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File metadata and controls

440 lines (348 loc) · 16.7 KB

GeneXus Word is an implementation of several functions for Server side generation of Microsoft docx documents.

This implementation is based on OpenXML.


Class Description
WordServerDocument The main class for creating Word documents
BasicStyle There are some basic style that can be configured by using this class
OutputCodes Output codes for methods in WordSeverDocument

WordServerDocument class

Create , Open , Close, Save

With the following functions you can create or open a word document. Remember to Close the document after your operations over the document are finished.

/// <summary>
/// Open the document specified in fileName
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Is the path and name of the document. If only the name is specified, the document will be created in 
/// the default directory (DataXXX model directory).</param>
/// <param name="message">additional information related with the output code</param>
/// <returns>
///     0   -  OK
///     6   -  Could not open file
///     10  -  Could not complete operation
/// </returns>
public int Open(string fileName, out string message)

/// <summary>
/// Create a word document
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Path to new document</param>
/// <param name="overwriteIfExists">when true the file is created even if the file already exists on disk, 
/// overwriting the existing content</param>
/// <param name="message">additional information related with the output code</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int Create(string fileName, bool overwriteIfExists, out string message)

/// <summary>
/// Save the current document state
/// </summary>
public void Save()

/// <summary>
/// Save the current document in other file, consider that previously to save to other document the current document is saved.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName"></param>
public void SaveAs(string fileName)

/// <summary>
/// Close the file
/// </summary>
public void Close()

Edition Methods

Several edition methods receive a List of style properties as parameter. The options to send in the list are:

  • bold
  • italic
  • caps
  • smallcaps
  • strike
  • doublestrike
  • outline
  • shadow
  • underline
  • fontsize: ie: fontsize:14
  • color: ie: color:red
  • fontfamily: ie: fontfamily:Arial
  • numbering
  • bullet
  • level: ie: level:2 ( level number start with 0 and is the default level number for numbering and bullets)
/// <summary>
/// Add an image to the document with the original image width and height
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePath"></param>
public void AddImage(string filePath)

/// <summary>
/// Add an image to the document with the given width and height
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePath"></param>
/// <param name="width"></param>
/// <param name="height"></param>
public void AddImage(string filePath, int width, int height)

/// <summary>
/// Add a Style to the document with the given name and style properties. After adding the style it can be referenced by using AddTextWithStyle
/// </summary>
/// <param name="styleId">The Style id</param>
/// <param name="styleName">The Style name</param>
/// <param name="properties">Properties</param>
public void AddStyle(string styleId, string styleName, List<string> properties)

/// <summary>
/// Add the given text with the given style
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">The text to add</param>
/// <param name="styleId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int AddTextWithStyle(string text, string styleId)

/// <summary>
/// Add a page break to the current document
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public int AddPageBreak()

/// <summary>
/// Add text with the given properties 
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">The text to be added</param>
/// <param name="properties">Properties to be set for the new paragraph</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int AddText(string text, List<string> properties)

/// <summary>
/// Add text with te given basic style
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text"></param>
/// <param name="style"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int AddText(string text, BasicStyle style)

/// <summary>
/// Add a ruled line with the specified length
/// </summary>
/// <param name="size"></param>
public void AddRuledLine(int size)

/// <summary>
/// Replace the <paramref name="searchText"/> with the <paramref name="replaceText"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="searchText">the text to search</param>
/// <param name="replaceText">the new value</param>
/// <param name="matchCase">if true only match cases ocurrences are taking into account</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int ReplaceText(string searchText, string replaceText, bool matchCase)

/// <summary>
/// Replace the <paramref name="searchText"/> with the <paramref name="replaceText"/> adding the style given in <paramref name="style"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="searchText"></param>
/// <param name="replaceText"></param>
/// <param name="matchCase"></param>
/// <param name="style"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int ReplaceTextWithStyle(string searchText, string replaceText, bool matchCase, BasicStyle style)

/// <summary>
/// Search for a given text  in <paramref name="searchText"/> and replace it with the <paramref name="replaceText"/> with the specified format in properties. Take into account tha this function
/// is not considering text that are splited in different Runs, so that if you have a document with mixed format for the same word this function is
/// not appropiated.
/// Tha algorithm for doing this well is complex and is implemented in the ReplaceText function but replacing the text without replacing the format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="searchText"></param>
/// <param name="replaceText"></param>
/// <param name="matchCase"></param>
/// <param name="properties"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int ReplaceTextWithStyle(string searchText, string replaceText, bool matchCase, List<string> properties)

/// <summary>
/// Replace a given text in <paramref name="searchText"/> by an image specified in <paramref name="imageFile"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="searchText"></param>
/// <param name="matchCase"></param>
/// <param name="imageFile"></param>
/// <param name="width"></param>
/// <param name="height"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int ReplaceTextWithImage(string searchText, bool matchCase, string imageFile, double width, double height)

 /// <summary>
/// Adds predefined shape <paramref name="shapeId"/> with a custom inner shape text <paramref name="shapeText"/>. Only rectangle is supported
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shapeId"></param>
/// <param name="shapeInnetText"></param>
/// <param name="width"></param>
/// <param name="height"></param>
/// <param name="posLeft">Left Position of the Shape (in cm)</param>
/// <param name="posTop">Top Position of the Shape (in cm)</param>
/// <param name="shapeProperties">Shape style properties</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int AddShapeWithText(string shapeId, string shapeText, double width, double height, double posLeft = 0, double posTop = 0, List<string> shapeProperties = null, List<string> textProperties = null)


        public void ReplaceAndAddWithStyle()
            using (WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument())
                File.Copy($"{s_BasePath}\\TemplateSample.docx", $"{s_BasePath}\\Sample.docx", true);
                Assert.AreEqual(doc.Open($"{s_BasePath}\\Sample.docx", out _), OutputCode.OK);

                Assert.AreEqual(doc.ReplaceTextWithStyle("REP01", "新潟県新潟市", true, new List<string>() { "color:blue", "italic" , "fontsize:24", "fontfamily:MS PMincho" }), 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(doc.ReplaceTextWithStyle("REP02", "中央区米山", true, new List<string>() {  "italic" , "bold" , "color:green", "fontfamily:MS PGothic"}), 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(doc.ReplaceTextWithStyle("REP03", "Remplazo con bold blue italic", true, new List<string>() { "italic", "bold" , "color:blue"}), 1);

                doc.AddText("製品企画室", new List<string>() { "fontsize:110" });
                doc.AddText("TEL:", new List<string>() { "italic" });
                doc.AddText("FAX:", new List<string>() { "fontsize:54", "color:pink" });


        public void ReplaceAndAddWithImage()
            using (WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument())
                File.Copy($"{s_BasePath}\\TemplateSample.docx", $"{s_BasePath}\\SampleImage.docx", true);

                Assert.AreEqual(doc.Open($"{s_BasePath}\\SampleImage.docx", out _), OutputCode.OK);

                Assert.AreEqual(doc.ReplaceTextWithStyle("REP01", "新潟県新潟市", true, new List<string>() { "color:blue", "italic", "fontsize:24", "fontfamily:MS PMincho" }), 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(doc.ReplaceTextWithStyle("REP02", "中央区米山", true, new List<string>() { "italic", "bold", "color:green", "fontfamily:MS PGothic" }), 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(doc.ReplaceTextWithImage("REP03", false, "d:\\temp\\dos.png", 50, 50), 1);

                doc.AddText("製品企画室", new List<string>() { "fontsize:110" });
                doc.AddText("TEL:", new List<string>() { "italic" });
                doc.AddText("FAX:", new List<string>() { "fontsize:54", "color:pink" });



        public void CreationTest()
            WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument();
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create($"{s_BasePath}\\test.docx", true, out _), OutputCode.OK);

        public void CreationTestWithoutOverwrite()
            WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument();
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create($"{s_BasePath}\\test.docx", false, out _), OutputCode.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS);

        public void CreationParagraphsWithProperties()
            WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument();
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create($"{s_BasePath}\\testFormats.docx", true, out _), OutputCode.OK);

            doc.AddText("Bold", new List<string>() { "bold" });
            doc.AddText("Italic", new List<string>() { "italic" });
            doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List<string>() { "fontsize:54" });
            doc.AddText("color red italic", new List<string>() { "color:red", "italic" });
            doc.AddText("This text without format", new List<string>() );

            doc.AddText("Bold", new List<string>() { "bold", "numbering" });
            doc.AddText("Italic", new List<string>() { "italic", "numbering" });
            doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List<string>() { "fontsize:54", "numbering" });
            doc.AddText("color red italic", new List<string>() { "color:red", "italic", "numbering" });
            doc.AddText("This text without format", new List<string>());

            doc.AddText("Bold", new List<string>() { "bold", "numbering", "level:0" });
            doc.AddText("Italic", new List<string>() { "italic", "numbering", "level:1" });
            doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List<string>() { "fontsize:54", "numbering", "level:1" });
            doc.AddText("color red italic", new List<string>() { "color:red", "italic", "numbering", "level:0" });
            doc.AddText("This text without format before page", new List<string>());


            doc.AddText("Bold", new List<string>() { "bold", "bullet" });
            doc.AddText("Italic", new List<string>() { "italic", "bullet" });
            doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List<string>() { "fontsize:54", "bullet" });
            doc.AddText("color red italic", new List<string>() { "color:red", "italic", "bullet" });
            doc.AddText("This text without format after page", new List<string>());

            doc.AddText("Bold", new List<string>() { "bold", "bullet", "level:0" });
            doc.AddText("Italic", new List<string>() { "italic", "bullet", "level:1" });
            doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List<string>() { "fontsize:54", "bullet",  "level:1" });
            doc.AddText("color red italic", new List<string>() { "color:red", "italic", "bullet",  "level:2" });
            doc.AddText("This text without format", new List<string>());

            doc.AddText("Bold", new List<string>() { "bold", "numbering" });
            doc.AddText("Italic", new List<string>() { "italic", "numbering" });
            doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List<string>() { "fontsize:54", "numbering" });
            doc.AddText("color red italic", new List<string>() { "color:red", "italic", "numbering" });
            doc.AddText("This text without format", new List<string>());
            doc.AddText("          d                                                ", new List<string>() { "underline"});


        public void CreationWithImage()
            WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument();
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create($"{s_BasePath}\\testImage.docx", true, out _), OutputCode.OK);

            doc.AddText("Bold", new List<string>() { "bold" });

              doc.AddImage($"{s_BasePath}\\uno.gif", 100, 100);
                doc.AddImage($"{s_BasePath}\\dos.png", 50, 50);
            doc.AddImage($"{s_BasePath}\\tres.jpeg", 20, 20);

        public void CreateRectangleShape()
            WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument();
            string filePath = $"{s_BasePath}\\rectangle-shape.docx";
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create($"{s_BasePath}\\rectangle-shape.docx", true, out _), OutputCode.OK);

            doc.AddShapeWithText("", "SQUARE", 3, 3, 0, 0, new List<string>() {
            , new List<string>() {

        public void CreateRectangleShapeWithSibilingText()
            WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument();
            string filePath = $"{s_BasePath}\\rectangle-shape-2.docx";
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create(filePath, true, out _), OutputCode.OK);

            doc.AddShapeWithText("", "TXT", 1.5, 1, -1, 0.15);
            doc.AddText("Item 1", new List<string>());

        public void CreateShapeWithTextAlignment()
            WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument();
            string filePath = $"{s_BasePath}\\rectangle-shape-text-alignment.docx";

            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create(filePath, true, out _), OutputCode.OK);

            doc.AddShapeWithText("", "TOP-RIGHT", 6, 6, 0, 0, new List<string>() {
                    "verticalalignment:" + VerticalAlignment.Top,
                    "horizontalalignment:" + HorizontalAlignment.Right
           , new List<string>() {

            doc.AddShapeWithText("", "BOTTOM-CENTER", 10, 5, 0, 6, new List<string>() {
                    "verticalalignment:" + VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
                    "horizontalalignment:" + HorizontalAlignment.Center
           , new List<string>() {

            doc.AddShapeWithText("", "Middle-Left", 10, 5, 0, 12, new List<string>() {
                    "verticalalignment:" + VerticalAlignment.Middle,
                    "horizontalalignment:" + HorizontalAlignment.Left
           , new List<string>() {
