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GeoAlchemy Tutorial

This is a short tutorial to illustrate the use of GeoAlchemy and to get you started quickly. In this tutorial we will create a simple model using three vector layers in PostGIS. The same tutorial will be applicable for MySQL. Minor changes are required for spatialite as the spatialite extension needs to be loaded. Spatialite specific details are given here.

Setting up PostGIS

This tutorial requires a working PostGIS installation. The PostGIS Documentation has extensive installation instructions. Create a spatially enabled database called gis as per instructions given in the PostGIS documentation. Also create a new user and grant it permissions on this database.

On Ubuntu the following steps have to executed to create the database.

sudo su postgres
createdb -E UNICODE gis
createlang plpgsql gis
psql -d gis -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.3-postgis/lwpostgis.sql
psql -d gis -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.3-postgis/spatial_ref_sys.sql

#Create a new user (if a user named 'gis' does not exist already)
createuser -P gis

#Grant permissions to user 'gis' on the new database
psql gis
grant all on database gis to "gis";
grant all on spatial_ref_sys to "gis";
grant all on geometry_columns to "gis";

Initializing SQLAlchemy

First of all we need some code to initialize sqlalchemy and to create an engine with a database specific dialect. We use the standard sqlalchemy dburi format to create the engine. For more details refer to the sqlalchemy documentation. We use this engine to create a session. A session could be either bound or unbound. In this example we will create a bound session.

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

engine = create_engine('postgresql://gis:password@localhost/gis', echo=True)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

Model Definition

Let us assume we have to model the following GIS layers in the database:

  • spots - represented as point geometry
  • roads - represented as line geometry, and
  • lakes - represented as polygon geometry

In SQLAlchemy, models can be defined either by declaring the model classes and database tables separately and then mapping the classes to the tables using mapper configuration, or they can be defined declaratively using the new declarative extension. In this example we use the SQLAlchemy declarative extension to define the model. Notes on how to use GeoAlchemy with a non-declarative mapping are stated in the Usage Notes. We also create a metadata object that holds the schema information of all database objects and will thus be useful for creating the objects in the database.

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from datetime import datetime
from geoalchemy import *

metadata = MetaData(engine)
Base = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)

class Spot(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'spots'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
    height = Column(Integer)
    created = Column(DateTime,
    geom = GeometryColumn(Point(2))

class Road(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'roads'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
    width = Column(Integer)
    created = Column(DateTime,
    geom = GeometryColumn(LineString(2))

class Lake(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'lakes'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
    depth = Column(Integer)
    created = Column(DateTime,
    geom = GeometryColumn(Polygon(2))


In the above model definition we have defined an id field for each class which is also the primary key in the database. We have defined a set of standard attributes using datatypes available under sqlalchemy.types. We have also created a geometry attribute for each class using GeometryColumn and Point, LineString and Polygon datatypes of GeoAlchemy. Here we pass the dimension parameter to GeometryColumn. We leave out the srid parameter which defaults to 4326. This means that our geometry values will be in Geographic Latitude and Longitude coordinate system.

Finally we have used GeometryDDL, a DDL Extension for geometry data types that support special DDLs required for creation of geometry fields in the database.

The above declaration is completely database independent, it could also be used for MySQL or Spatialite. Queries written with GeoAlchemy are generic too. GeoAlchemy translates these generic expressions into the function names that are known by the database, that is currently in use. If you want to use a database specific function on a geometry column, like AsKML in PostGIS, you will have to set a comparator when defining your mapping. For the above example the mapping for Spot then would look like this:

from geoalchemy.postgis import PGComparator

class Spot(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'spots'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
    height = Column(Integer)
    created = Column(DateTime,
    geom = GeometryColumn(Point(2), comparator=PGComparator)

# [..]

Now you can also use PostGIS specific functions on geometry columns.

>>> s = session.query(Spot).filter(Spot.geom.kml == '<Point><coordinates>-81.4,38.08</coordinates></Point>').first()
>>> session.scalar(s.geom.wkt)
'POINT(-81.4 38.08)'

Note that you do not have to set a comparator, when you want to execute a database specific function on a geometry attribute of an object (s.geom.kml) or when you are directly using a function (pg_functions.kml('POINT(..)')). You only have to set a comparator, when you are using a function on a geometry column (Spot.geom.kml).

The following comparators and database specific function declarations are available:

  • PostGIS: geoalchemy.postgis.PGComparator and geoalchemy.postgis.pg_functions
  • MySQL: geoalchemy.mysql.MySQLComparator and geoalchemy.mysql.mysql_functions
  • Spatialite: geoalchemy.spatialite.SQLiteComparator and geoalchemy.spatialite.sqlite_functions
  • Oracle: and

Creating Database Tables

Now we use the metadata object to create our tables. On subsequent use we will also first drop the tables so that the database is emptied before creating tables.

metadata.drop_all()   # comment this on first occassion

Adding GIS Features

Adding GIS features is now as simple as instantiating the model classes and adding them to the SQLAlchemy session object that we created earlier. GeoAlchemy enables creation of spatial attributes specified using the Well Known Text (WKT) format using GeoAlchemy WKTSpatialElement class.

wkt_spot1 = "POINT(-81.40 38.08)"
spot1 = Spot(name="Gas Station", height=240.8, geom=WKTSpatialElement(wkt_spot1))
wkt_spot2 = "POINT(-81.42 37.65)"
spot2 = Spot(name="Restaurant", height=233.6, geom=WKTSpatialElement(wkt_spot2))

wkt_road1 = "LINESTRING(-80.3 38.2, -81.03 38.04, -81.2 37.89)"
road1 = Road(name="Peter St", width=6.0, geom=WKTSpatialElement(wkt_road1))
wkt_road2 = "LINESTRING(-79.8 38.5, -80.03 38.2, -80.2 37.89)"
road2 = Road(name="George Ave", width=8.0, geom=WKTSpatialElement(wkt_road2))

wkt_lake1 = "POLYGON((-81.3 37.2, -80.63 38.04, -80.02 37.49, -81.3 37.2))"
lake1 = Lake(name="Lake Juliet", depth=36.0, geom=WKTSpatialElement(wkt_lake1))
wkt_lake2 = "POLYGON((-79.8 38.5, -80.03 38.2, -80.02 37.89, -79.92 37.75, -79.8 38.5))"
lake2 = Lake(name="Lake Blue", depth=58.0, geom=WKTSpatialElement(wkt_lake2))

session.add_all([spot1, spot2, road1, road2, lake1, lake2])

If you want to insert a geometry that has a different spatial reference system than your geometry column, a transformation is added automatically.

geom_spot3 = WKTSpatialElement('POINT(30250865 -610981)', 2249)
spot3 = Spot(name="Park", height=53.2, geom=geom_spot3)

Scripts for creating sample gis objects as shown above are available in the examples directory. You could run those scripts to create the database tables and the gis objects. Running them with -i option to the interpreter will drop you at the interactive interpreter prompt. You can then follow the rest of the tutorial on the interpreter.

$ python -i examples/

Performing Spatial Queries

The GeoAlchemy project intends to cover most of the spatial operations and spatial relations supported by the underlying spatial database. Some of these are shown below and the rest are documented in the reference docs.

Functions to obtain geometry value in different formats

>>> s = session.query(Spot).get(1)
>>> session.scalar(s.geom.wkt)
'POINT(-81.42 37.65)'
>>> session.scalar(s.geom.gml)
'<gml:Point srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:coordinates>-81.42,37.65</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>'
>>> session.scalar(s.geom.kml)
>>> import binascii
>>> binascii.hexlify(session.scalar(s.geom.wkb))

Note that for all commands above a new query had to be made to the database. By default GeoAlchemy uses Well-Known-Binary (WKB) internally to fetch the geometry, that belongs to an object of a mapped class. All the time an object is queried, the geometry for this object is loaded in WKB.

You can also access this internal WKB geometry directly and use it for example to create a Shapely geometry. In this case, no new query has to be made to the database.

>>> binascii.hexlify(s.geom.geom_wkb)

Alternatively, passing the argument wkt_internal=True in the Geometry definition will cause GeoAlchemy to use Well-Known-Text (WKT) internally. This allows the use of coords, geom_type and geom_wkt commands (examples in section below) without additional queries to the database. (This feature currently only works with the PostGIS dialect)

Functions to obtain the geometry type, coordinates, etc

>>> s = session.query(Spot).filter(Spot.height > 240).first()
>>> session.scalar(s.geom.geometry_type)
>>> session.scalar(s.geom.x)
>>> session.scalar(s.geom.y)
>>> s.geom.coords(session)
[-81.420000000000002, 37.649999999999999]
>>> s.geom.geom_type(session)

Spatial operations that return new geometries

>>> r = session.query(Road).first()
>>> l = session.query(Lake).first()
>>> buffer_geom = DBSpatialElement(session.scalar(r.geom.buffer(10.0)))
>>> session.scalar(buffer_geom.wkt)
'POLYGON((-77.4495270615657 28.6622373442108,-77.9569183543725 28.4304851371862,-79.8646930595254 27.9795532202266, ........ ,28.6622373442108))'
>>> envelope_geom = DBSpatialElement(session.scalar(r.geom.envelope))
>>> session.scalar(envelope_geom.wkt)
'POLYGON((-81.2000045776367 37.8899993896484,-81.2000045776367 38.2000007629395,-80.2999954223633 38.2000007629395,-80.2999954223633 37.8899993896484,-81.2000045776367 37.8899993896484))'
>>> cv_geom = DBSpatialElement(session.scalar(r.geom.convex_hull))
>>> session.scalar(cv_geom.wkt)
'POLYGON((-81.2 37.89,-81.03 38.04,-80.3 38.2,-81.2 37.89))'

GeoAlchemy also provides aggregate functions, namely union, collect, and extent. Note that the latter is a bit different, because it does not return a geometry but a BOX string. See the examples below:

>>> e = session.query(functions.extent(Lake.lake_geom)).filter(Lake.lake_geom != None).scalar()
'BOX(-89.1329617834395 42.565127388535,-88.0846337579618 43.243949044586)'
>>> u = session.query(functions.geometry_type(functions.union(Lake.lake_geom))).filter(Lake.lake_geom != None).scalar()
>>> c = session.query(functions.geometry_type(functions.collect(Lake.lake_geom))).filter(Lake.lake_geom != None).scalar()


In this example the filter is needed because of a limitation in GeoAlchemy. Without the filter no the SQL query doesn't include a FROM clause.

Spatial relations for filtering features

>>> r = session.query(Road).first()
>>> l = session.query(Lake).first()

>>> session.query(Road).filter(Road.geom.intersects(r.geom)).count()
>>> session.query(Lake).filter(Lake.geom.touches(r.geom)).count()
>>> session.query(Spot).filter(Spot.geom.covered_by(l.geom)).count()
>>> session.scalar(r.geom.touches(l.geom))
>>> box = 'POLYGON((-82 38, -80 38, -80 39, -82 39, -82 38))'
>>> session.query(Spot).filter(Spot.geom.within(box)).count()

Using the generic functions from geoalchemy.functions or the database specific functions from geoalchemy.postgis.pg_functions, geoalchemy.mysql.mysql_functions and geoalchemy.spatialite.sqlite_functions, more complex queries can be made.

>>> from geoalchemy.functions import functions
>>> session.query(Spot).filter(Spot.geom.within(functions.buffer(functions.centroid(box), 10, 2))).count()
>>> from geoalchemy.postgis import pg_functions
>>> point = 'POINT(-82 38)'
>>> session.scalar(pg_functions.gml(functions.transform(point, 2249)))
'<gml:Point srsName="EPSG:2249"><gml:coordinates>-2369733.76351267,1553066.7062767</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>'

Spatial queries with python comparison operators

>>> s = session.query(Spot).first()
>>> session.query(Spot).filter(Spot.geom == s.geom).count()
>>> session.query(Spot).filter(Spot.geom != s.geom).count()
>>> session.query(Spot).filter(Spot.geom == None).count()
>>> session.query(Spot).filter(Spot.geom != None).count()

The equal (==) and not equal (!=) python operators construct queries with ST_Equals() and NOT ST_Equals() PostGIS (or dialect equivalent) functions respectively. In addition, utilising the operators in comparison with None will be replaced with IS NULL and IS NOT NULL respectively.