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File metadata and controls

136 lines (100 loc) · 5.54 KB


This is a Lootverse utility contract to classify Loot Bags, More Loot bags (AKA mLoot), and Genesis Loot bags (AKA Genesis Adventurers).

Hidden in the original Loot contract, the community has derived a rich set of on-chain canonical principles & statistics that give structure and ratings to Loot items and Loot bags.

Those statistics work for both items and bags and include:

This contract has a dependency on the LootClassification contract. To make an update to those functions make a PR on that project. The deployer of this contract is responsible for updating to the latest LootClassification contract.

Intended Use

This contract is deployed to ethereum mainnet with addresses tracked in the table below.

The intention is that other Lootverse contracts can directly reference the deployed version of this and interact with it's public interface.


To ensure that this contract can be upgraded, it is suggested that the address for LootStats is a settable variable. (Alternatively, if you hardcode this address in a contract, make sure that your contract can be easily upgraded). This will enable the developer to opt-in upgrade as this contract gets updated.

An example of this could be:

address public lootStatsAddress; //declare the contract

function setLootStatsAddress(address addr) external onlyOwner { //where OpenZeppelin Ownable is included
    lootStatsAddress = addr;


If new functionality is required,

  1. Make a PR to this repository.
  2. Deploy the contract to mainnet to work with your project.
  3. Make another PR to this repository with the deploy address added to the table below.

Authorised Updates

Updates to this contract can be discussed in this GitHub repo and/or in the Genesis Project discord

In future ownership of this repository and the latest deployed contract should be transferred to a Loot DAO.

How to Use

This contract will return 5 primary stats for both Bags and Items.

For Bags (Loot, mLoot and GAs)*:

  • getLevel()
  • getGreatness()
  • getRating()
  • getNumberOfItemsInClass()

*These functions can accept either a tokenId (both Loot and mLoot tokenIds ) or an array of Loot tokenIds (for Genesis Adventurers).

For Items:

  • getLevelByItem()
  • getGreatnessByItem()
  • getRatingByItem()
  • getClassByItem()

A typical use in your own lootverse Solidity contract might be:

// full interface for LootStats contract
// best practice is to only include the functions that will be called
interface ILootStats {
    enum Class
    enum Type
    function getLevel(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (uint256);
    function getLevel(uint256[8] memory tokenId) external view returns (uint256);
    function getGreatness(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (uint256);
    function getGreatness(uint256[8] memory tokenId) external view returns (uint256);
    function getRating(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (uint256);
    function getRating(uint256[8] memory tokenId) external view returns (uint256);
    function getNumberOfItemsInClass(Class classType, uint256 tokenId) public view returns (uint256);
    function getNumberOfItemsInClass(Class classType, uint256[8] memory tokenId) external view returns (uint256);
    function getGreatnessByItem(Type lootType, uint256 tokenId);
    function getLevelByItem(Type lootType, uint256 tokenId);
    function getRatingByItem(Type lootType, uint256 tokenId);
    function getClassByItem(Type lootType, uint256 tokenId);

// instantiate contract object
ILootStats stats = 

//for greatness, level, and rating for a loot or mloot bag
uint256 level = stats.getLevel(1234);
uint256 greatness = stats.getGreatness(1234);
uint256 rating = stats.getRating(1234);

//for greatness, level, and rating for a genesis adventurer bag.  if a genesis adventurer contains a "lost item" pass a tokenId of 0.
tokenIds = [980, 1631, 1381, 6322, 3555, 5448, 3390, 223];
uint256 level = stats.getLevel(tokenIds);
uint256 greatness = stats.getGreatness(tokenIds);
uint256 rating = stats.getRating(tokenIds);


To verify that LootStats is returning to the right results please refer to the test suite in: /test/LootStat.js.

To execute the test suite run: npx hardhat test

Deploy History

Project Commit Deployed address link
The Genesis Project v2 fcf8e160876ba9b416a4096e7f877908ad8e33a3 0x886944F49fa10448C573AbF3D5f85f4bd81a7730