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Backup & Restore GeoNode - Data Migration

The admin command to backup and restore GeoNode, allows to extract consistently the GeoNode and GeoServer data models in a serializable meta-format which is being interpreted later by the restore procedure in order to exactly rebuild the whole structure, accordingly to the current instance version (which may also be different from the starting one).

In particular the tool helps developers and amdins to correctly extract and serialize the following resources are on the storage and deserialize on the target GeoNode/GeoServer instance:

  • GeoNode (Resource Base Model):

    1. Layers (both raster and vectors)
    2. Maps
    3. Documents
    4. People with Credentials
    5. Permissions
    6. Associated Styles
    7. Static data and templates
  • GeoServer (Catalog):

    1. OWS Services configuration and limits
    2. Security model along with auth filters configuration, users and credentials
    3. Workspaces
    4. Stores (both DataStores and CoverageStores)
    5. Layers
    6. Styles

The tool exposes two GeoNode Management Commands, 'backup' and 'restore'.

The commands allow to:

  1. Fully backup GeoNode data and fixtures on a zip archive
  2. Fully backup GeoServer configuration (physical datasets - tables, shapefiles, geotiffs)
  3. Fully restore GeoNode and GeoServer fixtures and catalog from the zip archive
  4. Migrate fixtures from old GeoNode models to the new one

The usage of those commands is quite easy and straight. It is possible to run the backup and restore commands from the GeoNode Admin panel also.

The first step is to ensure that everything is correctly configured and the requisites respected in order to successfully perform a backup and restore of GeoNode.


It is worth notice that this functionality requires the latest GeoServer Extension (2.9.x or greater) for GeoNode in order to correctly work.


GeoServer full documentation is also available here GeoServer Docs

Requisites and Setup

Before running a GeoNode backup / restore, it is necessary to ensure everything is correctly configured and setup.


Accordingly to the admin needs, the file settings.ini must be tuned up a bit before running a backup / restore.

It can be found at geonode/base/management/commands/settings.ini and by default it contains the following properties:

pgdump = pg_dump
pgrestore = pg_restore

datadir = /opt/gs_data_dir
dumpvectordata = yes
dumprasterdata = yes

#NOTE: Order is important
apps   = people,account,avatar.avatar,base.backup,base.license,base.topiccategory,base.region,base.resourcebase,base.contactrole,,base.restrictioncodetype,base.spatialrepresentationtype,guardian.userobjectpermission,guardian.groupobjectpermission,layers.uploadsession,,layers.layer,layers.attribute,layers.layerfile,,maps.maplayer,maps.mapsnapshot,documents.document,taggit

dumps  = people,accounts,avatars,backups,licenses,topiccategories,regions,resourcebases,contactroles,links,restrictioncodetypes,spatialrepresentationtypes,useropermissions,groupopermissions,uploadsessions,styles,layers,attributes,layerfiles,maps,maplayers,mapsnapshots,documents,tags

# Migrate from GN 2.0 to GN 2.4
#migrations = base.resourcebase,layers.layer,layers.attribute,,maps.maplayer
#manglers   = gn20_to_24.ResourceBaseMangler,gn20_to_24.LayerMangler,gn20_to_24.LayerAttributesMangler,gn20_to_24.MapMangler,gn20_to_24.MapLayersMangler

# Migrate from GN 2.4 to GN 2.4
migrations = base.resourcebase,layers.layer,layers.attribute,,maps.maplayer
manglers   = gn24_to_24.ResourceBaseMangler,gn24_to_24.LayerMangler,gn24_to_24.LayerAttributesMangler,gn24_to_24.DefaultMangler,gn24_to_24.MapLayersMangler

The settings.ini has few different sections that must carefully checked before running a backup / restore command.

Settings: [database] Section

pgdump = pg_dump
pgrestore = pg_restore

This section si quite simple. It contains only two (2) properties:

  • pgdump; the path of the pg_dump local command.
  • pgrestore; the path of the pg_restore local command.


Those properties are ignored in case GeoNode is not configured to use a DataBase as backend (see and sections)


Database connection settings (both for GeoNode and GeoServer) will be taken from and configuration files. Be sure they are correctly configured (on the target GeoNode instance too) and the DataBase server is accessible while executing a backup / restore command.

Settings: [geoserver] Section

datadir = /opt/gs_data_dir
dumpvectordata = yes
dumprasterdata = yes

This section allows to enable / disable a full data backup / restore of GeoServer.

  • datadir; the full path of GeoServer Data Dir, by default /opt/gs_data_dir. The path must be accessible and fully writable by the geonode and / or httpd server users when executing a backup / restore command.
  • dumpvectordata; a boolean allowing to disable dump of vectorial data from GeoServer (shapefiles or DB tables). If false (or no) vectorial data won't be stored / re-stored.
  • dumprasterdata; a boolean allowing to disable dump of raster data from GeoServer (geotiffs). If false (or no) raster data won't be stored / re-stored.


Enabling those options requires that the GeoServer Data Dir is accessible and fully writable by the geonode and / or httpd server users when executing a backup / restore command.

Settings: [fixtures] Section

#NOTE: Order is important
apps   = people,account,avatar.avatar,base.backup,base.license,base.topiccategory,base.region,base.resourcebase,base.contactrole,,base.restrictioncodetype,base.spatialrepresentationtype,guardian.userobjectpermission,guardian.groupobjectpermission,layers.uploadsession,,layers.layer,layers.attribute,layers.layerfile,,maps.maplayer,maps.mapsnapshot,documents.document,taggit

dumps  = people,accounts,avatars,backups,licenses,topiccategories,regions,resourcebases,contactroles,links,restrictioncodetypes,spatialrepresentationtypes,useropermissions,groupopermissions,uploadsessions,styles,layers,attributes,layerfiles,maps,maplayers,mapsnapshots,documents,tags

# Migrate from GN 2.0 to GN 2.4
#migrations = base.resourcebase,layers.layer,layers.attribute,,maps.maplayer
#manglers   = gn20_to_24.ResourceBaseMangler,gn20_to_24.LayerMangler,gn20_to_24.LayerAttributesMangler,gn20_to_24.MapMangler,gn20_to_24.MapLayersMangler

# Migrate from GN 2.4 to GN 2.4
migrations = base.resourcebase,layers.layer,layers.attribute,,maps.maplayer
manglers   = gn24_to_24.ResourceBaseMangler,gn24_to_24.LayerMangler,gn24_to_24.LayerAttributesMangler,gn24_to_24.DefaultMangler,gn24_to_24.MapLayersMangler

This section is the most complex one. Usually you don't need to modify it. Only an expert user who knows Python and GeoNode model structure should modify this section.

What its properties mean:

  • apps; this is an ordered list of GeoNode Object Models (or DJango apps). The backup / restore procedure will dump / restore the fixtures in a portable format.
  • dumps; this is the list of files associated to the DJango apps. The order must be the same of the property above. Each name represents the file name where to dump / read the single app fixture.
  • migrations; some fixtures must be enriched or updated before restored on the target model. This section allows to associate specific manglers to the fixtures. Manglers are simple Python classes which simply converts some attributes to other formats.
  • manglers; the Python mangler class to execute accorndingly to the fixture indicated by the migrations property. Manglers classes must be located into he geonode/base/management/commands/lib` folder.


Manglers must be used when migrating from a GeoNode version to another one, i.e. where the original model differs from the target one. With the default distribution are provided manglers to convert from GeoNode 2.0 to GeoNode 2.4. Other versions may require other manglers or updates to the default ones.

Mangler Example

As specified on the section above, manglers are Python classes allowing developers to enrich / modify a fixture in order to fit the target GeoNode model.

The structure of a mangler is quite simple. Lets examine the ResourceBaseMangler of the gn_20_to_24 library, a mangler used to convert a GeoNode 2.0 Resource Base to a GeoNode 2.4 one.

class ResourceBaseMangler(DefaultMangler):

    def default(self, obj):
        # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

    def decode(self, json_string):
        json_string is basicly string that you give to json.loads method
        default_obj = super(ResourceBaseMangler, self).decode(json_string)

        # manipulate your object any way you want
        # ....
        upload_sessions = []
        for obj in default_obj:
            obj['pk'] = obj['pk'] + self.basepk

            obj['fields']['featured'] = False
            obj['fields']['rating'] = 0
            obj['fields']['popular_count'] = 0
            obj['fields']['share_count'] = 0
            obj['fields']['is_published'] = True
            obj['fields']['thumbnail_url'] = ''

            if 'distribution_url' in obj['fields']:
                if not obj['fields']['distribution_url'] is None and 'layers' in obj['fields']['distribution_url']:

                    obj['fields']['polymorphic_ctype'] = ["layers", "layer"]

                        p = '(?P<protocol>http.*://)?(?P<host>[^:/ ]+).?(?P<port>[0-9]*)(?P<details_url>.*)'
                        m =, obj['fields']['distribution_url'])
                        if 'http' in'protocol'):
                            obj['fields']['detail_url'] = self.siteurl +'details_url')
                            obj['fields']['detail_url'] = self.siteurl + obj['fields']['distribution_url']
                        obj['fields']['detail_url'] = obj['fields']['distribution_url']

                    obj['fields']['polymorphic_ctype'] = ["maps", "map"]

                obj['fields'].pop("distribution_description", None)

                obj['fields'].pop("distribution_url", None)

                obj['fields'].pop("thumbnail", None)

            upload_sessions.append(self.add_upload_session(obj['pk'], obj['fields']['owner']))


        return default_obj

    def add_upload_session(self, pk, owner):
        obj = dict()

        obj['pk'] = pk
        obj['model'] = 'layers.uploadsession'

        obj['fields'] = dict()
        obj['fields']['user'] = owner
        obj['fields']['traceback'] = None
        obj['fields']['context'] = None
        obj['fields']['error'] = None
        obj['fields']['processed'] = True
        obj['fields']['date'] ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

        return obj
  1. It extends the DefaultMangler.

    The DefaultMangler is a basic class implementing a JSONDecoder

    class DefaultMangler(json.JSONDecoder):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self.basepk = kwargs.get('basepk', -1)
            self.owner = kwargs.get('owner', 'admin')
            self.datastore = kwargs.get('datastore', '')
            self.siteurl = kwargs.get('siteurl', '')
            super(DefaultMangler, self).__init__(*args)
        def default(self, obj):
            # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
        def decode(self, json_string):
            json_string is basicly string that you give to json.loads method
            default_obj = super(DefaultMangler, self).decode(json_string)
            # manipulate your object any way you want
            # ....
            return default_obj

    By default this mangler unmarshalls GeoNode Object Model from JSON and returns it to the management command.

    The GeoNode Object Model can be modified while decoding by extending the def decode(self, json_string) method.

    • json_string; actual parameter contains the JSON representation of the fixture.
    • default_obj; is the Python object decoded from the JSON representation of the fixture.
  2. It overrides the def decode(self, json_string) method.

    The decoded Python object can be enriched / modified before returing it to the management command.

From Command Line

The following sections shows instructions on how to perform backup / restore from the command line by using the Admin Management Commands.

In order to obtain a basic user guide for the management command from the command line, just run

python backup --help

python restore --help

--help will provide the list of available command line options with a brief description.

It is worth notice that both commands allows the following option

python backup --force / -f

python restore --force / -f

Which will instruct the management command to not ask for confirmation from the user. It enables bascially a non-interactive mode.


In order to perform a backup just run the command:

python backup --backup-dir=<target_bk_folder_path>

The management command will automatically generate a .zip archive file on the target folder in case of success.


In order to perform a restore just run the command:

python restore --backup-file=<target_restore_file_path>

Restore requires the path of one .zip archive containing the backup fixtures.


The Restore will overwrite the whole target GeoNode / GeoServer users, catalog and database, so be very carefull.

From GeoNode Admin GUI

  1. Login as admin and click on Admin menu option

  2. Look for Backups on Base section

  3. Add a new backup

  4. Insert a Name and a Description; also you must provide the Base folder where the backups will be stored


    the Base folder must be fully writable from both geonode and httpd server system users.

  5. Click on save and go back to the Backups list main section

  6. The new Backup is not ready until you perform the Run Backup action; in order to do that select the backup to run and from the Action menu select Run the Backup


    A Backup is not ready until the Location attribute is filled

  7. Click on Yes, I'msure on the next section in order to perform the Backup


    The server page will wait for the Backup to finish (or fail).

  8. The server page will wait for the Backup to finish (or fail); at the end of the Backup you will be redirected to the main list page.


    At a successfull run, the Location attribute is filled with the full path of the backup archive


    A Backup can always being updated later and / or executed again. The Location attribute will be updated accorndingly.

  9. Execute as many Backups as you want; they can all point to the same Base Folder, the new backups will generate new unique archive files any time.

  10. In order to Restore a zip archive, just select the instance to restore from the list and from the Action menu lunch the Run the Restore option.

  11. Click on Yes, I'msure on the next section in order to perform the Backup


    The server page will wait for the Backup to finish (or fail).


The following target GeoNode folders must be fully writable from both geonode and httpd server system users

  • geoserver_data_dir/data
  • geonode / settings.MEDIA_ROOT
  • geonode / settings.STATIC_ROOT
  • geonode / settings.STATICFILES_DIRS
  • geonode / settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS
  • geonode / settings.LOCALE_PATHS


The Restore will overwrite the whole target GeoNode / GeoServer users, catalog and database, so be very carefull.