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790 lines (672 loc) · 45.6 KB

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790 lines (672 loc) · 45.6 KB
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Kubernetes and Open Source in the cloud

KUBERNETES AND OPEN SOURCE IN THE CLOUD {bgcss=tw-colorful .light-on-dark}

Gerald Schmidt

THE COMPETITION {bg=#6a2469 .light-on-dark}


|[c]                                                           |
|                             Fleet                            |
|           Docker Swarm                                       |
|                                 OpenShift (1-2)              |
|                      Kubernetes                              |
|     Apache Mesos                                             |
|                             Elastic Container Service        |
|            Heroku                                            |
|                    Cloud Foundry                             |
|                                   Panamax                    |
|          Shipyard                                            |
|                                       Portainer              |
|                                                              |

[c]: {"a2s:type": "cloud", "a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#fff", "fillStyle": "solid"}

The 'orchestration wars' saw a large variety of proprietary and open source offerings.

Test note


|[c]                                                           |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                      Kubernetes                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |

[c]: {"a2s:type": "cloud", "a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#fff", "fillStyle": "solid"}

When the dust settled, only one of them was left standing.

MEANWHILE IN THE PUBLIC CLOUD {bg=#6a2469 .light-on-dark}


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        "values": [
            {"regions": 1, "date": "2006", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 1, "date": "2007", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 2, "date": "2008", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 3, "date": "2009", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 4, "date": "2010", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 8, "date": "2011", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 9, "date": "2012", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 10, "date": "2013", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 11, "date": "2014", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 11, "date": "2015", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 16, "date": "2016", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 16, "date": "2017", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 17, "date": "2018", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 20, "date": "2019", "symbol": "AMZN" },
            {"regions": 24, "date": "2020", "symbol": "AMZN" },
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            {"regions": 0, "date": "2007", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 0, "date": "2008", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 0, "date": "2009", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 0, "date": "2010", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 4, "date": "2011", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 6, "date": "2012", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 8, "date": "2013", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 10, "date": "2014", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 12, "date": "2015", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 14, "date": "2016", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 16, "date": "2017", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 18, "date": "2018", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 21, "date": "2019", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 24, "date": "2020", "symbol": "GOOG" },
            {"regions": 0, "date": "2006", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 0, "date": "2007", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 0, "date": "2008", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 0, "date": "2009", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 2, "date": "2010", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 8, "date": "2011", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 14, "date": "2012", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 20, "date": "2013", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 26, "date": "2014", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 32, "date": "2015", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 39, "date": "2016", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 46, "date": "2017", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 54, "date": "2018", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 58, "date": "2019", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 62, "date": "2020", "symbol": "MSFT" },
            {"regions": 0, "date": "2008", "symbol": "BABA" },
            {"regions": 3, "date": "2009", "symbol": "BABA" },
            {"regions": 3, "date": "2010", "symbol": "BABA" },
            {"regions": 3, "date": "2011", "symbol": "BABA" },
            {"regions": 3, "date": "2012", "symbol": "BABA" },
            {"regions": 3, "date": "2013", "symbol": "BABA" },
            {"regions": 4, "date": "2014", "symbol": "BABA" },
            {"regions": 5, "date": "2015", "symbol": "BABA" },
            {"regions": 9, "date": "2016", "symbol": "BABA" },
            {"regions": 12, "date": "2017", "symbol": "BABA" },
            {"regions": 20, "date": "2018", "symbol": "BABA" },
            {"regions": 21, "date": "2019", "symbol": "BABA" },
            {"regions": 22, "date": "2020", "symbol": "BABA" }
    "width": 600,
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          "domain": [ "AMZN", "GOOG", "MSFT", "BABA" ],
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Regions vary significantly in size. Some values have been interpolated.


Alexa for Business, Amazon AppFlow, Amazon Augmented AI, Amazon Braket, Amazon Chime, Amazon CodeGuru, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Connect, Amazon DocumentDB, Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Forecast, Amazon Fraud Detector, Amazon GameLift, Amazon Honeycode, Amazon Interactive Video Service, Amazon Kendra, Amazon Keyspaces, Amazon Lex, Amazon Macie, Amazon Managed Blockchain, Amazon MQ, Amazon Personalize, Amazon Polly, Amazon QLDB, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Rekognition, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Sumerian, Amazon Textract, Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Translate, API Gateway, Application Discovery Service, AppStream 2.0, Artifact, Athena, AWS Amplify, AWS App Mesh, AWS AppConfig, AWS AppSync, AWS Auto Scaling, AWS Backup, AWS Budgets, AWS Chatbot, AWS Cloud Map, AWS Compute Optimizer, AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Data Exchange, AWS DeepComposer, AWS DeepLens, AWS DeepRacer, AWS Firewall Manager, AWS Glue, AWS IQ, AWS Lake Formation, AWS License Manager, AWS Marketplace Subscriptions, AWS Migration Hub, AWS Organizations, AWS Outposts, AWS RoboMaker, AWS Single Sign-On, AWS Snow Family, AWS Transfer Family, AWS Well-Architected Tool, Batch, Certificate Manager, Cloud9, CloudFormation, CloudFront, CloudHSM, CloudSearch, CloudTrail, CloudWatch, CodeArtifact, CodeBuild, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline, CodeStar, Cognito, Config, Control Tower, Data Pipeline, Database Migration Service, DataSync, Detective, Device Farm, Direct Connect, Directory Service, DynamoDB, EC2, EC2 Image Builder, EFS, Elastic Beanstalk, Elastic Container Registry, Elastic Container Service, Elastic Kubernetes Service, Elastic Transcoder, ElastiCache, Elasticsearch Service, Elemental Appliances & Software, EMR, FreeRTOS, FSx, Global Accelerator, Ground Station, GuardDuty, IAM, Inspector, IoT 1-Click, IoT Analytics, IoT Core, IoT Device Defender, IoT Device Management, IoT Events, IoT Greengrass, IoT SiteWise, IoT Things Graph, Key Management Service, Kinesis, Kinesis Video Streams, Lambda, Launch Wizard, Lightsail, Managed Services, MediaConnect, MediaConvert, MediaLive, MediaPackage, MediaStore, MediaTailor, Mobile Hub, MSK, Neptune, OpsWorks, Personal Health Dashboard, Pinpoint, QuickSight, RDS, Resource Access Manager, Route 53, S3, S3 Glacier, Secrets Manager, Security Hub, Server Migration Service, Serverless Application Repository, Service Catalog, Simple Email Service, Simple Notification Service, Simple Queue Service, Step Functions, Storage Gateway, Support, SWF, Systems Manager, Trusted Advisor, VPC, WAF & Shield, WorkDocs, WorkLink, WorkMail, WorkSpaces, X-Ray
List of AWS services (July 2020).

THE HORCRUX PATTERN {bg=#6a2469 .light-on-dark}


|[t]                                                        |
| #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     
| |[p]                      |   |[b]                      | |    
| |                         |   |        IBM              | |    
| |      Microsoft          |   |        Red Hat          | |     
| |                         |   |        CoreOS           | |    
| |                         |   |                         | |    
| #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     
|                                                           |
|           #----------------------------------#            |
|           |[c]                               |            |
|           |                                  |            |
|           |              Google              |            |
|           |                                  |            |
|           |                                  |            |
|           #----------------------------------#            |
|                                                           |
| #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     
| |[d]                      |   |[e]                      | |    
| |                         |   |                         | |     
| |        VMware           |   |        Alibaba          | |      
| |                         |   |                         | |     
| |                         |   |                         | |     
| #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     
|                                                           |
|          Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)         |
|                                                           |
[c]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#fff", "fillStyle": "solid"}
[p]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[b]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#f99c41", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[d]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#27bdce", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[e]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#00aa5b", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[t]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "transparent", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}

PRECONDITIONS {bg=#97dce7}

|[w]                                                |
| open source                                       |
|                                                   |
|[w]                                                |
| neutral IP ownership                              |
|                                                   |
|[w]                                                |
| extensibility                                     |
|                                                   |

[w]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#fff", "fillStyle": "solid"}
[p]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[b]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#f99c41", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[d]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#27bdce", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[e]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#00aa5b", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}

PRECONDITIONS {bg=#97dce7}

|[p]                                                |
| open source - Apache                              |
|                                                   |
|[w]                                                |
| neutral IP ownership                              |
|                                                   |
|[w]                                                |
| extensibility                                     |
|                                                   |

[w]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#fff", "fillStyle": "solid"}
[p]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[b]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#f99c41", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[d]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#27bdce", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[e]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#00aa5b", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}

A suitably permissive license is a necessary but not sufficient precondition.

PRECONDITIONS {bg=#97dce7}

|[p]                                                |
| open source - Apache                              |
|                                                   |
|[b]                                                |
| neutral IP ownership - CNCF                       |
|                                                   |
|[w]                                                |
| extensibility                                     |
|                                                   |

|[q]                                                |
|                                                   |
|                                                   |
|                                                   |
| K8s would *not* be what it is today without       |
|                                                   |
| neutral IP ownership... K8s has spawned an entire |
|                                                   |
| ecosystem *because* it can be used by consuming   |
|                                                   |
| projects/products without fear.                   |
|                                                   |
|                             - Matt Klein          |
|                                                   |
|                                                   |
|                                                   |
|                                                   |
[q]: {"a2s:type": "quote-sw", "a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#f99c41", "fillStyle": "solid"}
[w]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#fff", "fillStyle": "solid"}
[p]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[b]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#f99c41", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[d]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#27bdce", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[e]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#00aa5b", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
Source: @mattklein123 on Twitter, 17 February 2020.

PRECONDITIONS {bg=#97dce7}

|[p]                                                |
| open source - Apache                              |
|                                                   |
|[b]                                                |
| neutral IP ownership - CNCF                       |
|                                                   |
|[d]                                                |
| extensibility - controllers and operators         |
|                                                   |

[w]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#fff", "fillStyle": "solid"}
[p]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[b]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#f99c41", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[d]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#27bdce", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[e]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#00aa5b", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}

Controllers add custom processing to the core reconciliation loop.

When paired with custom resource definitions, they are known as operators.

PIZZA EFFECTS {bg=#6a2469 .light-on-dark}

One of the marks of a successful open source project is a vibrant upstream. In the case of Kubernetes, even successful efforts to produce commercial distributions have not displaced upstream as the main point of reference for the platform.

IDENTITY {bg=#97dce7}

skinparam BoxPadding 10
skinparam defaultFontSize 18
Kubernetes->OpenShift : attribute-based access control (ABAC)
OpenShift->Kubernetes : roles and cluster-roles
Kubernetes->OpenShift : role-based access control (RBAC)
Since Red Hat embraced Kubernetes for OpenShift 3+, there have been numerous virtuous pizza effects, large and small. RBAC is an example that has worked particularly well.

DEPLOYMENTS {bg=#97dce7}

skinparam BoxPadding 10
skinparam defaultFontSize 18
Kubernetes->OpenShift : Pod and ReplicaSet objects
OpenShift->Kubernetes : DeploymentConfig objects
Kubernetes->OpenShift : Deployment objects

NETWORKING {bg=#97dce7}

skinparam BoxPadding 10
skinparam defaultFontSize 18
Kubernetes->OpenShift : flat network
OpenShift->Kubernetes : multitenant plugin
OpenShift->Kubernetes : prototype network policies
Kubernetes->OpenShift : network policies
Network policies have arguably been less successful. The question is whether network policies warrant the considerable amount of complexity when placed alongside Red Hat's original `ovs-multitenant` plugin.

STATE {bg=#97dce7}

skinparam BoxPadding 10
skinparam defaultFontSize 18
Kubernetes->"Red Hat OpenShift" : beware stateful applications
"Red Hat OpenShift"->Kubernetes : application templates (2015)
Kubernetes->"CoreOS Tectonic" : stateful applications still hard
"CoreOS Tectonic"->Kubernetes : etcd operator with third-party resources (2016)
Kubernetes->"CoreOS Tectonic" : Custom Resource Definitions
"CoreOS Tectonic"->Kubernetes : Operator Framework and SDK (2018)
"CoreOS Tectonic"->"Red Hat OpenShift" : merges with (2019)

THE OPERATOR LIFE {bg=#6a2469 .light-on-dark}

OPERATORS {bg=#fff44d}

#--------------------------#     #-------------------------#       
|[p]                       |     |[b]                      |      
|                          |     |                         |      
|                          |     |                         |      
|Custom Resource Definition+<-+->+        Controller       |       
|                          |  |  |                         |      
|  (e.g. "VaultService")   |  |  | (backup, upgrade, etc.) |      
|                          |  |  |                         |      
|                          |  |  |                         |      
#--------------------------#  |  #-------------------------#       
                 |[s]                       | 
                 |                          | 
                 |                          |  
                 |                          | 
                 |                          | 
                 |   Cluster state (etcd)   |  
                 |                          | 
                 |    PersistentVolumes     |  
                 |                          | 
                 |        ConfigMaps        |  
                 |                          | 
                 |          Secrets         |  

[p]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[b]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#f99c41", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[s]: {"a2s:type":"storage", "a2s:delref": true, "fillStyle": "solid", "fill": "#ffffff"}


|[q]                                                               |
|                                                                  |
|                                                                  |
|                                                                  |
|    Stateless is Easy, Stateful is Hard.                          |
|                                                                  |
|                                   - Brandon Philips (2016)       |
|                                                                  |
|                                                                  |
|                                                                  |

[q]: {"a2s:type": "quote-sw", "a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid"}


Vault operator

MySQL operator

PostgreSQL operator

SOUL-SEARCHING AT THE BAZAAR {bg=#6a2469 .light-on-dark}


     |[w]                                                        |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |      
     | |[p]                      |   |[b]                      | |    
     | |     Secrets Manager     |   |           RDS           | |     
     | |                         |   |                         | |    
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     
     |           #----------------------------------#            |
     |           |[w]                               |            |
     |           |              EKS                 |            |
     |           |                                  |            |
     |           #----------------------------------#            |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     
     | |[d]                      |   |[e]                      | |    
     | |      CodeDeploy         |   |             SQS         | |      
     | |                         |   |                         | |     
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     
     |                            AWS                            |     

[w]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#fff", "fillStyle": "solid"}
[p]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[b]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#f99c41", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[d]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#27bdce", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[e]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#00aa5b", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}

AWS perfected the use of proprietary services based on open source products, putting commercial vendors creating and supporting those products on notice.

In 2016 MongoDB Inc. responded with the Server Side Public License.

In a way AWS itself can be seen as "Linux as a service". RDS is a particularly egregious example. The risk to open source vendors like MongoDB, Redis Labs, and so on is real, no matter what the Software Engineering Daily says. You cannot out-innovate an unregulated monopoly on which you depend for oxygen.

As we are on the subject of splitting souls, this is as close as we have come to splitting the soul of open source.

A PORTABLE STACK {bg=#97dce7}

     |[w]                                                        |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |      
     | |[p]                      |   |[b]                      | |    
     | |     Vault operator      |   |   PostgreSQL operator   | |     
     | |                         |   |                         | |    
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     
     |                                                           |    
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     
     | |[d]                      |   |[e]                      | |    
     | |       Jenkins X         |   |     Kafka operator      | |      
     | |                         |   |                         | |     
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     
     |                Any managed Kubernetes service             |     

[w]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#fff", "fillStyle": "solid"}
[p]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[b]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#f99c41", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[d]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#27bdce", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[e]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#00aa5b", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}


|[q]                                                              |
|                                                                 |
|                                                                 |
|                                                                 |
|  Declarative configuration is about treating infrastructure as  |
|                                                                 |
|  data, which is more portable than code, and enables workflows  |
|                                                                 |
|  that manipulate desired state based on policy.                 |
|                                                                 |
|                                   - Kelsey Hightower (2019)     |
|                                                                 |
|                                                                 |
|                                                                 |

[q]: {"a2s:type": "quote-sw", "a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid"}

DESIRED STATE {bg=#97dce7}

     #-----------------------------------------------------------#                  -#         
     |[w]                                                        |                   |   
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |                   |   
     | |[p]                      |   |[b]                      | |                   #----------.
     | |     Secrets Manager     |   |           RDS           | |                   |          |
     | |                         |   |                         | |                   |          |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |                  -#          |
     |           #----------------------------------#            |              -#              |
     |           |[w]                               |            |               |        plan, |
     |           |              EKS                 |            | reconciliation|       apply, |
     |           |                                  |            |     loop      |   save state |
     |           #----------------------------------#            |              -#              |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |                  -#          |
     | |[d]                      |   |[e]                      | |                   |          |
     | |      CodeDeploy         |   |             SQS         | |                   |          |
     | |                         |   |                         | |                   #----------'
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |                   |   
     |                            AWS                            |                   |   
     #-----------------------------#-----------------------------#                  -#   
            Infrastructure as CODE | 
                                   v Infrastructure as DATA                          -#
     #-----------------------------#-----------------------------#                    #---------.
     |[w]                                                        |                   -#         |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |              -#              |
     | |[p]                      |   |[b]                      | |               |              |
     | |     Vault operator      |   |   PostgreSQL operator   | |               |              |
     | |                         |   |                         | |               |              |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |               |        plan, |
     |                                                           | reconciliation|       apply, |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     loop      |   save state |
     | |[d]                      |   |[e]                      | |               |              |
     | |       Jenkins X         |   |     Kafka operator      | |               |              |
     | |                         |   |                         | |               |              |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |              -#              |
     |                Any managed Kubernetes service             |                   -#         | 
     #-----------------------------------------------------------#                    #---------' 

[w]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#fff", "fillStyle": "solid"}
[p]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[b]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#f99c41", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[d]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#27bdce", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[e]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#00aa5b", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}

CONFIGURATION {bg=#97dce7}

     #-----------------------------------------------------------#                                    -#
     |[w]                                                        |                    -#               |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |                     |               |
     | |[p]                      |   |[b]                      | |                     |               |
     | |     Secrets Manager     |   |           RDS           | |                     |               |
     | |                         |   |                         | |                     |               |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     -#              |               |
     |           #----------------------------------#            |      |              |               |
     |           |[w]                               |            | RBAC |  IAM         |               |
     |           |              EKS                 |            | CNI  |  SGs & NACLs |  Terraform    |
     |           |                                  |            | CSI  |  S3/EBS/EFS  |  (1000+ lines)|
     |           #----------------------------------#            |      |              |               |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |     -#              |               |
     | |[d]                      |   |[e]                      | |                     |               |
     | |      CodeDeploy         |   |             SQS         | |                     |               |
     | |                         |   |                         | |                     |               |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |                     |               |
     |                            AWS                            |                    -#               |
     #-----------------------------#-----------------------------#                                    -#
            Infrastructure as CODE | 
                                   v Infrastructure as DATA
     #-----------------------------#-----------------------------#                    -#
     |[w]                                                        |     -#              |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |      |              |
     | |[p]                      |   |[b]                      | |      |              |
     | |     Vault operator      |   |   PostgreSQL operator   | |      |              |
     | |                         |   |                         | |      |              |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# | RBAC |              |
     |                                                           | CNI  |  Terraform   |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# | CSI  |  (100+ lines)|
     | |[d]                      |   |[e]                      | |      |              |
     | |       Jenkins X         |   |     Kafka operator      | |      |              |
     | |                         |   |                         | |      |              |
     | #-------------------------#   #-------------------------# |      |              |
     |                Any managed Kubernetes service             |     -#              |
     #-----------------------------------------------------------#                    -#

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[p]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[b]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#f99c41", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[d]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#27bdce", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
[e]: {"a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#00aa5b", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeStyle": "#000"}
This is the crux of the matter. So far from introducing additional complexity, the operator approach promises to reduce complexity dramatically.

This is arguably far more valuable than the reduction in cloud stickiness and lock-in, which is often the main or even sole argument put forward - after all, many companies are happy to commit to a single cloud vendor for now.


|[q]                                                                  |
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |
|  Can I trust custom resources to create and manage the lifecycle    |
|                                                                     |
|  of objects native to the platform?                                 |
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |

            |[a]                                                                  |
            |                                                                     |
            |                                                                     |
            |  Yes, this is something resources like PersistentVolumeClaim and    |
            |                                                                     |
            |  Service have done for a long time, dynamically creating storage    |
            |                                                                     |
            |  volumes and load balancers respectively.                           |
            |                                                                     |
            |                                                                     |
            |                                                                     |

[q]: {"a2s:type": "quote-sw", "a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid"}
[a]: {"a2s:type": "quote-se", "a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#6a2469", "fillStyle": "solid"}

SERVICE LEVEL {bg=#97dce7}

|[q]                                                                  |
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |
|  Can the PostgreSQL operator match the availability and durability  |
|                                                                     |
|  guarantees of RDS?                                                 |
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |

            |[a]                                                                  |
            |                                                                     |
            |                                                                     |
            |  Not today, no. It is worth considering, though, that:              |
            |                                                                     |
            |  * RDS and the operator use the same AWS storage primitives         |
            |                                                                     |
            |  * Until this improves, the operator could manage RDS on AWS        |
            |                                                                     |
            |                                                                     |
            |                                                                     |

[q]: {"a2s:type": "quote-sw", "a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#ef5ba1", "fillStyle": "solid"}
[a]: {"a2s:type": "quote-se", "a2s:delref": true, "fill": "#6a2469", "fillStyle": "solid"}


Remember these?

Alexa for Business, Amazon AppFlow, Amazon Augmented AI, Amazon Braket, Amazon Chime, Amazon CodeGuru, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Connect, Amazon DocumentDB, Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Forecast, Amazon Fraud Detector, Amazon GameLift, Amazon Honeycode, Amazon Interactive Video Service, Amazon Kendra, Amazon Keyspaces, Amazon Lex, Amazon Macie, Amazon Managed Blockchain, Amazon MQ, Amazon Personalize, Amazon Polly, Amazon QLDB, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Rekognition, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Sumerian, Amazon Textract, Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Translate, API Gateway, Application Discovery Service, AppStream 2.0, Artifact, Athena, AWS Amplify, AWS App Mesh, AWS AppConfig, AWS AppSync, AWS Auto Scaling, AWS Backup, AWS Budgets, AWS Chatbot, AWS Cloud Map, AWS Compute Optimizer, AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Data Exchange, AWS DeepComposer, AWS DeepLens, AWS DeepRacer, AWS Firewall Manager, AWS Glue, AWS IQ, AWS Lake Formation, AWS License Manager, AWS Marketplace Subscriptions, AWS Migration Hub, AWS Organizations, AWS Outposts, AWS RoboMaker, AWS Single Sign-On, AWS Snow Family, AWS Transfer Family, AWS Well-Architected Tool, Batch, Certificate Manager, Cloud9, CloudFormation, CloudFront, CloudHSM, CloudSearch, CloudTrail, CloudWatch, CodeArtifact, CodeBuild, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline, CodeStar, Cognito, Config, Control Tower, Data Pipeline, Database Migration Service, DataSync, Detective, Device Farm, Direct Connect, Directory Service, DynamoDB, EC2, EC2 Image Builder, EFS, Elastic Beanstalk, Elastic Container Registry, Elastic Container Service, Elastic Kubernetes Service, Elastic Transcoder, ElastiCache, Elasticsearch Service, Elemental Appliances & Software, EMR, FreeRTOS, FSx, Global Accelerator, Ground Station, GuardDuty, IAM, Inspector, IoT 1-Click, IoT Analytics, IoT Core, IoT Device Defender, IoT Device Management, IoT Events, IoT Greengrass, IoT SiteWise, IoT Things Graph, Key Management Service, Kinesis, Kinesis Video Streams, Lambda, Launch Wizard, Lightsail, Managed Services, MediaConnect, MediaConvert, MediaLive, MediaPackage, MediaStore, MediaTailor, Mobile Hub, MSK, Neptune, OpsWorks, Personal Health Dashboard, Pinpoint, QuickSight, RDS, Resource Access Manager, Route 53, S3, S3 Glacier, Secrets Manager, Security Hub, Server Migration Service, Serverless Application Repository, Service Catalog, Simple Email Service, Simple Notification Service, Simple Queue Service, Step Functions, Storage Gateway, Support, SWF, Systems Manager, Trusted Advisor, VPC, WAF & Shield, WorkDocs, WorkLink, WorkMail, WorkSpaces, X-Ray

Imagine not having to compete with this wall of products, offering a catalog of managed open source products with first-party support instead.

Doubling down on their managed Kubernetes offerings promises huge benefits for Amazon's competitors. The competitive edge of the full roster of proprietary services is at least blunted if there is a vibrant ecosystem of open source middleware known to run reliably on all public clouds.

THANK YOU {bgcss=tw-colorful .light-on-dark}

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