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83 lines (44 loc) · 1.74 KB

File metadata and controls

83 lines (44 loc) · 1.74 KB



Luci provides the following first-class types:

int - long integer

float - double-precision floating-point number

string - character arrays

list - lists of arbitrary Luci types

maps - hashtables with string keys and arbitrary values

file - OS-level files for reading/writing

function - both user-implemented or native functions

nil - singleton of no type

Builtin Functions

Luci also provides the following builtin functions:

print - prints string representations of objects to stdout

help - prints a help string for a given object

exit - abruptly exits Luci

input - reads a line from stdin

readline - reads a line from a file

typeof - returns the type of a given object

assert - asserts that an expression is true

copy - returns a deep copy of a given object

str - casts an object to a string

int - casts an object to an int

float - casts an object to a float

hex - returns a string of the hex representation of an int

fopen - opens a file

fclose - closes a file

fread - reads a file

fwrite - writes a string to a file

flines - reads the lines in a file as a list

range - generates a range of integers

sum - computes the sum of a list of numbers

len - computes the length of a list

max - computes the sum of a list of numbers

min - computes the sum of a list of numbers

contains - determines if the given container contains a given object

Builtin Values

As well as the following builtin values:

stdout - a Luci file corresponding to stdout

stderr - a Luci file corresponding to stderr

stdin - a Luci file corresponding to stdin

e - 2.718281828459045

pi - 3.141592653589793