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Data Backup

Gemnasium Enterprise will store its data in a persistent volume (cf. docker_image_volumes.).

It is YOUR responsibility to backup this volume. Gemnasium Enterprise has no capacities of backing up data.


Disk snapshots are probably the best option to backup your data. All the data stored in the persistent volume will saved at once, and can be restored at anytime.

If a restore is needed, remember to stop the container before restoring anything:

docker stop gemnasium

and remove it completely:

docker rm gemnasium

Once the data is restored, run again the image: run_docker_image

Using docker

As explained in the "Manage data in containers" docker page, docker may be used to create a tarball:

docker run --rm --volumes-from gemnasium -v $(pwd):/backup ubuntu tar cvf /backup/backup.tar /var/opt/gemnasium

It is highly recommanded to stop the container before doing this operation.

Restoring data with docker

With your backup in the local directly (pwd), untar your archive to restore the data in the gemnasium-data volume:

$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/backup -v gemnasium-data:/var/opt/gemnasium/ gemnasium/enterprise bash -c "cd /var/opt/gemnasium && tar xvf /backup/backup.tar --strip 1"

Once the data is restored, run again the image: run_docker_image