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File metadata and controls

335 lines (255 loc) · 14.8 KB


:file:`HISTORY.rc` is the file that configures GCHP's output. It has the following format

EXPID:  OutputDir/GCHP
EXPDSC: GEOS-Chem_devel
CoresPerNode: 30



EXPID:This is the file prefix for all collections. OutputDir/GCHP means that collections will be to a direcotry named :file:`OutputDir/`, and the file names will start with GCHP.
CoresPerNode:The number of cores per node for your GCHP simulation.
EXPDSC:Leave this as it is.
VERSION:Leave this as it is.

The format and description of :ref:`\<DEFINE GRID LABELS\> <defining-grid-labels>`, :ref:`\<DEFINE ACTIVE COLLECTIONS\> <defining-active-collections>`, and and :ref:`\<DEFINE COLLECTIONS\> <defining-collections>` sections are given below.

Defining Grid Labels

You can specify custom grids for your output. For example, a regional 0.05°x0.05° grid covering North America. This way your collections are regridded online. There are two advantages to doing this:

  1. It eliminates the need to regrid your simulation data in a post-processing step.
  2. It saves disk space if you are interested in regional output.

Beware that outputting data on a different grid assumes the data is independent of horizontal cell size. The regridding routines are area-conserving and thus regridded values will only make sense for data that is area-independent. Examples of data units that are area-independent are mixing ratios (e.g. kg/kg or mol/mol) and emissions rates per area (e.g. kg/m2/s). Examples of data units that are NOT area-independent are kg/s and m2, or any other unit that implicitly is per grid cell area. This sort of unit is most common in the meteorology diagnostics, such as Met_AREAM2 and Met_AD. The values of these arrays will be incorrect in non-native grid output.

You can define as many grids as you want. A collection can define grid_label to select a custom grid. If a collection does not define grid_label the simulation's grid is assumed.

Below is the format for the <DEFINE GRID LABELS> section in :file:`HISTORY.rc`.

GRID_LABELS:   MY_FIRST_GRID       # My custom grid for C96 output
               MY_SECOND_GRID      # My custom grid for global 0.5x0.625 output
               MY_THIRD_GRID       # My custom grid for regional 0.05x0.05 output
   MY_FIRST_GRID.GRID_TYPE:   Cubed-Sphere
   MY_FIRST_GRID.JM_WORLD:    576      # 576=6x96

   MY_SECOND_GRID.POLE:       PC       # pole-centered
   MY_SECOND_GRID.DATELINE:   DC       # dateline-centered

   MY_THIRD_GRID.LON_RANGE:    0 80    # regional boundaries


GRID_TYPE:The type of grid. Valid options are Cubed-Sphere or LatLon.
IM_WORLD:The number of grid boxes in the i-dimension. For a LatLon grid this is the number of longitude grid-boxes. For a Cubed-Sphere grid this is the cubed-sphere size (e.g., 48 for C48).
JM_WORLD:The number of grid boxes in the j-dimension. For a LatLon grid this is the number of latitude grid-boxes. For a Cubed-Sphere grid this is six times the cubed-sphere size (e.g., 288 for C48).
POLE:Required if the grid type is LatLon. POLE defines the latitude coordinates of the grid. For global lat-lon grids the valid options are PC (pole-centered) or PE (polar-edge). Here, "center" or "edge" refers to whether the grid has boxes that are centered on the poles, or whether the grid has boxes with edges at the poles. For regional grids POLE should be set to XY and the grid will have boxes with edges at the regional boundaries.
DATELINE:Required if the grid type is LatLon. DATELINE defines the longitude coordinates of the grid. For global lat-lon grids the valid options are DC (dateline-centered), DE (dateline-edge), GC (grenwich-centered), or GE (grenwich-edge). If DC or DE, then the longitude coordinates will span (-180°, 180°). If GC or GE, then the longitude coordinates will span (0°, 360°). Similar to POLE, "center" or "edge" refer to whether the grid has boxes that are centered at -180° or 0°, or whether the grid has boxes with edges at -180° or 0°. For regional grids DATELINE should be set to XY and the grid will have boxes with edges at the regional boundaries.
LON_RANGE:Required for regional LatLon grids. LON_RANGE defines the longitude bounds of the regional grid.
LAT_RANGE:Required for regional LatLon grids. LAT_RANGE defines the latitude bounds of the regional grid.

Defining Active Collections

Collections are activated by defining them in the COLLECTIONS list. For instructions on defining collections, see :ref:`defining-collections`.

Below is the format for the <DEFINE ACTIVE COLLECTIONS> section of :file:`HISTORY.rc`.

COLLECTIONS:   'MyCollection1',

This example activates collections named "MyCollection1" and "MyCollection2".

Defining Collections

A collection is

MyCollection1.template:    '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
MyCollection1.format:      'CFIO',
MyCollection1.frequency:   010000
MyCollection1.duration:    240000
MyCollection1.mode:        'time-averaged'
MyCollection1.fields:      'SpeciesConc_O3  ',  'GCHPchem',
                           'SpeciesConc_NO  ',  'GCHPchem',
                           'SpeciesConc_NO2 ',  'GCHPchem',
                           'Met_BXHEIGHT    ',  'GCHPchem',
                           'Met_AIRDEN      ',  'GCHPchem',
                           'Met_AD          ',  'GCHPchem',

Output file configuration


This is the file name suffix for the collection. The path to the collection's files is obtained by concatenating EXPID with the collection name and the value of template.


Defines the file format of the collection. Valid values are 'CFIO' for CF compliant NetCDF (recommended), or 'flat' for GrADS style flat files.


Defines the frequency at which files are generated. The format is HHMMSS. For example, 1680000 means that a file is generated every 168 hours (7 days).


[optional] Set to 1 for monthly output. One file per month is generated. If mode is time-averaged, the variables in the collection are 1-month time averages.

duration and frequency are not required if monthly: 1.


[optional] Only used if mode is 'time-averaged'. If .true. the file is timestamped according to the start of the accumulation interval (which depends on frequency, ref_date, and ref_time). If .false. the file is timestamped according to the middle of the accumulation interval. If timeStampStart is not set then the default value is false.

Sampling configuration


Defines the sampling method. Valid values are 'time-averaged' or 'instantaneous'.


Defines the time frequency of collection's data. Said another way, this defines the time separation (time step) of the time coordinate for the collection. The format is HHMMSS. For example, 010000 means that the collection's time coordinate will have a 1-hour time step. If frequency is less than duration multiple time steps are written to each file.


[optional] Only valid if mode is 'time-averaged'. This specifies the length of the time average. By default it is equal to frequency.


[optional] The reference date from which the frequency is based. The format is YYYYMMDD. For example, a frequency of 1680000 (7 days) with a reference date of 20210101 means that the time coordinate will be weeks since 2021-01-01. The default value is the simulation's start date.


[optional] The reference time from which the frequency is based. The format is HHMMSS. The default value is 000000. See ref_date.


Defines the list of fields that this collection should use. The format (per-field) is 'FieldName', 'GridCompName',. For example, 'SpeciesConc_O3', 'GCHPchem', specifies that this collection should include the SpeciesConc_O3 field from the GCHPchem gridded component.

Fields from multiple gridded components can be included in the same collection. However, a collection must not mix fields that are defined at the center of vertical levels and the edges of vertical levels (e.g., Met_PMID and Met_PEDGE cannot be included in the same collection).

Variables can be renamed in the output by adding 'your_custom_name', at the end. For example, 'SpeciesConc_O3', 'GCHPchem', 'ozone_concentration', would rename the SpeciesConc_O3 field to "ozone_concentration" in the output file.

Output grid configuration

grid_label:[optional] Defines the grid that this collection should be output on. The lable must match on of the grid labels defined in :ref:`\<DEFINE GRID LABELS\> <defining-grid-labels>`. If grid_label isn't set then the collection uses the simulation's horizontal grid.
conservative:[optional] Defines whether or not regridding to the output grid should use ESMF's first-order conservative method. Valid values are 0 or 1. It is recommended you set this to 1 if you are using grid_label. The default value is 0.
levels:[optional] Defines the model levels that this collection should use (i.e., a subset of the simulation levels). The format is a space-separated list of values. The lowest layer is 1 and the highest layer is 72. For example, 1 2 5 would select the first, second, and fifth level of the simulation.
track_file:[optional] Defines the path to a 1D track file along which the collection is sampled. See :ref:`output-along-a-track` for more info.
recycle_track:[optional] Only valid if a track_file is defined. Specifies that the track file should be reused every day. If .true. the dates in the track file are automatically forced to the simulation's current date. The default value is false.

Other configuration

end_date:[optional] A date at which the collection is deactivated (turned off). By default there is no end date.
end_time:[optional] Time at which the collection is deactivated (turned off) on the end_date.

Example :file:`HISTORY.rc` configuration

Below is an example :file:`HISTORY.rc` that configures two output collection

  1. 30-min instantaneous concentrations of O3, NO, NO2, and some meteorological parameters for the lowest 10 model levels on a 0.1°x0.1° covering the US. Each file contains one day of data.
  2. 24-hour time averages of O3, NO, and NO2 concentrations, NO emissions, and some meteorological parameters. The horizontal grid is the simulation's grid. All vertical levels are use. Each file contains one week worth of data, and files are generated relative to 2017-01-01.
EXPID:  OutputDir/GCHP
EXPDSC: GEOS-Chem_devel
CoresPerNode: 6

GRID_LABELS: RegionalGrid_US
   RegionalGrid_US.GRID_TYPE: LatLon
   RegionalGrid_US.IM_WORLD:   640
   RegionalGrid_US.JM_WORLD:   290
   RegionalGrid_US.POLE:        XY
   RegionalGrid_US.DATELINE:    XY
   RegionalGrid_US.LON_RANGE: -127 -63
   RegionalGrid_US.LAT_RANGE:   23  52

COLLECTIONS: 'Inst30minGases',
Inst30minGases.template:    '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
Inst30minGases.format:      'CFIO',
Inst30minGases.frequency:   003000
Inst30minGases.duration:    240000
Inst30minGases.mode:        'instantaneous'
Inst30minGases.grid_label:  RegionalGrid_US
Inst30minGases.levels:      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Inst30minGases.fields:     'SpeciesConc_O3  ',  'GCHPchem',
                           'SpeciesConc_NO  ',  'GCHPchem',
                           'SpeciesConc_NO2 ',  'GCHPchem',
                           'Met_BXHEIGHT    ',  'GCHPchem',
                           'Met_AIRDEN      ',  'GCHPchem',
                           'Met_AD          ',  'GCHPchem',
                           'Met_PS1WET      ',  'GCHPchem',
DailyAvgGasesAndNOEmissions.template:     '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
DailyAvgGasesAndNOEmissions.format:       'CFIO',
DailyAvgGasesAndNOEmissions.ref_date:     20170101
DailyAvgGasesAndNOEmissions.frequency:    240000
DailyAvgGasesAndNOEmissions.duration:    1680000
DailyAvgGasesAndNOEmissions.mode:         'time-averaged'
DailyAvgGasesAndNOEmissions.fields:       'SpeciesConc_O3  ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'SpeciesConc_NO  ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'SpeciesConc_NO2 ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'EmisNO_Total    ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'EmisNO_Aircraft ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'EmisNO_Anthro   ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'EmisNO_BioBurn  ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'EmisNO_Lightning',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'EmisNO_Ship     ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'EmisNO_Soil     ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'EmisNO2_Anthro  ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'EmisNO2_Ship    ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'EmisO3_Ship     ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'Met_BXHEIGHT    ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'Met_AIRDEN      ',  'GCHPchem',
                                          'Met_AD          ',  'GCHPchem',