Allows to correctly capture the image. Default value is false.
meta Additional data that can be obtained via .getMeta() method.
windowSize Browser window dimensions. Default value is null.
screenshotDelay Allows to specify a delay (in milliseconds) before making any screenshot.
orientation Browser orientation that will be set before each test run. Default value is null.
waitOrientationChange Allows to wait until screen orientation is changed. Default value is true.
resetCursor Allows to configure whether to move mouse cursor to body coordinates (0, 0) before each test run.
tolerance Maximum allowed CIEDE2000 difference between colors. Default value is 2.3.
antialiasingTolerance Minimum difference in brightness between the darkest/lightest pixel (which is adjacent to the antiasing pixel) and theirs adjacent pixels. Default value is 4.
compareOpts Options for comparing images.
buildDiffOpts Options for building diff image.
assertViewOpts Options for assertView command, used by default.
openAndWaitOpts Options for openAndWaitOpts command, used by default
screenshotsDir Directory to save reference images for command assertView. Default dir is testplane/screens which is relative to process.cwd().
strictTestsOrder Testplane will guarantee tests order in readTests results. false by default.
compositeImage Allows testing of regions which bottom bounds are outside of a viewport height. In the resulting screenshot the area which fits the viewport bounds will be joined with the area which is outside of the viewport height. true by default.
screenshotMode Image capture mode.
saveHistoryMode Allows to save history of executed commands. all by default.
agent Allows to use a custom http/https/http2 agent to make requests. Default value is null.
headers Allows to set custom headers to pass into every webdriver request. These headers aren't passed into browser request. Read more about this option in wdio. Default value is null.
transformRequest Allows to intercept HTTP request options before a WebDriver request is made. Default value is null.
transformResponse Allows to intercept HTTP response object after a WebDriver response has arrived. Default value is null.
strictSSL Whether it does require SSL certificate to be valid. Default value is null (it means that will be used default value from wdio).
user Cloud service username. Default value is null.
key Cloud service access key or secret key. Default value is null.
region Ability to choose different datacenters for run in cloud service. Default value is null.
headless Ability to run headless browser in cloud service. Default value is null.
isolation Ability to execute tests in isolated clean-state environment (incognito browser context). Default value is false, but true for chrome@93 and higher.
passive Ability to make browser passive. Tests are not run in passive browsers by default. Default value is false.


Required. Used WebDriver DesiredCapabilities. For example,

'chrome': {
  desiredCapabilities: {
    browserName: 'chrome',
    version: '75.0', // or "browserVersion" if browser support w3c
    chromeOptions: {...}


Selenium grid URL. Default value is http://localhost:4444/wd/hub.


Base service-under-test URL. Default value is http://localhost.


Websocket endpoint to connect to the browser in order to be able to use CDP protocol. For example you specify browserWSEndpoint: "ws://YOUR_HOST/devtools" to which sessionId of the browser will be added to the end: ws://YOUR_HOST/devtools/12345, where 12345 is a sessionId. Default value is null, it means that webdriverio is trying to figure out the websocket endpoint on its own.


Browser automation protocol (webdriver, devtools) that will be used. Default value is webdriver.


Environment flags that determine which protocol will be used in created browser session. By default environment flags are set automatically according to the used desiredCapabilities but in rare cases they are determined inaccurately and using this option they can be overriden explicitly.

Available flags:

For example:

'chrome': {
    sessionEnvFlags: {
        isW3C: true,
        isChrome: true


Timeout for any requests to Selenium server. Default value is 30000 ms.


Timeout for /url request to Selenium server. Default value is httpTimeout. It may be useful when opening url takes a long time (for example a lot of logic is executed in middlewares), and you don't want to increase timeout for other commands.


Timeout for the page loading to complete. Default value is 20000 ms.


Timeout for getting a browser session. Default value is httpTimeout.


Timeout for quitting a session. Default value is 5000.


Timeout for test execution (in milliseconds). If applied to suite then timeout will be set for all tests and hooks inside this suite. Default value is null, in this case will be used common timeout for all browsers from system.mochaOpts.timeout.


Timeout for waitUntil which is used to all waitFor* commands. It is used in the search for elements and web page events. Default value is 3000 ms.

For example: browser.$('.element').click() will wait up to 3000ms for element to exist before clicking it by default


Interval for waitUntil which is used to all waitFor* commands. It is used in element finding and web page events. Default value is 500 ms.

For example: browser.$('.element').click() will check element existence every 500ms by default


Number of sessions which are run simultaneously. Global value for all browsers. Default value is 1.


Options for setting up taking a screenshot of a test fail. Can be an object with testFail and assertViewFail keys.

  • testFail (default: true) – takes a screenshot when an error occurs in the test, except assertView fail.
  • assertViewFail (default: true) – takes a screenshot if the test fails on the assetView command.


Mode for taking a screenshot on test fail. There are two available options:

  • fullpage – Testplane will take a screenshot of the entire page from top. Default value.
  • viewport – Testplane will take a screenshot of the current viewport.


Timeout for taking screenshot on test fail. Default value is 5000.


Maximum amount of tests (its) to run in each web driver session. After limit is reached, session will be closed and new one will be started. By default is Infinity (no limit, all tests will be run in the same session). Set to smaller number in case of problems with stability.


How many times a test should be retried if it fails. Global value for all browsers. Default value is 0.


Function that determines whether to make a retry. Must return boolean value. By default returns true if retry attempts are available otherwise returns false. Argument of this function is object with fields:

  • retriesLeft {Number} — number of available retries
  • ctx — in case of test TEST_FAIL it would be bound data, in case of ERROR it would be link to Runnable
  • [error] — error type (available only in case of ERROR)


Does this browser need to perform the calibration procedure. This procedure allows to correctly capture the image in case the particular WebDriver implementation captures browser UI along with web page. Default value is false.


Additional data that can be obtained via .getMeta() method


Browser window dimensions (i.e. 1600x1200). If not specified, the size of the window depends on WebDriver. Can be specified as string with pattern 800x1000 or object with width and height keys (both keys should be number). For example,

windowSize: '800x1000'


windowSize: {
  width: 800,
  height: 1000

are the same.

⚠️ You can't set specific resolutions for browser Opera or mobile platforms. They use only full-screen resolution.


Allows to specify a delay (in milliseconds) before making any screenshot. This is useful when the page has elements which are animated or if you do not want to screen a scrollbar. Default value is 0.


Browser orientation (landscape, portrait) that will be set before each test run. It is necessary in order to return the browser orientation to the default state after test execution in which orientation is changed. Default value is null.


Allows to wait until screen orientation is changed. Works inside webdriverio commands orientation and setOrientation. This option guarantee that screen rotated before the next command will start to execute. Default value is true.


Allows to configure whether to move mouse cursor to body coordinates (0, 0) before each test run. This can be useful to escape cases when a default position of a cursor affects your tests. We recommend to set this option truthy value for desktop browsers and falsey for mobile devices. Default value is true.


Indicates maximum allowed CIEDE2000 difference between colors. Used only in non-strict mode. By default it's 2.3 which should be enough for the most cases. Increasing global default is not recommended, prefer changing tolerance for particular suites or states instead.


Read more about this option in looks-same.


Extra options for comparing images. See looks-same documentation for the list of available options. Default values are:

compareOpts: {
    shouldCluster: false,
    clustersSize: 10,
    stopOnFirstFail: false


Extra options for building diff image. See looks-same documentation for the list of available options. Default values are:

buildDiffOpts: {
    ignoreAntialiasing: true,
    ignoreCaret: true


Default options used when calling assertView, can be overridden by assertView options. Default values are:

    ignoreElements: [],
    captureElementFromTop: true,
    allowViewportOverflow: false,
    disableAnimation: true,
    ignoreDiffPixelCount: 0,


Default options used when calling openAndWait, can be overriden by openAndWait options. Default values are:

    waitNetworkIdle: true,
    waitNetworkIdleTimeout: 500,
    failOnNetworkError: true,
    ignoreNetworkErrorsPatterns: []


Directory to save reference images for command assertView. Default dir is testplane/screens which is relative to process.cwd(). The value of this option can also be a function which accepts one argument - an instance of a test within which comand assertView is called:

    screenshotsDir: (test) => `tests/screenshots/${test.parent.title}`


Testplane will guarantee tests order in readTests results. false by default.


Allows testing of regions which bottom bounds are outside of a viewport height (default: true). In the resulting screenshot the area which fits the viewport bounds will be joined with the area which is outside of the viewport height.


Image capture mode. There are 3 allowed values for this option:

  • auto (default). Mode will be obtained automatically;
  • fullpage. Testplane will deal with screenshot of full page;
  • viewport. Only viewport area will be used.

By default, screenshotMode on android browsers is set to viewport to work around the chromium bug.


Allows to save history of all executed commands. 'all' by default.

Available options:

  • 'all' - history is enabled
  • 'none' - history is disabled
  • 'onlyFailed' - history is saved for failed tests only

Some plugins can rely on this history, for instance:

The history is available from such events: TEST_END, TEST_PASS, TEST_FAIL through payload:

// example of plugin code
module.exports = (testplane) => {
    testplane.on(, async (test) => {


Allows to use a custom http/https/http2 agent to make requests. Default value is null (it means that will be used default http-agent from got).


Allows to set custom headers to pass into every webdriver request. These headers aren't passed into browser request. Read more about this option in wdio. Default value is null.


Allows to intercept HTTP request options before a WebDriver request is made. Default value is null. If function is passed then it takes RequestOptions as the first argument and should return modified RequestOptions. Example:

(RequestOptions) => RequestOptions

In runtime a unique X-Request-ID header is generated for each browser request which consists of ${FIRST_X_REQ_ID}__${LAST_X_REQ_ID}, where:

  • FIRST_X_REQ_ID - unique uuid for each test (different for each retry), allows to find all requests related to a single test run;
  • LAST_X_REQ_ID - unique uuid for each browser request, allows to find one unique request in one test (together with FIRST_X_REQ_ID).

Header X-Request-ID can be useful if you manage the cloud with browsers yourself and collect logs with requests. Real-world example: 2f31ffb7-369d-41f4-bbb8-77744615d2eb__e8d011d8-bb76-42b9-b80e-02f03b8d6fe1.

To override generated X-Request-ID to your own value you need specify it in transformRequest handler. Example:

transformRequest: (req) => {
    req.headers["X-Request-ID"] = "my_x_req_id";

    return req;


Allows to intercept HTTP response object after a WebDriver response has arrived. Default value is null. If function is passed then it takes Response (original response object) as the first and RequestOptions as the second argument. Should return modified Response. Example:

(Response, RequestOptions) => Response


Whether it does require SSL certificate to be valid. Default value is null (it means that will be used default value from wdio).


Cloud service username. Default value is null.


Cloud service access key or secret key. Default value is null.


Ability to choose different datacenters for run in cloud service. Default value is null.


Ability to run headless browser in cloud service. Default value is null. Can be set as a Boolean (the default value of the browser will be used). For Chrome browsers starting from version 112 also can be specified as a string with "new"|"old" values - this will enable the new headless mode (see Chrome's blog post).


Ability to execute tests in isolated clean-state environment (incognito browser context). It means that testsPerSession can be set to Infinity in order to speed up tests execution and save browser resources. Currently works only in chrome@93 and higher. Default value is null, but true for chrome@93 and higher.


Ability to make browser passive. Tests are not run in passive browsers by default. Using makes it possible to run test or suite before which it is specified.

⚠️ When using this option, you need to get rid of the hermione-passive-browsers plugin, since they work together incorrectly.



Turn webdriver debug mode on. Default value is false.


Extra options for mocha which are passed to mocha.setup. See Mocha documentation for the list of options. Default values are:

mochaOpts: {
    slow: 10000, // If test execution time is greater than this value, then the test is slow.
    timeout: 60000 // timeout for test execution.


Options for expect-webdriverio that allow you to change default wait timeout and interval between attempts. Default values are:

expectOpts: {
    wait: 3000, // wait timeout for expectation to succeed
    interval: 100 // interval between attempts


A context which will be available in tests via method testplane.ctx:

ctx: {
    foo: 'bar'
it('awesome test', function() {
    console.log(testplane.ctx); // {foo: 'bar'}

Recommendation: use ctx in your tests in favor of global variables.


Session would be rejected if test has been faile with error message which matches to specified patterns:

patternsOnReject: [


Testplane runs all tests in subprocesses in order to decrease the main process CPU usage. This options defines the numbers of subprocesses to start for running tests. Default value is 1.


The maximum number of tests to be run in one worker before it will be restarted.


By default, Testplane will run all browsers simultaneously. Sometimes (i.e. when using cloud services, such as SauceLabs) you have to limit the amount of browsers that can be run at the same time. This option effectively limits how many browsers Testplane will try to run in parallel. Default value is Infinity.


Ability to set file extensions, which Testplane will search on the file system. Default value is [".js", ".mjs", ".ts", ".mts", ".jsx", ".tsx"].


Ability to specify in which environment the tests should be run. There are two available environments:

  • nodejs – Testplane will run tests in nodejs process. Default value.
  • browser – Testplane will run tests inside of the browser.

The browser environment has additional options:

  • viteConfig - ability to specify own Vite configuration. You can pass relative path to the config file as string, object with UserConfig type or function with (env: ConfigEnv) => UserConfig | Promise<UserConfig> type.
// .testplane.conf.ts
import viteConfig from './vite.config.ts';

export const {
    // ...
    system: {
        // ...
        // as relative path to the config file
        testRunEnv: ['browser', { viteConfig: './vite.config.ts' }],
        // or use object with UserConfig type
        testRunEnv: ['browser', { viteConfig }],
        // or use function
        testRunEnv: ['browser', {
            viteConfig: (configEnv) => ({
                // ...


Testplane plugins are commonly used to extend built-in functionality. For example, html-reporter and @testplane/safari-commands.

A plugin is a module that exports a single function. The function has two arguments:

  • The testplane instance
  • Plugin options from the configuration file

Plugins will be loaded before Testplane runs tests.

It's strongly recommended to name Testplane plugins with the testplane- prefix. This makes searching for user plugins very simple.

If a plugin name starts with testplane-, then the prefix can be ommited in the configuration file. If two modules with names testplane-some-module and some-module are specified, the module with the prefix will have higher priority.

For example:

// .testplane.conf.js
// ...
plugins: {
    'my-cool-plugin': {
        param: 'value'
// ...

// testplane-my-cool-plugin/index.js
module.exports = function(testplane, opts) {
    testplane.on(, function(runner) {
        return setUp(testplane.config, opts.param); // config can be mutated

    testplane.on(, function() {
        return tearDown();

Properties of the testplane object

Property name Description
config Config that is used in the test runner. Can be mutated.
events Events list for subscription.

For details on events field, refer to the Testplane Events page.

Parallel execution plugin code

Runner has a method registerWorkers which register plugin's code for parallel execution in Testplane's worker farm. The method accepts parameters workerFilepath (string, absolute path), exportedMethods (array of string) and return object which contains async functions with names from exportedMethods. File with path workerFilepath should export object which contains async functions with names from exportedMethods.


// plugin code
let workers;

module.exports = (testplane) => {
    testplane.on(, async (runner) => {
        const workerFilepath = require.resolve('./worker');
        const exportedMethods = ['foo'];
        workers = runner.registerWorkers(workerFilepath, exportedMethods);

        // outputs `FOO_RUNNER_START`

    testplane.on(, async () => {
        // outputs `FOO_RUNNER_END`

// worker.js
module.exports = {
    foo: async function(event) {
        return 'FOO_' + event;

List of useful plugins

There are several plugins that may be useful:


Prepare the browser session before tests are run. For example, add custom user commands.

prepareBrowser: function(browser) {
    browser.addCommand('commandName', require('./path/to/commands/commandName.js'));

The browser argument is a WebdriverIO session.


Configuration data can be changed depending on extra conditions in the prepareEnvironment function.


Launch dev server on testplane initialize (INIT event).

For example, this setup:

// .testplane.conf.js
const SERVER_PORT = 3000;
export default {
    devServer: {
        command: "npm run server:dev",
        env: {PORT: SERVER_PORT},
        readinessProbe: {
            url: `http://localhost:${SERVER_PORT}/health`
            timeouts: { // optional
                waitServerTimeout: 60_000 // default value

Will spawn child process "npm run server:dev", pass extra environment variable "PORT" with value "3000" and wait, until "http://localhost:3000/health" is ready to receive network requests and responds with 200-299 status code. If server is still not ready after 60 seconds, Testplane will fail.

Full list of parameters:

  • command (optional) String – command to launch dev server. If null or not defined, dev server is disabled
  • env (optional) Record<string, string> – extra environment variables to pass to child process, in addition to your process.env
  • args (optional) String[] – arguments to pass to child process
  • cwd (optional) String – current working directory of the child process. If not defined, testplane will try to find nearest "package.json", starting from the directory with testplane config
  • logs (optional) Boolean – if enabled, shows dev server logs in the console with prefix "[dev server]". Enabled by default
  • readinessProbe (optional) (devServer: ChildProcess) => Promise<void> | Object - if function, ready check is completed when function is resolved. Receives child process object. Object by default
    • url (optional) String – url to request ready check status. If not defined, ready check is disabled
    • isReady (optional) (fetchResponse => bool | Promise<bool>) – predicate to check if server is ready based on readinessProbe.url fetch response. Returns true if statusCode is 2xx by default
    • timeouts (optional) Object – server waiting timeouts
      • waitServerTimeout (optional) Number - timeout to wait for server to be ready (ms). 60_000 by default
      • probeRequestTimeout (optional) Number - one request timeout (ms), after which request will be aborted. 10_000 by default
      • probeRequestInterval (optional) Number - interval between ready probe requests (ms). 1_000 by default