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List of public AWS resources for GEOS-Chem

Currently all resources are in us-east-1 (N. Virginia).

Latest resources:

Resource ID/name Size Content
Standard tutorial AMI
ami-0413eb49d1666c8f4 200 GB
  1. Ubuntu 18.04
  2. gfortran 7.3.0, netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4
  3. Geoscientific Python environment
  4. Pre-compiled GC-classic and 12.3.2
  5. Minimum GEOS-Chem input data
Container tutorial AMI
ami-040f96ea8f5a0973e 200 GB
  1. Amazon Linux 2 AMI
  2. Docker 18.06.1-ce, Singularity 3.0.1, CharlieCloud 0.9.7
  3. Minimum GEOS-Chem input data
S3 bucket for
all GC data
s3://gcgrid (requester-pay) ~30 TB All current GEOS-Chem input data

Old resources (for record):

Resource ID/name Size Content
Old tutorial AMI
ami-0ee8892ae47c31be1 200 GB
  1. Ubuntu 18.04
  2. gfortran 7.3.0, netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4
  3. Geoscientific Python environment
  4. Pre-compiled GC-classic 12.2.0
  5. Minimum GEOS-Chem input data