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File metadata and controls

336 lines (218 loc) · 11 KB

Setup steps


These instructions are only valid if you've installed GeoNode following the guide at setup_configure_httpd !!

If you are working remotely, you should first connect to the machine that has your GeoNode installation. You will need to perform the following steps in a directory where you intend to keep your newly created project.

$ sudo su
$ cd /home/geonode
$ apt-get install python-django
$ django-admin startproject geonode_custom --template= -epy,rst
$ chown -Rf geonode: geonode_custom
$ exit
$ sudo pip install -e geonode_custom


You should NOT use the name geonode for your project as it will conflict with your default geonode package name.

These commands create a new template based on the geonode example project.

Make sure that the directories are reachable and have the correct rights for the users geonode and www-data:

$ sudo chown -Rf geonode: *
$ sudo chmod -Rf 775 geonode_custom

If you have a brand new installation of GeoNode, rename the /home/geonode/geonode/ to and edit it's content by setting the SITEURL and SITENAME. This file will be your main settings file for your project. It inherits all the settings from the original one plus you can override the ones that you need.


You can also decide to copy the /home/geonode/geonode/ to /path/to/geonode_custom/geonode_custom/ in order to keep all the custom settings confined into the new project.


In order for the edits to the file to take effect, you have to restart apache.

Edit the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/geonode.conf and change the following directive from:

WSGIScriptAlias / /home/geonode/geonode/wsgi/geonode.wsgi


WSGIScriptAlias / /home/geonode/geonode_custom/geonode_custom/
$ sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/geonode.conf

  WSGIScriptAlias / /home/geonode/geonode_custom/geonode_custom/


  <Directory "/home/geonode/geonode_custom/geonode_custom/">


Edit the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/geonode.conf and modify the DocumentRoot as follows:


It's a good practice to make copies and backups of the configuration files before modifying or updating them in order to revert the configuration at the previous state if something goes wrong.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName http://localhost
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    DocumentRoot /home/geonode/geonode_custom/geonode_custom

    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
    LogLevel warn
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined

    WSGIProcessGroup geonode
    WSGIPassAuthorization On
    WSGIScriptAlias / /home/geonode/geonode_custom/geonode_custom/

    <Directory "/home/geonode/geonode_custom/geonode_custom/">
             Order deny,allow
             Allow from all
             Require all granted

        Order allow,deny
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        Allow from all
        IndexOptions FancyIndexing


Then regenerate the static JavaScript and CSS files from /path/to/geonode_custom/ and restart apache

$ cd /home/geonode/geonode_custom
$ python collectstatic
$ python syncdb
$ /home/geonode/geonode
$ sudo pip install -e .
$ sudo service apache2 restart

Customize the Look & Feel

Now you can edit the templates in geonode_custom/templates, the css and images to match your needs like shown in customize.theme_admin!


After going through the theming guide you'll have to return to this site to execute one more command in order to finish the theming!

When you've done the changes, run the following command in the geonode_custom folder:

$ cd /home/geonode/geonode_custom
$ python collectstatic

And now you should see all the changes you've made to your GeoNode.

Source code revision control

It is recommended that you immediately put your new project under source code revision control. The GeoNode development team uses Git and GitHub and recommends that you do the same. If you do not already have a GitHub account, you can easily set one up. A full review of Git and distributed source code revision control systems is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but you may find the Git Book useful if you are not already familiar with these concepts.

  1. Create a new repository in GitHub. You should use the GitHub user interface to create a new repository for your new project.

    Creating a new GitHub Repository From GitHub's HomepageCreating a new GitHub Repository From GitHub's Homepage Specifying new GitHub Repository ParametersSpecifying new GitHub Repository Parameters Your new Empty GitHub RepositoryYour new Empty GitHub Repository
  2. Initialize your own repository in the geonode_custom folder:

    $ sudo git init
  3. Add the remote repository reference to your local git configuration:

    $ sudo git remote add origin <https url of your custom repo>
  4. Add your project files to the repository:

    $ sudo git add .
  5. Commit your changes:

    # Those two command must be issued ONLY once

    $ sudo git config --global "" $ sudo git config --global "GeoNode Training"

    $ sudo git commit -am "Initial commit"

  6. Push to the remote repository:

    $ sudo git push origin master

Further Reading

  • If you want more information on how to GitHub works and how to contribute to GeoNode project, go to the section "contributing_to_geonode"
  • If you want to customize the Logo and Style of geonode_custom, go to the section "theme_admin"

Here below you can find some more details about the custom project structure and info on some of the most important Python files you may want to edit.

The following section is mostly oriented to advanced users and developers.

Project structure

Your GeoNode project will now be structured as depicted below:

|-- README.rst
|-- geonode_custom
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- static
|   |   |-- README
|   |   |-- css
|   |   |   |-- site_base.css
|   |   |-- img
|   |   |   |-- README
|   |   |-- js
|   |       |-- README
|   |-- templates
|   |   |-- site_base.html
|   |   |-- site_index.html
|   |--
|   |--

You can also view your project on GitHub.

Viewing your project on GitHubViewing your project on GitHub

Each of the key files in your project are described below. is the main entry point for managing your project during development. It allows running all the management commands from each app in your project. When run with no arguments, it will list all of the management commands. is the primary settings file for your project. It imports the settings from the system geonode and adds the local paths. It is quite common to put all sensible defaults here and keep deployment specific configuration in the file. All of the possible settings values and their meanings are detailed in the Django documentation.

A common paradigm for handing 'local settings' (and in other areas where some python module may not be available) is:


from local_settings import *



This is not required and there are many other solutions to handling varying deployment configuration requirements. is where your application specific URL routes go. Additionally, any overrides can be placed here, too.

This is a generated file to make deploying your project to a WSGI server easier. Unless there is very specific configuration you need, can be left alone.

There are several packaging options in python but a common approach is to place your project metadata (version, author, etc.) and dependencies in

This is a large topic and not necessary to understand while getting started with GeoNode development but will be important for larger projects and to make development easier for other developers.



The static directory will contain your fixed resources: css, html, images, etc. Everything in this directory will be copied to the final media directory (along with the static resources from other apps in your project).


All of your projects templates go in the templates directory. While no organization is required for your project specific templates, when overriding or replacing a template from another app, the path must be the same as the template to be replaced.

Staying in sync with mainline GeoNode


These instructions are only valid if you've installed GeoNode using apt-get !!

One of the primary reasons to set up your own GeoNode project using this method is so that you can stay in sync with the mainline GeoNode as the core development team makes new releases. Your own project should not be adversely affected by these changes, but you will receive bug fixes and other improvements by staying in sync.

Upgrade GeoNode:

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install geonode

Verify that your new project works with the upgraded GeoNode:

$ python runserver

Navigate to http://localhost:8000.


These instructions are only valid if you've installed GeoNode following the guide at setup_configure_httpd !!

Upgrading from source code repo:

Upgrade GeoNode:

$ cd /home/geonode/geonode
$ git pull origin master

Verify that your new project works with the upgraded GeoNode:

$ python runserver

Navigate to http://localhost:8000.